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Kirsten May 2014
Love, if I cry it will not matter,
If I weep you will not suffer.
Honey, when you laugh; I do not care
and when you flinch, I do not move.

Death, Yes you! Take my husband well,
For he is none more than the word pitiful.
Unto thine I am a classic material-
Mearly here for thine image.

Unto thine woed, am I?
For I do not blink
and not do I smile;
I am far past filled by thine not feeling.

I am a cotton dropped on floor-
soaking in everything I touch,
Everything I breathe;
Whilst feeling any feeling at all.

I am a whiteboard marker pen, getting used up daily dry.
I am salt in the bath-
slowly disolving,gone.

I am the darkness in the night,
Giving way to another day.
Kirsten May 2014
The intolerable cold wind had sprung out,
obliterating anything on its passage.
The hours Spent outside felt more extenuated as you walked on.
It wouldnt be long until you'd feel your own audable behaviror freeez -
but vanish.
Kirsten May 2014
I was echilerated after comming across an iredessant sun
Twas shining on a perpendicular humanThat had been hung.
I was a very exotic environment,blood,guts,and beer all over the ***** bar.
The dead corps had a flamboyant ****** expression yet whilst hung -
Untouched ..Un-moving.
Kirsten May 2014
Ci lamour, tell ci lointin-
courageux soi l'homme qui ladmet
Care soigneusement , il controle son amour
sachent qun jour, -
Son amour revienderas.
Kirsten May 2014
Alas that unwanted love has gone!
Drowning in the sorrows past-
Curse the night, with its shining terror;
And haunt thy lovers new.
Avail me, pray me as none other woman.
Give me love as a farm girl does to her knight.
For there will me no fortress to smuggle your screams,
Nor will there be a hostess beneath your arm.
My beauty stands waylaid;
And my chest longing for your skin.
Come! Come! Now and again, until you grow old and I, tame.
Kirsten May 2014
I feel like I have already lived the life I have yet to live. I have loved more than I could ever love again - and hated more than humanly possible. Tis not the suffering of wishful thinking I knew not - but the wrong fortunes one equipped me with.
Kirsten May 2014
I am watching you,
every step, every breath, every word and touch.
yet still I keep a sense of  certitude -
that you may believe you have befriended me.

I am a television, a mirror, a frame in your home,
I am a friend you can trust.
I am a child playing swing,
I am the woman you sneak around with,
I am the unexpected friend you trust,

Yet I am the one who snitches on you when we part.
Trust me, you'll think we’ve never met.
Yet when we do, oh man , you’ll know it.
For in the oddest of times, well catch you, grab you,stop you still - Until you cry out, BIG BROTHER , I .. - ....Confess.
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