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The rain is falling 
Under this tree where 
No one can harm or
Disturb me as I'm protected from the
Everlasting shield of 
Reaching branches 
Sometimes the rain seeps through
To fall upon my head but that's 
Okay because I'll always
Remember how hard it tried to keep
Jose Gonzalez Aug 2015
I have many flaws about me, some are worse than others. I do things to anger people purposeful and not. I don't always express myself or emotions in the best way, yet I try to catch myself. I'm not always happy with my self image and can be depressed. I do try to deal with my stresses and anxiety the way I can, but it doesn't seem so to others. I've not always made the best decisions, but thought they were at the time. Some were of pure stupidity, but only fault of my own.My anger can get the best of me verbally, and am regretful. I know I'm not perfect, but can admit it!!!

However, I don't try to change others as they try me. I try to give wholeheartedly, asking little in return. I try to hear both sides of things, yet I fall on deaf ears!! I try to keep open minded, even if I'm closed out against. Ive had stones cast at me from my Judgers, but am in the wrong for defending myself.  I ask to be accepted as who I am, yet bend to change to the will of others. I am driven back to a corner, yet I try to be kind!!

I am human, flawed, imperfect, and with faults! I am full of love and affection when not forced to betray myself!  I am only walking this world as anyone else! I AM ME!
*Not so much a poem perhaps, but rather a writing of feeling*
Jose Gonzalez Aug 2015
I would gladly bear the stones being cast at her from the crowds,
in that she no longer feels their stings.
Upon my back I would carry the world weighing heavy upon her
giving ease from tribulations, trials, and worry.
My ears, and time would be given without second thought,
In when her voice seems to gain no meaning or audience.
I would blanket her and hold her close when all seems unreal,
for her to know comfort, understanding, and there is meaning to it all.

Know that whether it be of spirit, mind or body, I am at the ready!
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