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Apr 2020 · 190
In The Beginning
Void is the Earth with no life
There was no form thereof.
Then with His Mighty voice,
He spoke with great power
And with His love
"Let there be light..."
Thus there it was
In the beginning.

Copyright (c) Kenneth R. Jenkins
Apr 2020 · 165
That's the skin I am in
My skin that I am in.
Look real close
What do you see?
A human being in the skin I am in
In the skin I am in.
My hair may have braids,
Corn rolls, picked out , picked over
**** bald headed,
That's the skin that I am in.
No matter where I am from
That's the skin that I am in.
Take a closer look at me
And tell me what do you see?
A human being in the skin
that I am in
That skin I am in.
Apr 2020 · 124
to fly...
and they took up wings to fly.

Please, don’t cry for me,

You don’t need to shed a tear,

Just put those tears in a bottle then set it free,

And let it sail to the nearest ocean far away.

Please, don’t cry,

For each tear are the glorious memories

Of you, my darling daughter and me,

And from the distance you’ ll hear Moonlight Sonnet.

Don’t forget me and keep me in your memory,

The good and the bad that know best,

And keep us in your dreams as you rest,

As you lay your head on that pillow of love.

Sweet dreams to you

As we fly away to our distant home far away

Keep us in your thoughts every day,

Good night and sweet dreams.

...and they took up wings to fly.

In memory of Kobe and his daughter
Apr 2020 · 176
The Common Man
to Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen

The common man gets up in the morning
To work in. order to feed his family,
The common man struggles to make ends meet
Not letting his family go hungry,
The common man prays for his family daily
From any hurt harm or danger
That's what the common man does.

The common loves his wife and kids,
Holding things together everyday.
The common man works sunrise to sunset
Does what he can in every way.
The common man is peaceable to his fellow man
Not in war with his neighbor
Being the kind of man who loves----
Yeah, that's what the common man does.

The common man believes in God
And all His wondrous things He do,
Prays with his family daily
He tries to be true,
True to his family and his God
That's common man as you see
And that's what he does.

Now that you know what is a common man,
And what a common man does and do,
I guess you can see my point of view
Then clearly understand
About the common man.

In case you haven't seen one
Look around and take a good look----
And you'll surely fine and understood
The common man and his purpose
Yes that's what the common man does.
Apr 2020 · 142
A Poem for Trayvon
Just because you are young
Doesn’t mean much to some
But because you are black
It means nothing!
Somebody killed another child!
Somebody murdered another child!
Why are questions unanswered
Challenges unchallenged
Lives taken away
And hopes seem like it’s gone.
The Joshua Generation depleted
A future uncertain unless—
Yes unless we arise and say
Enough is enough!
When are we going to stop
Violently killing our youth?
Sending lambs to slaughter
A nation that study war
Can’t stop young men
From dying on our streets.
Why in the hell is this so?
RIP Trayvon 2013
In memory of Trayvon Martin
Jun 2019 · 184
Poem # 19
In your eyes

I see a different light

Maybe another you

Perhaps something about you

I see a certain you

A far side of you

The best side of you

And that's all I can see

Of you from inside out

Outside in...

(C) 2006
Jun 2019 · 769
Through Gloomy Skies
Gloomy skies with dark clouds above,
Where rain was every where
And I am here lying in bed
Sleeping, slumbering into a dream
Unknown journeys of twist and turns
Then suddenly awaken in reality.

Alive thanks to God
Could of laying in my grave
But writing these verses
To someone today.

As I look out to these gloomy skies----
I am reminded of myself
Those days of uncertainty
A big question mark in life
But those questions will come later
In answers that will be answered---
In due time
Yes in due time--
Even as I look out those gloomy skies
I can see sunshine in the mist of mess
And where brighter days came and made
A difference  to others.....

16 Jan. 2015
Jun 2019 · 246
Until Now
I look at you from different eyes
Seeing you like this
In a much different light
Than those eyes of yesterday.
You are one beautiful person
Shaped into a beautiful being
God's wonder of creation created
Fashioned, formed and put together
Like no one else
But you
Yes you as I look at you.
And it wasn't until now
I see you as something better
Than you are clearly then.
But you are here in the now.
And until now I see a beautiful being
Like no one else.

(C) 2003
Jun 2019 · 191
At Last.......
To Mary J. Blige

Sister, you're gone through hell and back,
We know from what we heard but you know the facts
Of the drama playing like a daytime serial on TV
Or like a bad card being dealt dishonestly.
The bad breaks you've gone through and making bad press
And suddenly trying to get from under such mess.
"No More Drama" is your new theme song
And those around you who did you wrong
Are no longer parts of that "Young and Restless" life of hell
Or sometimes "Bold and Beautiful" days that just say, "oh well!"
The drama is finally gone
It's time to turn off the sad pitiful song
And start living again for once in your life my friend
Break away from the sadness and let it finally end
For this is your life
Now live it!!!!
April, 2004
Nov 2018 · 272
When I Get Old
Just when the day wanes longer,
Legs and body not getting any stronger,
Memory short and not clear,
Times of ending days are near.

Hair turns from gray to white,
And it seems like you're not feeling right.
When you're hearing turns quiet
And you're not as fit but put on a strict diet---
That's when I get old.

When there's less and less of family and friends,
And it seems to wonder when will it end?
When the beginning seems far, far away  after day---
That's when I'm getting old.

Time is swiftly moving a long,
Super speed in minutes and time,
The winter years are quietly here
Those days you can't get back or even find---
That's when I'm getting old.

When family multiplies even more,
One by one and generation after generation,
They are your family strong and bold
Building up of what we have left---
This is the duty of family when I get old.

Looking back through the years
In the mirror of life it's self
Going back in time in space
Where knowledge is like  wealth---
As I 'm getting old.
5 Nov. 2018
Just a thinking about getting old at age 57.
Oct 2018 · 572
Good Morning: America
a poem to America

The sun arose this morning
Shining among the horizon high
The blue skies is met with a streak of colorful rays of light.
Beyond the sounds of nature bloom
The sounds of industrial hustles and bustles
Being heard like a symphony--
A symphony of nature's glorious sounds that brings about the day.

The sounds of the day begins---
Sounds of workers working,
The rhythm of engines roaring as the city comes alive
And the city's skyscrapers reaches up high to the blue skies
To the heavens high.

While below the busy ant people gathers
To start a working day
Be it poor, rich, middle class or gay
They are busy about their busy day like so
And so are those called Americans.

The sounds of the city is heard as sirens roar
As the city is awaken by the sounds of the day
Trouble stirring  about
In the city that never sleeps.

And when the day is done
The busy people conclude their day
And now the night comes.....
It was a good day.
Feb 2018 · 463
Listen Up!!!!
Lend me your ears,
So you can hear,
What I am saying to you
So listen up!!!

The voices in the masses speaks
In volumes so that you may peek
At this world around you
So listen up!!!

The voices of children dying one by one
From the barrels and bullets of guns,
They fall one by one like dominoes
And you need to listen up!!!

This inspires poets like me
To write the truth you see
And bringing to attention around you
Open up your ears and listen up!!!

Lend me your ears
So you can hear
What I am saying to you
So people LISTEN UP!!!
Jan 2018 · 338
Soft Music Serenade
Soothe me
Groove me
Making my nature rise
Even in four-part harmony,
As the music rocks me to sleep,
And in that time of slumber deep,
The night's wonderful sounds so,
Sweet, tasty and even bold,
With that soft music serenades me
Oh so right and so deeply.
The night music has a flair,
For just soothing you and like the Staple Singers it will "Take You There."
Soft and sweet,
Sweet and softly but deep,
You make my heart flutter so,
Because that's the way love goes,
Soothe me.
Groove me,
Make my nature rise,
Even in four-part harmony,
As the music rocks me to sleep,
And that time of slumber deep,
Rock my world with your music
Sweetly, sweetly soothe me...
Dec 2017 · 314
Inspiration Soul
for in memory of Gwendolyn Brooks

You inspire me
And touch my very soul
Setting my heart and mind free
Making poetry valued like gold.
We loved the voice you gave
To those without a voice
And if you had a choice
It would be the voices of millions of souls
That may not hear otherwise you know.
You were the light for other poets dwell
In places, we may not go
And you ever wished well
Truly loving us really so.
So there I said what I have to say
To my muse forever
If it hasn't I wouldn't be here today.

January 2005
Written for my favorite muse
Dec 2017 · 447
to Nelson Mandela

We say farewell to our beloved brother
Father Africa a loyal friend
Who taught us to get along with one another
Even until the bitter end.

he was our warrior for justice and peace
Our warrior for the betterment of mankind,
In the spirit that is good, we release,
His spirit as we come together and bind.

As the sunsets in the South African skies,
And over mountains high standing
We stand with lifted hard wave our goodbyes
To our warrior, our hero our friend.....
A poem dedicated to the great Nelson Mandela.
Dec 2017 · 378
There's a place you pay
On these streets
And sometimes it's high
Like the cost  of dope
In order to **** whatever
That not right
Whatever that's deep in you
And cleans out what
Castor Oil only does inside
The body
But baby it sho'nuff
Will that's in the mind
If the demons are there
They'll feel it too.

Welcome to Ghettoland
Where dope runs freely
But for a price you pay
And pay dearly my friend.
Where your life out there
Is win, loose or die!
Chances are
You'll either lose or die
You'll sho'nuff die!

Where the hustlers hustle
By any means
And I mean any MEANS!
This is the place where
Street people call home away
From the home they came from
And street girls slinging pootang
You know
What's between their legs
In order to between the sheet or under a house or
Some alleyway to turn a trick.

Where Baby Mama's look for their
Baby daddy in order to get that
Child support
And support that child they left.

Welcome to Ghettoland----
Where you'll see burned out buildings
Just remaining reminders of
What was then and what is

Welcome to the "New Frontier"
Of an old idea
Welcome to Ghettoland!!!!!!!
Dec 2017 · 319
Say it with soul
Say it loud
Then say it bold.
Don't let up
Just say it clear
Say it with soul.

Poets dream dreams
Under the summer skies
Summer sunset showing
Leaving questions why?

Then we dream in words
Because it's all we see
Say it with soul
Say it loud
Then say it bold.

Never mind who don't listens
Just speak your mind
Never mind who'll hear
This world so unkind.

Give them rhythm
Give them beat
Say it with soul
Say it loud....

Underneath the bright lit moon
And blanket of stars at night
Dream a dream with delight
Then say it with soul
Then say it loud
Dream if you can.....

Guide me to flights unknown
Then just let me dream
My face shinning as shown
I can say it with soul
Say it loud
Then dream.....
Dec 2017 · 393
I won't stress
I won't freak out
And again being in a mess
All I can do is my very best---
Without all these feelings no doubt.

I cannot let stress
Bother me in the long run
Or burn me like the sun,
Or put me in an early grave
All I can do is my very best.

I won't let stress break me
Tear me down badly
Or make me go insane
No not on my watch
And not today.

I will survive
I will thrive
And I will make it
No matter what comes my way
And stress will not be part of my day.
24 July 2015
Dec 2017 · 389
A Conversation Piece
I use to hear them say
"Letting those golden moments roll on",
But how much longer of a delay
Or should I stay strong?

Either way the clock ticks in time
And I'm counting those moments
Or those moments I left behind,
I just have to just roll on.

Could you see the winter of our lives
Drifting like so like snowflakes
And cold you see now
And could you see not  sitting by but to survive
No matter what or whatever it takes
Time is measured one moment at a time.

If anyone should ask me
Where I am going and how far
Or will I set my soul free
Dec 2017 · 647
Blue Poetry Blue
Am I blue?
Blues in my soul
Carrying the weight of every burden
Of every man it ain't no blues.
My man ain't no good 'cause he stank blues,
My baby left me for another and broken my heart blues,
My baby left me and now she's trippin' blues,
My job is down sizing and I need another job blues.
I am so broke until I can't pay attention blues.
Bluer than blue than blue is blue.
The plain 'ole ****** me off blues!
The opening of a can of whip *** blues!
Another one of those blues!
The AH HELL NO blues!
The don't wanna hear JACK blues!
Blues Blues GO away
Come back another day!
Rain falls from above
But look I am still blue.
Am I blue?
Blues in my soul
Carrying the weight of every burden
Of every man and it ain't no good blues
No good blues at all.....
A poem when I was blue.
Dec 2017 · 249
Enter: night

Bring on the night----
Where those dear play,
And where freaks come out anyway
Go ahead, bring on the night.

Bring on the night---
Where travel is often and much go,
Where the travelers are on the go,
So bring on the night.

Bring on the night---
The creature of the night reign,
As they come out like stars with flames,
Yes, bring on the night!

Bring on the night---
Of every drug dealer and dope head
The hookers walking like the dead
Yes, bring on the hight.

Bring on the night---
Every baby's mama hanging tough
Late night creepers who think they're rough,
Just bring on the night!

Late night watchers watching so,
Bring on the night!
Creepy crawlers crawling you know,
Bring on the night!
Day turned trippers,
Bring on the night!

Coffee drinking tippers,
Bring on the night!
That's right bring it on,
Bring on the night!
Bring it on!
Bring it on and on and on...

(C) 2002
Dec 2017 · 331
See Me?
Can you see me?
Skin dark,
Eyes brown,
Blood Red
Anger shown.
I am someone's
Son, nephew, grandchild
Even in a world so cruel
Where violence is everywhere.

Can you see me?
A man with a heart
Not my skin color
Or my class
But see me as a human being.
Dec 2017 · 448
Wake Up! Wake Up!
Wake up from your sleep
Of political thinking
High prices, high taxes
And back breaking
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep,
Preaching sermons of greed
Blinded by the LIGHT
Practicing in the world of ******
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of finding that man
To pay for all your problems
Then away he goes
Away he ran
For it's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of educating young minds
Their lives away
With them it's hard to find
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of being a runaway man
Stand up for yourself
And don't lie down but STAND
'Cause it's time to wake up!

Wake up! Wake up!
Sleeping time is over.
He that sleeps too long
Will miss God at work.
Your very life uncovered
For it's time to wake up!
Dec 2017 · 222
the poet's pen
o write a verse poet,
to kinder the soul,
to soothe it so,
until we can feel,
every verse put to paper,
then from each stroke of your pen,
tell us what's on your mind
taking us to worlds unknown
to lands unconquered
to places undiscovered.
tell us what's on mind
o great one,
tell us so that we may know
coming directly from
the poet's pen......
22 feb. '97
Dec 2017 · 312
The Night Christ Was Born
Heavenly peace was upon the Earth,
Heaven shook; God's grace was put upon for Glory's worth,
Suddendly a star appeared in the mist thereof,
A Child, Savior of the World born of his love,
Trumpets blow loud to announce the arrival of the Holy King,
Angels were there to sing.
O, how wonderful the night so still,
But his love shall fulfill.
O, angels blow thy horn,
For that was the night Christ was born.

(C)1977, 2003
(First published by the Westside Weekly Newspaper Savannah, GA, Dec. 15, 1977 at age 16)
Oct 2017 · 310
Daddy's Hand: Images
Big hands of this man
Who I remember as a child
Growing up in and at a time,
When real men were fathers then.
Supporting that family no matter what,
Working their fingers to the bone
Trying to provide even in tough times.

Images of that man fall short in memory
Cloudy through a time when this man
Went AWOL on his family
Leaving us, better yet leaving him behind.
The only memory of him is a letter
From a court ordered payment and
Photographs of distant memories
Foggy but yet not forgotten.

My memories were 11 1/2 years short
One year shy of beginning manhood
My changes coming naturally
With an absent man in my life physically.

I use to walk around
I used to walk around say---
"I ain't got no daddy!"
He was absent from my life
And now I'm absent from his life.
The images of him follow me
like a mirror, it's like right there
Starring back at me
Unaware that image of him
Is that very image of me
But only, only in the younger self.

Something my wise grandma told me
That stuck with me all my days,
All my years even until now
That, "no matter what, he's still your daddy."
Deep in my heart there was anger
Anger toward him for leaving me
Going AWOL on your family
At any giving moment even in my lifetime
Yet that anger was still there,
Grandma's words echoed deep inside my soul
And ringing in my ears so loud
Until I wonder if her words are true.

Even then,
I wonder deep inside of me
But as time went onward,
My years is getting older and older
My respect for that man
Who I call daddy
Only by name he's that
But until then I respect him
My daddy who I love even now.

Big hands of this man
Who I now know
Even through years of re-knowing him
In spite of feelings past
I must look forward and celebrate
Celebrate this man who I call my daddy.
Big hands of this man
The years are showing on him now,
The hair that once was black was whitened
Of years he collected through time....

June 2004
poem to my daddy.....
Oct 2017 · 248
Ghetto Life
The stink of the city
And ain't it a pity?
Of the crimes that goes on there,
And how it sinks even the air
That pollutes all around me,
And can see,
The children in this life dying,
The people in their ivory towers lying,
While our people die the death that chokes them.

It's hell out there!
And no one cares,
Not even the people who are suppose to have our backs,
Is too busy stabbing it and that's a fact!

The ghetto life,
Filled with misery and strife,
In these times we live,
Something got to give.
Oct 2017 · 270
Heavy on my Mind
(Thoughts in Motion)

Listen to me!
There is something I must say
To clear the air of any
Uncertainty that may or may not
Come between us
But first you must listen
To what I am about to
What I must say.
I have been hurt!!!!
Not once,
Not twice,
But many times over
And over again
Over the same B.S.---
Nothing lost
And certainly
Nothing gain
But time is standing still,
Like a non-moving clock of time
Where there is movement at all.
For what ???
Fighting over nothing
A piece of green paper
And a little white substance
That's controlling your every moment
Night and day.
Stupid fighting over
While wasting time over
While children go hungry,
While mothers lose their children,
While young black men die in the streets,
While politics are usual
You fight over
Nothing lost
Nothing gained.
In a world that's endless
With a beginning
And yet there is no end.
Women selling their bodies
For a green piece of paper
While men make ***** deals
While others get one meal
And no three squares a day
Every moment there is there is time
And where time is no more.
I got something on my mind
To say not what anyone may think
it's on my ind to say
because it was heavy on my mind.
Oct 2017 · 403
True Self
I cannot hide my true self
For my true self is who I am
For who I am is my true self.

Why must I destroy myself?
But bleach my body
Destroying my skin
Killing of my true self.

And must I please myself
Tease myself
Satisfying myself
Until it comes down to
Being myself
Not fooling myself
Myself and I
Then to think
It's better for myself
No matter what.
Cheat myself
Beat myself
Lie to myself
But not be myself
Of whom I am
And whose I am---
It's a sad case
A sad case indeed
To not work on myself
For there to betterment of myself
And not poison myself
Until I die and shrink
Shallow up
Swell up
Bust right open
Like a raisin.
But I got to be true to myself
For who I am
And all that I am going to be
And yet stay true to myself
For me and nobody
With beautiful self--
My true self
I love.
Oct 2017 · 238
Tree People
Cursing like a sailors
Telling lies
And more lives
And more lies
Until the lies run out,
The drinks run dry
And when the drinks run dry
The people dwindle away
The tree gets empty
And then silence is heard.
No cussing
And telling lies
Talking trash
And evil kicks in
But hold on there partner!
What will this benefit them?
What lessons are being learned?
The drinking of the '40
And the gin and juice
And the prophet-lying and
Crucifying each other
Telling what 2 kiss
How 2 kiss and kiss my---
Need I say if the Good Lord comes back now?
What will you say?
"Well I was at the tree Lawd just chillin'."
And when He say He don't know you
Then What?
To those guys who like to sit under the tree drinking and talk trash.
Oct 2017 · 592
(To the women who broke my heart)

You've seriously thinking suicide,
You've seriously want 2 die,
You're seriously want 2 take a life in your hands,
Spreading a 3 letter disease across the land.
You're seriously want to go to jail,
You're seriously serious about posting bail,
Come back some rainy day?
Seriously say what to me
Playing me like that
Then you're seriously mistaken and that's a fact.
Seriously wanna play with my heart
Tear it up and pull it apart?
Am I hearing all of this with my ears?
Seriously my dear?
Do me a favor if you will please
It's important this one task you see.
Don't mean any harm in anyway
But you can seriously go to HELL
And have a good day!
Oct 2017 · 283
Poem #38
Give me strength when I am down,
Love where it could be found,
Peace in times of trouble days,
Compassion in everyway
No matter what I say or do,
I know you will pull me through,
Tough times in days so cold.

And God---
Let me walk upright,
Morning, noon and night,
To be the best I can,

(c) 1999, 2004 K.C.Colt
Oct 2017 · 324
Celebrating You
to my wife Vanessa

I celebrate you---
For just being you and only you,
Keeping it real
As I celebrate you.

Now that you are growing older,
I do celebrate you.

For what you do
And who you are---
I do celebrate you.

A daughter to someone's mother,
A sister to someone's brother,
A wife to someone's husband
A lover and friend
To this point
I do celebrate you.

May 2014
Oct 2017 · 229
Moon and Stars
(ode to night)

I look up above my head this fair evening
And saw the slender of it all,
How the night time is formed and fashioned
And with beauty of night delightful
Bring on that special kind of night.
Bring on the night!
Bring on the beauty of the night,
As the moon shines up
And stars paly up above
So, bring on the night!
Romance in the air
Bring on the night!
Lovers are in motion,
So, bring on the night!
Delight me,
Kiss me,
Thrill me,
Bring on the night!
My thoughts on the night.
Jul 2017 · 294
Painted Words
More words.
Like paint
Like Picasso's Work
On canvas
Is the art work of words
By the poet's
Pretty pictures
Pretty words flowing from the vains
Like drawing blood
Withdrawing suddenly those words.
Breathing words extracting
From the very soul
Pretty painted pictures

April 2004

Jul 2017 · 274
Queen of Our Heart
In loving memory of Queen Young Murray(1921-2005)

In case we didn't say it,
or express it enough to let you know,
You will be with us always,
And on our faces it does show
How we feel from heart and soul
You are the Queen of our heart.

For all you have done for us
Many thanks aren't enough to say.
For the many words expressed to us
And those funny and strange ways
But we love you for it because
You are the Queen of our Heart

Gone but not forgotten
A grandmother's love so very true.
Forever in our hearts and minds
You've been there no matter
What we've gone through.
But we love you always
Forever the Queen of our heart.

July 14, 2005
A poem written for my grandma......
Jul 2017 · 244
Sister Girl
to Tice, Sherry, Pat, Simone, Marieta and Ms Queen

Girls to the end
No matter what
No matter how,
We are sisters to the very end
End of good times,
Sad times,
Mad times,
Low times,
We are sisters
Joined to the hip
Even in times of trouble
Times in need
Or just being there
We are sisters girls!

9 July 2000

Copyright (C)2000
Jul 2017 · 289
Untitled Verse
There's a love worth waiting for,
A warm body next to me,
A love so close as close can be,
A love I surely truly, truly adore.

Those kisses so sweetly on my lips,
I still feel night after night.
The slight touch of your finger tips,
Touching me so and so right.

The way you talk to me sweetly,
Brings chills to my spine,
Knocking me baby love to my knees
Knowing that you are mine!

Sweet of sweetness I do love so
I can't wait to hold you in my arms
Just you and I letting the world know
You are my woman forever.

Forever sounds so long but I'll wait for you
And hopefully you will wait for me
Because you'll know for true
How our love will honestly be


Nov. '06

Jul 2017 · 257
In the Blue
If I can touch the sky,
The clouds so lovely and white
So far up and out of sight
In the blue up in the sky.

Beyond where any place to be
Or any ocean below,
Yes just under the deep blue sea
Up in the sky in the blue.

Majestic is the lovely  air,
With soft white clouds lovely
In flight upward I don't care
To come down right now.

What a lovely sight to see
Upward in the blue
Flying high and free
Somewhere up there in the blue..
Jul 2017 · 391
Through Gloomy Skies
Gloomy skies with dark clouds above,
Where rain was every where
And I am here lying in bed
Sleeping, slumbering into a dream
Unknown journeys of twist and turns
Then suddenly awaken in reality.

Alive thanks to God
Could of laying in my grave
But writing these verses
To someone today.

As I look out to these gloomy skies----
I am reminded of myself
Those days of uncertainty
A big question mark in life
But those questions will come later
In answers that will be answered---
In due time
Yes in due time--
Even as I look out those gloomy skies
I can see sunshine in the mist of mess
And where brighter days came and made
A difference  to others.....

16 Jan. 2015
Jul 2017 · 273
A Poet's Creed
I don't want to cry
Tears of pain without answers to questions asked like why?
Tears flowing like a Purple Rain,
Keeping my mind in check and not insane,
Dreaming dreams like floating on clouds,
Thinking, thinking out loud
Although it doesn't seem that way at all
But I need a hand when I do fall
Fall down, fall down, fall down
Feeling like I'm in a pool about to drown
But I remember the song that "we fall down but yet we get up"
I gotta reach life's silver cup
Because I am a winner!!!

I am a champion!
I am a winner!
I am free!

(C) 2007
Jul 2017 · 261
In the Beginning
Void is the Earth with no life
There was no form thereof.
Then with His Mighty voice,
He spoke with great power
And with His love
"Let there be light..."
Thus there it was
In the beginning.

Copyright (c)
The night train moves
Quickly in the night's air
And the noise from the train
Keeps a steady beat lugging home.
I gotten a buzz of inspiration
Sweet inspiration from other poets
And their words expressed
To make me write these lines even now.

Good vibrations
Not like the Beach Boys
But perhaps more lyrical
Like Langston, Nikki, and yes Butterfly as well.
Inspired in lyrical soundbites
Feeding my very soul deep inside.
Makes me wanna hollar
Shout it to the world
I gotten bitten by the Poetic Bug
An inspiration that's catchy
To make me write like this....

                                            July, 2004
Jul 2017 · 250
Somewhere up there
Beyond the distant clouds
And stars
And moon
Somewhere up there
Where planets hang in place
The Heavens above
Where Earth meet sky
And all in between
Of what there is

Jul 2017 · 263
Every body wants a revolution!
Something to fight for
Something to say I belong to something
A struggle of what's right
A fight for what's wrong
Everybody wants a revolution!

Bush wants a revolution,
Castro had his day
And now the Devil wants his day.
The world has a revolution
Against each other
Brothers against brothers
And pretty soon
We'll have revolutionaries all over the place
Fighting for a cause
For some cause of another
Until we run out then
What now?

(C) 2003
Jul 2017 · 311
Morning Song
A poet's psalms

I sing to You my Lord,
Early in the morning I lay awake
Giving you Praises before You.
I sing to You my Lord
early in the morning
As the dew falls down on the earth
And Glory shines so brightly
For You are surely worthy of all the praises
The Glory and Honor that shines
Like the diamonds and so does your praise to You O Lord.
Glory to you O Lord
For You are worthy of the Praises.
Let the day be of the Lord's
As the Lord is our God, Our Salvation
For He is trustworthy always!

I sing to You my Lord
Early in the morning I lay awake
Giving you Praise before You....

2 June 2004
Jul 2017 · 279
Poem #48
Come fly with me
To the moon,
To the stars shinning at night,
Come fly with me
Baby fly with me
To stars above,
Take a trip
A trip of eternal love
Just you and me.

Kissing you under the stars
I have planned
All my life
All my life with you
Let's go fly---
Baby fly with me!

Copyright (c)1999
Jul 2017 · 1.0k
My Star Poem
one star so bright,
shine, shine through the dark night
i love to see you shine so
because i know
how lovely you are
how precious and yet so far
that lovely bright light shine among high
o lovely star
shining in the skies like Christmas ointments so lovely.
alas shining star, shining star,
i reach for you and you're so far
come to me, come down to me
and let us be friends.
dawn peeks over the hill now
awaking is the **** bringin' in a new day into town
the sun shines and stars are sleepin'
for a new day has come that God has made for us all.

A poem I wrote  while in college
Jul 2017 · 1.0k
Until Next Time
in memory of Melvin Jenkins--my Uncle

You're resting in Jesus' arms
From all safety and away from harm,
Beyond the moon and skies.

Sleeping from all labor and pain,
Beyond riches and fortunes gain,
Beyond the moon and skies.

Goodbye is not so,
But it's see you soon that's never getting old,
Beyond the moon and skies.

Until next time
We'll see you then
And talk once again
Until next time---

19 May 2017
Was read during my uncle's homegoing.
Jul 2017 · 264
In my heart
I do believe,
our love is true
And it won't depart
No matter what we go through
You are my soul mate.
Lifetime partner yes,
Until the end
But I guess
You know that my lover, my friend
My African Queen everyday
Love has found us
In every way.
Truly soul mates for life
Soon we will
Be together a husband and wife
My African queen
My soul mate.

(C) 2000
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