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 Jun 2015 lolita
Awesome Annie
He takes my hand in his,
tilting his head so his brown eyes turn into me.
He's looking to hard,
with such intensity,
I feel myself folding like crumbled paper.

I don't really know him..
I look at him as he presses me to have another drink,
I already know how tonight will end,
me intoxicated and foolish.

I suppressed the thought of someone else,
his lips met mine so intensely.
Hands tugging through my hair,
mouth gasping stolen sentiments,
as he takes me greedily in his bed.

My hands shake,
and I feel bare as we collide,
my long thin body intertwined with his.
Alcohol making my skin warm,
his body busting after what feels like not long.

I know when I awake in the morning,
that I'll feel incomplete.
the part of me given to him missing,
another notch on this man's belt,
and another unspoken name on my list.
 Jun 2015 lolita
Maggs IH
 Jun 2015 lolita
Maggs IH
May I have one last kiss?
May I hold your hand?
May I hug you and never let go?

Oh how I do want to love you forever.
Your breaking my heart piece by piece.
my heart can barely handle this.
i dont like this.
i dont want to feel this way.
work in progress.
 Jun 2015 lolita
From Jess's Lips
Flowers sway in summer’s breeze,
regardless of the coming freeze.
Flowers dance in warm sunlight,
approaching clouds a far off plight.

We must have been flowers
grown with limited hours.
We were happy
until we weren’t.
 Jun 2015 lolita
The stains trickling down the edges of his lips,
A straight face remaining.
A dreaded corpse,
Begging to see
Blood evident everywhere.

Hair creeping out in places,
Ears tucked back neatly,
Expressionless still
Lacking movement.
Fear seeping into the environment...

Death and life remains unknown,
Symmetrical in every sense.
Cloth removing simple vision
Steady and calm,
Quiet elegancy

Graceful in thought,
Until death once more.
need i say more?
 Jun 2015 lolita
 Jun 2015 lolita
black spaces
crawling across the palms
of my hands
i reach into the sink and try to scrub
them off
but tattoos can only be covered
by makeup
ink drips out off of my tongue
i cover my mouth
but it seeps through my fingers and
out onto your heart
burning away the veins and muscles
of your loved ones
poison in your vessels instead of
i'm sorry,
i thought i was helping you
my ***** palms reach out to keep
you standing but you fell to
the ground
its like every time i try to hold you
you fall deeper into the salty
oceans of tears and waves of
swallowing you up
my boat isn't strong enough
and it crushes you
every single time
i let my hand out and
open my mouth
the lies escape
along with the happiness
that never bloomed
maybe it's my fault
that you were desperate for help
in the first place.
okay okay last one for today, i hope :) i currently am adding on to this but i kind of like it stopped here. opinions?
 Jun 2015 lolita
Kyla Martin
 Jun 2015 lolita
Kyla Martin
she comes to me when she's lonely
when she can't deal with the real world
when every one else has cut her off
it's always me

her caramel covered skin
every curve, bump and crease
that scent that intoxicates me
i fall for  it every time

the curve of her lips when she says my name
that feeling of electricity when our lips finally touch
but then the storm comes

no one can know our secrets
how she loves the way lace looks on me
how she loves the look of my legs when i dance
just the simple things
but oh no
why would we share those

why should i be allowed to tell my friends
post about her on my  feed
any public term of affection
well that could never happen

that will never happen

i just need to be with her
make her happy
she scoops me up when shes lonely
but puts me back in my box when she gets bored

or if there is the slightest chance of her showing any emotion to me

i love her

but she is slowly taking away my light
The candle sits awaiting its charge;
Alas, I remain in darkness.
 Jun 2015 lolita
DH Matthews
unable to know the struggles of womanhood
unable to identify with the patriarchy

unable to sympathize with the lowest classes
unwilling to sympathize with the highest classes

not of color due to a privilege by birth
vehemently rejecting of ubiquitous white supremacy

not of a divergent sexuality
not so steeped in the norm as to reject the very idea

aloof from generational narratives of tenacious entrepreneurship
slave to demographic trends of marginal employment

born with a leg up in the freest nation's capitalist paradise
dreams of one day seeing it destroyed

tasked to be normal
i begin to wonder
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