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There are no limits of the heart
Love resides in it, without boundaries
Heart beats, and its resonance
Creates a symphony with classical tunes
A composition of the beating heart
Residing in every soul with Love
 Jul 2014 kavisha shah

A warmth often surrounds me
and I wonder
if the holes in my heart
have finally begun to knit back together

It's been so long
and all wounds eventually heal.
Don't they?

I realise, as a cloud looms,
that I have been using words on notepaper
to cover them
like a white purity

However, the structure I create
to protect me,
is paper thin

If I stumble
I fall
right through

The white innocence
is torn once again

A moment can be an eternity
Silent invitation from deep emotions
An alien language to express
The consciousness of eager souls
Beauty radiates from the aura
Much is revealed when one tries to hide something
We are nudging out nature, in our selfish interest
Almost trying to outdo nature and create our space
A space devoid of any beauty, mechanical churning
Deafening noise, drowning us in the decibels
Haze from the industries, making our vision blurry
Oblivious to the perils, of where we are heading
Are we leaving or building a safe abode for our progeny?
We can live in denial and continue to march ahead
Trampling many natural dreams in the name of civilization
Or measure success in different parameters
As success can’t be at the cost of defeating the purpose of life
The ripples of your actions has far reaching effects
Diameter of the circumference determines its impact
Result of the actions comes ricocheting, caught unaware
Actions determine what your reaction to life will be
 Jul 2014 kavisha shah

I think I'll take my heart
and wrap it up
put it in storage
and wish it luck

It needs to stay dormant
and on it's own for a while
the type of love it's receiving
is just not its style

I'm really not capable
at this moment in time
to get the love it needs
or release it to fly

It needs to stay put
for some time yet
there's others to think of,
their needs to be met

So I'll carry on writing
about romance and love
keep dreaming about it
and smile and laugh

I'll fetch it down when I'm ready
when I feel it's time
but I'll leave it safe
on that shelf up high

I'll take my heavy heart
and wrap it up tight
let it rest through the day
and get a good sleep at night

Wrote this last year during a bit of a low time.
 Jul 2014 kavisha shah
 Jul 2014 kavisha shah
▪▪  We are very different sometimes

            'you and me'

When you're feeling down
                        the need for me
                                   for comfort

doesn't always seem necessary to you

        I always
             in your direction

                I need skin, upon my skin
                      warm and gentle hands

                                upon my arm,

                                    upon my heart

                          I absorb the heat,
                             like a healing power

       Your gentle breathing reminds me
                                     that I am not alone

                                    I need that so much..
                                                   I need you..

                 ­           I wonder why
                               you don't always
                                   need me
                                      this way  ▪▪
The lullaby of loneliness
Envelopes you in the dead of sparkly nights
Gazing up at the unchanging constellations
You crash down from its dizzing musical heights

The lullaby of loneliness
Alone forms the haunting lament
Springs forth from the deepest recess of your heart
Giving away isolation's uncaptured scent

The lullaby of loneliness
Day in and day out, I'll sing it to you
If only in return for the beautiful melancholy
You would fill up my heart, where it first grew

The lullaby of loneliness
    Remains elusive forever
        To so very few..

— The End —