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 Aug 2020 Khyati
JK Cabresos
the end
 Aug 2020 Khyati
JK Cabresos
cut the strings attached,
burn bridges between us,
paths never will cross again,
hide the tears and pain—

this my love,
the end we might—
to our love story,
i refuse to write
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Aug 2020 Khyati
JK Cabresos
love is sweet,
love can ****

love is poisonous,
love can heal

love is

love can
make you
in sane
or insane
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Aug 2020 Khyati
When society rejects you
Nature will open its wide arms
And let you in
 Aug 2020 Khyati
Since when was this handheld device
the extent of our physical love?
From across the room I stare at it
half expecting it to blow
The illumination of the screen now mirrors the enlightenment I once felt
in your arms
Though of course much diminished.
I am beginning to fear it
knowing the potential of our words to form
exit wounds
How can I predict the disaster I may inflict when i no longer know the surroundings of this battlefield?
I throw this bomb against my floor, knowing the eruption of this force will be lesser than what is now incinerating through my head
from your words.
Weak for each other, strong when together.
 Aug 2020 Khyati
David P Carroll
A beautiful gift from above
A beautiful sister to truly love
And we share times of laughter and happiness
Together and our memories will be forever
You can never put a price on precious times
With your beautiful sister a blessing to have her in my life
And always inside my heart,
We share so much love together
And you always showed me how much you cared
From your heart that is filled with love for me
I love you so much in life my beautiful sister
Wonderful memories of our childhood still lives on
It's made me so much thankful
For the beautiful sister I have in my life
Because I'll love you for the rest of my life..
I Love You Sister 💗
 Aug 2020 Khyati
 Aug 2020 Khyati
short lived
 Aug 2020 Khyati
So the night has fallen
Soon the dead of this misty night will usher the midnight gloom
My haunts of imagination still utter

I wish I could be a poem
Instead of a forged making as if I were a poet

To behold you opening your soul to me
To be the words limned on poetic canvas
To onlook you feel animated as you will read me, then

To be left alone, to evanesce
Like the calming, delicate mist hanging over the river evaporates in the morning sunshine

To be your soon to be forgotten lines
Conceived within your wondrous mind
Born upon your sublime imagination
Moulded with your deliberate love and decisive rhyme, then

To be solus, consigned to oblivion and unloved
Like a waning moon, dimmed smile and broken dove

What once was a beautifully polished and stirring wordplay, soon

To be nothing and utterly replaced

Like a song newly heard
I will be loved
Once a last musical note fades
I will be dead.
hold me in your thoughts
So I can keep you in my heart
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