We are just going going going, turning the gears of society's machine.
I complain often,
They want
They take
They ****,
But, we are they.
Are the ones you and I so often
For killing
The spirit of our younger selves,
We are the ones thinking each other crazy
What for?
Doing doing doing what THEY want
Why are you for conforming
To such a cruel world?
Such as society goes.
They are infinite
They are insatiable.
We are they
It's so ******* stupid
Because they are hating and judging and
We promise we do neither.
(Come on, you'd never)
We are the society
We hate
And we refuse
To acknowledge it
It stirs our stomachs,
It makes us feel so bad.
Who cares though, right?
I mean, seven billion people
Can't go wrong.
It's not us against them.
We're them.
It's not me against you.
Because it's us against ourselves.
Them against themselves.
You against you and me
against me.
**** society.