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 Sep 2014 KB
mark john junor
me and scarlet came down the coast
she sat window seat
pressed to the glass watching the world flow
from rocket ships headed to the skies
and beach bunnies romping in sunshine
what a strange world this place is
filled with magics and mystic tides

a Spaniard stood here with his wooden ship
like he had just conquered a new world
but time left him just a set of footprints in the sand
and away to sea once more went he
falling off the edge of the world somewhere out there

scarlet and me stopped in small town
shared a plate and a cup
sitting at the feet of a stone saint
holding his own cup so we poured him some soda
and laughed as we ran in the rain
what a strangely wonderful place this florida
a moonlight dream paradise
the far shore we had always dreamed
 Sep 2014 KB
the cliff
 Sep 2014 KB
when i was 13,
"if your friends jumped
off a cliff would you?"
was an effortless,
because when i was 13
the cliff was a tall,
piece of land
with a neon sign that said
"impending doom"
lit up at the edge,
but now im 20
and the cliff
comes in glass bottles
and the cliff
comes in thick syringes
and the cliff
is drawn beneath
my skin
in india ink
and down below it,
i can see my home town
and i can hear the patient voices
of the kids i grew up with
that never got out,
shakily shouting
"come down here;
it's easier at the bottom"
and if im being honest
im stumbling toward it
with an alarming
lack of fear
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
you called them my demons,
yet they're the ones who stayed
soaked in my mistakes
wanting more, always wanting
more and more and more.

virtuosic apologies sent off like
love notes in shaking fingers
and blushed up cheeks
won't save this.

I'm road ****, lost will,
broken records, creaking floorboards
complete incompleteness,
shattered and broken and waiting.
I am the metaphors
that still *******
feel like broken glass.
 Sep 2014 KB
mark john junor
i was far from bright light bustle
far from humanity pressin in on me
florida's paradise night neath the summer moon
came to dreamin on a pretty girl from my long ago
came to dreamin on true beauty's name serenity

that long ago far far away
i was busted flat end of my rope
didn't see how i could go on
had fallen to the darkness consuming my sight
when she gave me the courage to breath again
with her kindest of words she saved me
carried me forward to hearts truth
she saved me

never could stand to see any hurt in her sweet eyes
never wanted to see her cry
call it it knowin true beauty's name
and the wild winds pick up a serenity dream
carry me forward to knowin hearts truth
that such special woman she is to me
argue no more the light and dark
she gave me the courage to see
she gave my life back to me
no matter the miles
no matter the years
i will always know true beauty's name
 Sep 2014 KB
demented mushroom
No one tries to save the monster from themselves
 Sep 2014 KB
la nuit
paper cuts
 Sep 2014 KB
la nuit
i push people
but the few friends i try
holding on to
tend to slip
from my grasp.
the sensation still
r u n n i n g
through my fingertips.

people like you
leave paper cuts.
the third poem in a collection that unravels into a story. read it on my wattpad, the link is in my bio if you're interested.
 Sep 2014 KB
Jeremy Bean
The only way
you could be seen
as a good person
is if
it was your perception alone
that changed the entire world.
 Sep 2014 KB
Jeremy Bean
 Sep 2014 KB
Jeremy Bean
You have turned me
So many times
that one day soon
it just may break
from over use
and the effect you desire
may no longer work
when you flip it
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