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Joseph Miller Sep 2014
This is for the poet that never wrote.
On the day he shared, the poet gifted a quote

Inspire the creative.
Words to change the world

A blanket to the newborn
a chalice to the gods
A sacred sword and a magical wand
the poet ventured out on a quest to heal the mind
Never to forget where he started the poet became lost in time!

Using symbols and characters as he displays his  love and frustration
Lust, lies, trust, light and aggravation
Everything seems to be changing
A constant spiral of life the poet is claiming
The ups and downs never go away and it's his last chance at salvation

What's the poet to do..

Well he obtains anything he can to prove things different!
Taking time out of his day to prove YOU ARE GIFTED
Leaving the poet to ponder why only some have shifted and others are covered still with a veil of I don't know forgetfulness!

Releasing a gift to the world is like when the sun rises and the plants wake up

The poet understands this and on a Day to day his mission is to gift and give up

Gift a new way of thinking, gift a new way to heal, gift a gift just to keep giving, delivering only what's real

We are all poets we are all givers and we are all the same
As different as we all look the option to create is just as easy to gain.
The bird builds it's own nest right
Why can't the world make a change
This is my first time ever sharing my poetry like this please let me know what you think and feel... Tips how to write deeper I have no idea what I sound like
Joseph Miller Sep 2014
A ghost rider never to be understood,
Never to be seen touched or heard from,
A puzzle not solved

A mean way to say an angel has disappeared
Goodbye cruel world back to the never ending abyss of self
I am only your mirror

A glass house made of steel, a pretty site to see but no where near
Nowhere in site and a scattered thought of deception is what's real

If I spoke to soon say something, I believe I have waited long enough..
Stood inside of muddy waters waiting on the muck to dry up
The sun is coming

A ghost rider without a horse.. No stallion or saddle
No shoes no shirt...
He is wild

Hello beautiful world, stay for a while
Joseph Miller Sep 2014
A blind artist painting on a canvas
With no memories of wasted space
Time collapsing
All he sees is a prism of color

Believing beauty comes from within he only thinks of others
Missing life, he stays in a meditative position seeking a greater understanding of life itself

Wisdom is applied as matter  unfolds and wraps itself however it chooses, we then see god in its very image..
The epicenter of creation

Minuscule to the entirety but right here and right now the artist is all we know
The ones who painted a pretty enough picture for us to remember... That's our existence

I will choose to make a difference
He said...

It's power. It's love. And it's all we have.
Solid hands to create, a solid mind to see, and enough time in the world to say do or be anything!

He wants to know the whole **** universe and he won't stop until He has been in the essence of love with all of the shapes sizes and colors of every squared inch in existence...
He will be one hundred billion and beyond
I am he and he is I
I am love and love is you

— The End —