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 Feb 2016 L
Sonja Benskin Mesher
i asked the bear,

do you know what imbolc


he stared at me with glassy eyes.

i told him. it is


 Dec 2015 L
Am I aloud?
 Dec 2015 L
Heaven, open the door

Heaven, open the door

Let me in!

I'm all yours

I'm all yours

Let me in!

I'm all yours

Wherever and now

Forever and now

I will soar

Forever and now

Let me in now

Forever I'm bound

To this Rock, now?
To this Earth, how?

I'm living so loud
Smoking so loud

Living so loud

Let me in

Because I'm dying right now

Whatever the case
Whatever the case

I've been so down
I've been so down

I've pulled myself up

I've pulled myself down

Whatever the case

I'm all yours
Let me in now

Open the door

Open the door

Heaven is the place

I want to soar

I want to soar

Let me in this place

I have never been here before

Been here before...

Right here

Before Heavens door.
 Dec 2015 L
Jonnelle Jackson
In the head of a beautiful eclectic creature,
Tainted thoughts and black spots,
Disconnected synapses and brain damage.

Honey dew on my fingertips,
Mystical shores of her mind,
Twisted vines with thornes and puddles of water sinking me into her wonders.

Eternal life,
Wandering eyes,
Excusing my hands because they just wanna touch,
They just wanna feel.
Living on the edge of her cliff waiting to jump into the warm liquid that is her.

Tasting like water in its purest form,
It's contagious,
She's contagious to me.
I'm sick but her poison is the only cure,
The only elixir that will make me feel sober when I'm lifted,
Touching the sky that's in her eyes,
Don't mind me I'm high.

Smoke and music that's nothing new.
My addictive behavior has me enticed,
My sense are heightened,
I'm elated,
I'm faded,
Fading in and out of reality.

Won't let me be but I can't leave her alone,
Her presence is my home.
That scent is refreshing,
Like freshly cut grass,
Beautiful as stained glass,
It's immaculate to me.

When I was introduced to her,
She changed who I am,
Took over my life,
She's my wife,
I put her first even when she's wrong and I'm right.

She takes my money and my time,
Ages better than wine.
Purity in its most innocent form,
Safety and comfort in her arms.
Now without further ado,
Let me introduce you to,
My everything,
My main thang,
Mary Jane.
 Nov 2015 L
Shiyahumi Chouske
What is it my love? You've been quiet.
solemnly nodding to the rhythms of silence.
Are you sick love? Or just adjusting to our lifestyle.
I feel so empty inside. All the appeal, the feeling. It's gone.
You can fill that void my love, like we used to. With knowledge.


You chose this love. You chose perfection over feeling.
You chose to get rid of all distractions.
You chose being god over man.
Get out of your old habits they won't bring you happiness anymore.

What am I? What are we?
Gods my love. Without conscience.
A human is defined by his ability to feel.
A god is defined by his power.
The more we know my love, the more power we have.
What is power?
Ability. Knowledge. Strength.
And when we learn by hurting people?
We don't need to feel a single hint of guilt.

What about her? My last love.
Your last outlet. The only thing keeping you alive.
Without her my love, you will disappear. Though I'll keep your heart preserved.
Why would you be so kind psychopath?
Only you can feel love and whats life without it?


You're a genius my love.
Why don't you want to **** everyone now? Your out.
Oh my love. When everything and everyone ceases making me feel.
Then I'll **** everyone and you won't be able to do a thing about it.
But till then, my love. Let us be as gods.
When it ends, when we have nothing to gain. You'll **** me too won't you.
If there is nothing, this world doesn't deserve you my love.
 Jul 2015 L
slowly moving always floating
riding slowing ever flowing
something lost
and something found
every broken piece of ground

lost and cracked and torn and dead
love and life and grace and bread
break me slowly over water
live in fear while taken for slaughter.
donnie darko inspired
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