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Josh Bass Apr 2015
The Wire Tree
Walking through a dim lit wood
The far off scent of firewood and nosetalgia  
creeps up my back like an old Army Blanket
A shade appears before me
Without words I follow
Further and further
The translucent green shade leads on
I come to a great oak tree
A very old strand of barbed wire
appears to be melted into the tree
It is very dark now
the shade is gone
In these woods
Man's boundaries
Nature's patience
Josh Bass Oct 2014
I am angrier at thirty
Than at any other age in my life
31 is looking up though.
Josh Bass Oct 2014
Everybody is right
Everybody is wrong
But the truth is
Nobody knows what is going on
What it really means to be an adult
Josh Bass Aug 2014
Day 1
Laying on my stoop
Wings fully spanned
Gray and Brown flecked fur
So still
Do bats bask?
In the morning it is gone
Carried off I assume
Nature has it's way

Day 2
It is back
The bat
In the same spot on my stoop
Wings pulled in it's breathing so fast
It's French Bulldog face sits up to take me in
I don't want it to suffer
Up it springs
Flapping it's wings hovering inches from my face
Eye contact before it flys away

Day 3
He doesn't visit everyone
You must respect the bat
Changes will be made
Josh Bass Oct 2014
The observant person
will never cease to be
Josh Bass Mar 2015
with great power comes great responsibility
but what if you have great responsibility but no power?
Parker had an Uncle Ben
I have a....
a what?
I don't have an Uncle Ben
but Sergeant Willeford said
a responsible man will always be given more responsibility*
"What about everyone else?" I asked.
"Where is the great power?"
"Who will help the burden of a responsible man?"
The Silence was the meanest part of the joke
I was thirty when I found out
I could not be
Josh Bass Aug 2014
Make no mistake make no excuse
It's not your fault they are obtuse
Serenely synching your tie
Air cut about to die
You are not theirs to abuse
Josh Bass Apr 2015
Up from the depths
Of muck, of stinging
Of being buried
I can breath again
Josh Bass Aug 2014
He does his workload
That man is responsible
More will be given
Josh Bass Sep 2014
Put that song on repeat
We got comfy under my sheet
A night at the bar
When you could still puff a cigar
Oh the stuff I think, when I use my skull meat
Josh Bass Oct 2014
It is understood about me
that I can sit still in a room
by myself
And I can.
Try it again
and next time
you look up
...I am gone
Josh Bass Mar 2015
Fast considering the darkeness
What am I running from?
Not sure
And yet here I am
Up hill now...
I can see better
Moonlight creeps in through some breaks in the surrounding trees
A Demon Dog of the night jumps
out at me, moonlight reflecting off it's teeth
Gimlet colored eyes make my stomach drop
I wake up a minute before my alarm
What do your dreams mean anyway?
Josh Bass Nov 2014
Those moments
They just hit you
Catch in your throat
Most often Sunday nights
But they can happen at any time
The most maudlin melancholy
Thoughts concentrated into
My chest
The sadness is uncontrollable
Everything is upsetting
I feel like a pressure release valve
For the world
Every emotion seems to have
a corresponding ****** fluid
The tears are welling up but have not
left my eyes
And just as soon as the feelings have washed
over me,
they are
The steam has dissipated
and I go about my evening
Josh Bass Dec 2014
It's like having your hands bound
While someone stabs your heart
Except you did the binding
People say it's brave
But it doesn't feel like it
is more like it
Peel back your skin
To see your broken bleeding
still beating heart
The embarrassment caused
is like ******* yourself
similar to that warmth you
When you share yourself with
your love
it is more than worth it
Josh Bass Mar 2015
When the light comes
The shadows rush forward.
The light remaines untouched.
Josh Bass Apr 2015
I was there
And I was patient
No judgements
I was listening
And you confided
I wish I could absorb your pain
Sometimes like a priest
Or a therapist
Or a soundman
The truth is
I cannot absorb your pain
Without adding some of my own

I will always try to help

But nobody is going to tell me how to feel.
Josh Bass Aug 2014
You are special
All I ask is that you do your best
I am proud of you
You are special

If everyone else jumped off of a cliff would you?
You are better than that
You don't know what love is

Choose something you love
Never work a day in your life
Work hard
Respect everyone

Don't make the same mistakes as me
You are the future
You still have the rest of your life to figure it out
You always have a room upstairs
I wish I had known what I know now
My job is killing me
It's not for everyone
If I only had more time

Your mother and I are getting a divorce
Can you set up my twitter account?
Hey buddy I want you to meet Dinah
I just don't understand what goes through your head

Stop being so...

— The End —