I will always smile When my thoughts run to you Your soft touch Your honey filled smile Those handsome blue eyes Your gentle laugh Your hopeful eyes The way you protect me I'm glad our paths crossed You make my heart flutter You kiss me In a way I will always R E M E M B E R
remember this ad me when you feel down i will miss you most of all
i sit alone in a room full of people i observe the groups they laugh, they talk i sit silently trapped inside a cell i made myself inside my head i scream wanting to leave wanting someone to save me but lower i fall i can fake a smile fake a laugh but what no one sees is the girl inside but still i say i'm living i can say i'm fine but one day when im older i will defeat depression
when i get like this the way i am i dont wanna talk to people i wont respond to your texts or emails or your messages not because i dont wanna talk to you but because i dont wanna talk
tears ridden with salt fill our seas tears fallen from ***** chreaks filling our oceans my dad used to say as we sailed on the waves water water everywhere but not a drop to drink i finally see why i think
I wish I could I wish it was easier But letting go Of all the pieces you broke All the pieces I loved so much All the dreams I wanted If only I could Forget you And take back my light
You love to write He says in frustration You do it so much Just do it now Like I want to spill my feelings Like I want to let him in Like you deserve to see The words painted on my heart But you don't That's something you have to earn And you truly haven't tried
dont hurt me my heart is so fragile dont hurt me they say time is the only healer dont hurt me cause these scars still hurt so much dont hurt me cause i need to heal dont hurt me cause i cant make these memories disappear dont hurt me cause i need some love dont hurt me cause i'm so lonely dont hurt me please i thought you cared dont hurt me i guess you dont dont hurt me just my luck i got burned again dont hurt me this happens every time dont hurt me i wish i could find someone dont hurt me i loved you so
written in these walls are the stories that i cant replace hidden i these walls that i wish in could remake I promise every morning I will smile like this again But I've been so broken I don't even know where to begin Cause the pain they've caused Is sewn into my heart
i hate you so much but i love you with all my heart i never want to see you again but i cant wait to this weekend i don't want you near me but i love when you pull me close i keep my walls up high but you walk right by them i don't want to let you in but i can't stand to let you go
even though i know this isn't L O V E i'll be with u from dusk till dawn and when things go W R O N G \i'll be with u from dusk till dawn cause baby im already B R O K E N i'll be with u from dusk till dawn eve if you have never felt L O V E i'll be with u from dusk till dawn with you from dusk till dawn
you don't know me i am an ocean deep, vast mysterious in a world of people who think im a puddle like they can step on me and not realize im much deeper than they think they may know me but you will never understand me if you did you might drown
It’s okay to not be perfect I hear it almost daily It’s okay to breath But I carry this anxiety around with me Like a backpack It’s stuck to me it’s become a comfort Like a friend I can always relay on to be there And because of that somehow it’s grown comforting Because I can always count on my anxiety To be there for me
jack and jill went up a hill but jack went out on ***** and pills and jill she had to pick up his pieces his broken bottles his empty containers his lost sobriety and very soon after the brokenness became to much jill came tumbling after going out just like jack
will you be there when i say good night will you be there when i break down will you be there when im crying and my vision goes blurry when my love is over run by pain will you be there even when im not okay when my brain takes my smile with flashes with broken images will you be there to hold me when i need you most?
It was supposed to be a promise just like every other one of your words all the lies you spewed at me every song you whispered into my ear every dream I let you control now lost in shatters like ice breaking into a flowing river like the tears that won't stop constantly blurring my vision like I've even let u steal that and maybe I have because I let you steal everything with words like i love you
tears stinging my eyes your voice a shrill memory playing over and over like a skipping vinyl they way you seethed the spittle flying through your lips "don't scream at me" coming out at only a whisper as I'm drowned out by your breaking vocals "your not here" is all I can scream into the darkness but it never heard never true because when I leave this room I will still be haunted by your memory
i had a dream it was about you and me it was about our future about the places we are going i always thought i would never find my one but now that i have you i promise i wont ever let you go
we grew up on pretty thin white lines but now there breaking apart my life splitting what i need and want throwing me int this sea of sadness this sea of broken if only i knew how to slip through the lines cracks
isn't it lovely sitting here alone isn't it lovely listening to you yell isn't it lovely seeing you in pain isn't it lovely wasting my life away isn't it lovely crying every night isn't it lovely in this empty house that feels full isn't it lovely seeing happy faces around me isn't it lovely fakeing my joy isn't it lovely feeling my heart break isn't it lovely laughing through my pain
I only pray You keep your promise To never leave My broken soul I know its hard I know i'm not easy to love But say with me Until our pictures are old And there fraying at the edges After all that was your promise You swore you would stay with me Even when its hard Because the sadness from you Abandoning me is a sadness I could never recover from
my abandonment issues are so strong i only hope you hold me close
there are wounds that every person carries they form on our hearts they form on our minds they are so much deeper so much farther under the skin so much deeper than anyone can ever see I'm sorry I keep mine locked up but I've already lost my key
At first when we met I danced to my own beat To my own toon That whistled in my ears But then as we kept talking Kept growing closer You became the song That was evermore stuck Dancing on the walls Of my head
It's days like this When the sky is Grey And the droplets never cease Falling from the darkest clouds That I get caught in my head Realizing what I'm really missing I miss the comfort of being sad Because at least then I knew what to expect Even if it hurt At least I could control the outcome But I keep reminding myself Not to slip down that ***** Because then I would be gone entirely
the cold metal against my temple your warm hand across my mouth your soft voice dancing in my ear you spoke in soft caring tones but your words so cruel your hand guided me towards a car a man inside grabbed my waste forcing me down into the seat the belt across my waste by him my eyes brimming with tears so cold a large man's shoulder at my arm a soft sounding hum from you in the seat at the front
you made me miserable more than you ever made me happy but I still think you were worth it I still think we could have been forever if only I had been stronger and one day I may be but that won't be today I won't be tomorrow but one day I will find my happy
you need not look to far for if you have ever even the slightest question you needn't wait for an answer for all you shall ever need to do is glance to the vastness of the sky you need only glance the multitude of the stars to know the infinite depths of our love
i tried to do an old timey feeling love poem let me know what you think
love is a hurricane it begins as a light rainfall a soft heart beat a light footed dance and then the wind picks up and our desires grow and the dance becomes fast and the need to be in the others touch can leave you broken and shattered in its wake
I live behind a barbed-wire fence I watch the world move around me I watch the way everyone moves on But I stay here in my barbed wire fence Like the caged animal Caught by my fear to move forward Caught in my fear The feeling I will never be enough Keeping me its capture Even as the years pass us
wherever you may go wherever you may be I will stay with you through any tribulation through any fight ill wait for you ill stay up all night because even if we scream at each other fight like we don't want to be together feel like we're crashing I know we were meant to last I know that you are my last because my heart chases you and wherever you may go
lost broken hopeless strung out that's what you would say if you could see under the costume I'm forced to wear the mask I must wear so that you don't see what has gone wrong
the lights flicker on the lights flicker out i can still hear her voice bouncing off these empty walls can still see her shadows on the walls can still smell her
The lights flicker on The lights flicker out im almost forgetting the doctors words she cant be dead that cant be true He lied the doctor had to Shes going to see me soon walk through that door laughing
The lights flicker on The lights flicker out But she is dead i know she is Why would she do that Why would she drink Why would she drive Didn't she know how much that would hurt me She had to why couldn't she just called someone Why did she have to die I hate her for that
The lights flicker on The lights flicker out I don't even care honestly I have not showered for five days have not been able to leave my bed for 10 But i don't care abut her I don't need her And i'm fine I don't need anyone not even myself
The lights flicker on The lights flicker out Why couldnt have been me I would have rathered it be me Why couldn't i have ran in the car I would trade my life to go back To tell her not to go Its all my fault why didn't i warn her I could've please trade my life
The lights flicker on The lights flicker out Its been two months now I'm okay Shes gone i cant change that No one can change that Its not my fault I'm not mad I will find love again It still hurts when i think of her Still breaks me down But i'm okay But i'm moving forward because i have too
I no longer pray A whisper in the night A conversation alone with the moon A lunar mother I come begging for advice Like maybe she can give me answers Like somehow asking her would answer Why we dance in this eternal ball Why we must hurt if we have a savior
I no longer pray A shout so much frustration It sizzles off my tongue I can't help but feel hate For some one who watches And prays on our weak With promises of salvation That turn into money hunger
I no longer pray I'm tired on waiting for change Following books and rules When they can't even keep me safe When they can't even bring solice to my pain Why would I pray when nobody ever answers
Love isn't what we want Its never like we imagin Its not dancing the night away Or loving till you think you'll brake Its taking the pieces Of me Of you And putting them together In a new More perfect way Each person leaving you with a piece Each collecting good and bad And in this way Love is a puzzle
you fell in love with what i let you see but this has never been the real me i let you see my true heart and you stayed with me while i crept through the dark you held my hand as the sun shined and now its my turn to change your life and help you through your darkness
I don't want to die So glad I could never take it myself But why does it sound so peaceful six feet deep Surrounded by earth and worms My lungs collapsing as they eat My lips never parting for another breath Instead being parted by deep tree roots Stealing the life I never had They'd probably be more useful then I
here he stand a hopeless boy on this bridge with a lake bursting full of orange coy he looks up praying for a break my eyes met his the sorrow disappeared as his hands slipped as he fell back tears popped from my eyes i knew then he was gone splash as he hit the ground and all i could see was the bridge