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22.4k · May 2014
Mathematical Madness
Kiamm May 2014
The coefficient of my sadness
Is greater than the square root of my madness.
My thoughts are quadratic,
My actions are enigmatic;
My aim is to perplex,
Now all I have to do is solve for x.
4.1k · Mar 2015
Quantum Love
Kiamm Mar 2015
I'm a simple electron.
And, although I have my quarks,
It's usually a persona I don,
Pretending I enjoy meaningless talks.

See, I was once in a pair,
With a fellow electron.
And, although it was difficult to bear,
The laws of physics ultimately won.

The closer we got,
The more we repelled.
When she was ionised, it hurt a lot,
She left, regardless of how much I held.

She soon paired with another,
Leaving me to start a bond.
It was my emotions I tried to smother,
Of myself, I was certainly not fond.

For a while my thoughts were scattered,
My emotions being forced up and down.
But none of that really mattered,
As I soon met another who would invert my frown.

You see, she was a blinding photon,
And when we met, she certainly did excite me...
And, just like my friend the boson,
I hope you don't take this lightly.

She perked me up a couple of energy levels,
Until she pulled me out of my shell.
Now, together, we're quantum rebels,
I'm a simple electron, and this is the story I tell.
All puns are intentional.
2.1k · May 2015
Dying Fire - Haiku
Kiamm May 2015
Deathly shadows dance
As the fire's flames flicker
Darkness devours
Intentional alliteration of letters "f", "d" and "s".
2.0k · May 2015
Knowledge - Haiku
Kiamm May 2015
We are all freed,  
if but only for an hour,
when we choose to read.

Were books a flower,
knowledge would be the seed.
Infinite power.
I think haiku come best in pairs.
2.0k · May 2015
Patience (10w)
Kiamm May 2015
Is patience a virtue,
or does it simply avert you?
1.3k · Nov 2015
Kiamm Nov 2015
I find solace in my solitude.
I tend to idealise my isolation.
Reaching the apex of my creative altitude.
I guess it's time for my medication...

The only truth I can ever know
is that of the thoughts within my mind.
And yet, it is my only true foe,
one I can never leave behind...

They say beauty comes from within.
If so, then where do anger, remorse and resentment reside?
Because I'm struggling to hear over the din;
it seems as though my beauty has no place to hide.

Is there enough space for all this emotion?
If I have a choice, I choose only one:
to get rid of all this commotion,
I have done what has had to be done.
Title is a pun on "alone"
1.2k · Nov 2015
My Star
Kiamm Nov 2015
Like a star, you
are completely unstable.
This is certainly true,
it is no fable.

A constant battle, between
your constant auto-criticism,
crushing your self-esteem...
Lashing out with witticism.

And your thoughts coming together
beautiful yet destructive,
yet it's only when it's them you aim to tether
do they tend to get disruptive.

Although I'm under no illusion
and I realise that your beauty can blind,
you create energy like nuclear fusion
and boggle my mind.

Some will be blinded by your brilliance,
others will never fathom your inner struggles.
You will have to find intrinsic stimulants,
and amaze those who watch you juggle
Title is a pun on "Meister".
This is a re-visitation of an old poem I wrote.
1.2k · Jan 2016
Sticks and Stones
Kiamm Jan 2016
May build our homes,
but people will always desert me.
1.1k · May 2014
New Beginnings
Kiamm May 2014
Living the teenage dream,
Although everything is not as it may seem.
I don't really want to be pedantic,
But let's make this a matter of semantics.

Come on, give this dog a bone,
Because nobody truly wants to be alone.
In the past, I always wanted to fit in,
No matter the cost, no matter the sin.

However, with this new beginning of mine,
I'm sure that I'll make it just fine.
1.1k · May 2014
The speed of dark
Kiamm May 2014
Wages an eternal fight
Against the dark.

But hark!
For light simply fights with what it lacks...
But what does that mean if most of space is black?

If light travels at the cosmic speed limit,
Then how is it possible that darkness can beat it?

So don't believe your science teacher or your pastor,
Because the lack of light can travel a little bit faster.
Playing with the concept of darkness as if it were a physical thing. Also somewhat philosophical in the sense that even light, seen to be the fastest thing in the universe, has difficulty catching up to and facing the lack of itself, as I'm sure we all have at some point.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Kiamm Jul 2014
Yeah I'm a teen,
but what does that really mean?
Well I certainly don't crush candy
and at times I get a little bit randy.
But there's very little of the world I've seen.

See, because this is a limerick,
I have to be a little sick.
Spouting off ideas that make no sense.
The only thing to say in my defence:
"Well you can just **** a big, fat brick."

Alas, every poem needs an end,
and we delete, scratch, scribble, make amends.
Never knowing when to stop,
Or what content we need to drop.
What's that? Oh, excuse me, I have a fake meeting to attend...
The word "limerick" is just way too cool to not be mentioned as often as possible, I mean just take a second and look at it. Also, crudeness in limericks is as essential as a rhyming couplet in a Shakespearean sonnet.
1.0k · Nov 2015
The Apple of my Eye
Kiamm Nov 2015
The forbidden fruit is the most desired;
we want what cannot be obtained.
The scarcity principle is to be admired;
The lengths we go to to have our perceived freedoms maintained.

Unfortunately for me, the opposite is also true...
Once one is "too available", said desire crumbles.
From prior experiences, this is the knowledge I drew,
until all that's left is feigned apologetic mumbles.

We often drive away those we love most,
to settle for those we see to be "good enough".
To those who always seem inferior, here is my toast:
You will eventually meet someone who can appreciate your love.
1.0k · May 2014
Get to the point
Kiamm May 2014
I spent my whole life being told to simplify,
To "just get to the point".
Always asking, "How?" But never, "Why?"
Until I smoked a joint.

That's when I felt something inside of me,
Pointing out the irony.
So I gave the idea a punt,
Because that advice made me more blunt.

So sharpen your wits,
And keep them about you.
Because boxing gloves and fists
Are pretty **** blunt too.
What kind of a society are we if we constantly need things to be simplified further? Is the beauty not in the individually deciphered unique meaning?
925 · Aug 2014
Love Hz
Kiamm Aug 2014
I hope you do not judge me
When I say I measure love in frequency.

It's difficult to translate my feelings into words,
What I'm trying to say is, love really hertz.
889 · Dec 2015
Poets (10w)
Kiamm Dec 2015
I dig language so much,
I've hit rock-bottom.
10 words, depending on how pedantic one is.
876 · Jan 2016
Kiamm Jan 2016
All of my poetry
seems to be four-dimensional.
If it takes time to read,
Then I'm a 4-D professional.

If I had all the time in the world,
who would I give a second thought?
If I had all the knowledge in the universe unfurled,
who would care enough to be taught?
834 · Nov 2015
C'est la vie
Kiamm Nov 2015
Much like electricity,
I travel the path of least resistance.
Combined with my eccentricity,
this puts a damper on my persistence.

It is said we should take the path less travelled,
but, in itself, that leads to isolation.
Before we have the mysteries of life unravelled,
we are told this with no consolation...

Society is such that "intellects" can't thrive.
It's created for masses, which works somewhat well...
For an "intellect" to find intrinsic drive,
This runs the risk of creating a shell.

If we are all nodes in circuit,
expected to be independent,
how do we know if it's all really worth it?
Who becomes our psychological defendant?

C'est la vie, and such are these musings...
All I write about will likely never change.
I just find it morbidly amusing,
maybe I'm slightly deranged...
832 · May 2015
Bartered Love
Kiamm May 2015
We barter a handful of memories,
for a heart full of sorrow.
As we have done for centuries,
future happiness we borrow.

We measure our capacity for love,
with a defiled metre stick of self-image.
Never trading with those they see above,
because what is already broken is difficult to damage.

There is not much that can compete,
with the feeling of being desired.
Once we lose it, we feel incomplete,
like a crossword puzzle being retired.

And with that pain left behind,
we forget the world right ahead.
Up in arms against our minds,
down-and-out, we feel dead.

Here comes another I refuse to trust,
lest my heart be crumbled to dust.
Yet when I caught her eyes,
all past wounds she did cauterise.

This time I say it true:
Bartered love - I hate you.
795 · May 2014
Sticks and stones
Kiamm May 2014
May break my bones,
But words will never desert me.
It's not a 10w poem because the title is part of the poem.
769 · Nov 2015
Re: Life
Kiamm Nov 2015
Once upon a time, I met a girl.
Now, I'm certainly no geologist,
but I can definitely say she rocked my world.
So much so, that I may need to see a psychologist.

This girl was beautiful from head to toe.
Not just because of aspects like personality or aesthetics,
but because she continued to fight her internal foe.
The kind of ceaseless beauty not found in cosmetics.

Sadly, she cannot seem to see herself as I do -
shrugging off compliments or scoffing in disbelief.
She struggles every moment of ever day, yet there is one I rue:
The moment she convinces herself death is the only relief.
Title is a pun on "relief"
739 · Mar 2016
Less Than Three
Kiamm Mar 2016
See, first we were as one,
But soon we drifted apart.
You decided to run,
Ice encased my heart...

When our time reached two,
I faked it all and you knew.

You were so close yet I didn't visit,
Time spent is useless if I don't miss it.

And just before it hit three,
You and death prematurely met.
There's something twisted in me,
Because I hold no regret.
My horrible feelings about my sister who died in an accident.
Less than three is a pun (<3)
592 · Oct 2014
Love is blind
Kiamm Oct 2014
What once made me douce
Now tends to shake screws loose.
It's surprisingly strange,
How quickly things change.

Once our relationship was completed,
I realised you were always conceited.
I can now truly confirm; love is blind.
Yet to this day you remain, stuck in my mind.
One of my first poems (only got around to uploading it now) so, obviously, it is riddled with clichéd landmines so I apologise.

*Side note: I picked up on a syllable pattern of 5, 6, 6, 5, 10, 11, 10, 11 and as such I'm coining a new metre (sticking with the clichés) called Kiamm-metre / Kiammmetre [KEY-am-eet-er] - just to justifiably use three "m's" next to one another.

**Secondary side note, for all those linguistic nerds out there, Kiammmetre is:
a, b, b, a,
a+a, a+b, a+a, a+b
where a and b represent syllables.
507 · May 2014
Kiamm May 2014
I'm enthralled by you,
And all the things that you do.
I tell myself I don't want you back...
Withdrawal symptoms when it's you I lack.
See, you are my greatest addiction,
Unbelievable, like a work of fiction.
291 · Dec 2021
Mourning birds
Kiamm Dec 2021
The serenades of morning birds
Makes me regret scathing words.
The past will always be;
The future we'll never see.
But the present has a beauty
Not marred by depressional sooty.
235 · Jan 2020
Indulgent depression
Kiamm Jan 2020
I mourn a future never meant to be,
discarding rose-tinted glasses for emerald shades.
I don a hood of fractured memories,
and despair the person I never became.
178 · Dec 2021
Kiamm Dec 2021
I feel empty and pointless, all of the time
I feel like, these thoughts just won't leave my mind
I feel like it's imperative I hold them to protect others
I feel like, what do these thoughts compare to those of my brothers
I feel less than, forced to conceal
I feel like what I know is very barely real
I feel like what happens to me shouldn't really matter
I feel as though my feelings are those I should batter
I feel like it'd be easier were all of this done with
I feel like happiness and joy are all but a myth
I feel like not wanting to feel
I feel like it'd be easier if I weren't real

— The End —