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 Mar 2020 John Stevens
D Conors
We, the same from and of flesh and pumping blood,
our skin sweating in touch, together, the scent
was always the same,
you and I, one younger, one older,
the way it was meant to be,
in fights and tears and pup-tent shared lamp-lit fears,
we rolled our heads beneath the stars above
upon the grassy knolls, our pillows kept,
not ever knowing that one of us would be
covered beneath the soily breath,
the one of one of us, still left,
watering the fields of your footsteps,
now dressed up as dreamy memories,
the tossing heart of guilt and pleads,
for just one more day, ******! -one more
I had still some things,
I wanted to say.
My schoolmate Tim and I both lost out brother Mikeys.
This poem is for them.
--D. Conors
1 Jan. 2011
For both Mikeys.
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
We can all get through this with true prayer and Faith.
Not with praying for others to die with this corona-virus.
But to keep praying for thy enemies to change here.
To pray for God use you to change them using you.
For we all are in this together to inspire and encourage.
To bless one another with the Gifts that God gives us.
Now this is where the body of Christ does it best work.
Allowing the Spirit of God to use you to bless others.
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
It breaks my heart that some people.
Consider this to be the end of the world.
It may be an tragic time here on the earth.
But tomorrow shall come once again here.
Yes it shall be an darker time to live in now.
But Christ shall come once more someday.
Making this the world that he had intended it to be.
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
Keep washing your hands, don't touch your face.
Keep praying for protection from corona-virus too.
You are too Valuable to loss to this evil sickness.
Keep praying and I shall keep praying for you too.
You are Loved by God as well as loved by me also.
So keep praying and distancing your-self People.
Your Life purpose and writes are too valuable to lose.
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
Message me if you need prayer please.
You all are very special indeed to God.
Praying for each of you to be ok always.
I prayer that none of you will die this year.
But to be healed and stronger then before.
For you all are mighty people over-comers.
Be heal my friends and love one another.
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
Empty Cup
 Mar 2020 John Stevens
I'm the warm cup of coffee
he drinks every morning,
but today he's forgotten me

I've been waiting for his
mouth to swallow me all day,
and I'm losing my warmth with
each time he forgets to drink me

After months,
his tongue longed for my sweet taste,
but now I'm cold, bitter, and sour
I’m angry and hurt.
 Feb 2020 John Stevens
the way of beauty
is written in the sky
for all to read
with ink made
of sunset

the way of beauty
is recited each dawn
for all to hear
by warbling children
of the dawn's light

the way of beauty
is felt in each heart
and all can know
the shining diamond
the core of every soul

the way of beauty
the peaceful path
is open to all
surrender yourself
know who you are
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