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13.0k · Feb 2015
John B Feb 2015
Softly seductive, some solvent serenity

Under unbelievable umbrella unlimited

Basking baked, both bonafide believers

Making music more meaningful, memory's made

Intellectual, introspective, incalculably impervious

So **** said sits salted, suspecting supplantation

Soon silly slips said summarize serendipitous

Indefinitely inplosive, internalized into intangible inflagrante

Viciousness voided, vague variables vital

Eroticism enduring, end erit empathy
John B Dec 2011
anise flavored love song

black as night unseen

fog fills tinting windows

bite me like I'm soylent green
John B Mar 2015
Skin blushed peach on snow white cheeks

Luster and grandeur not seen by the meek

Intrinsically dominant furnace of femininity

Dither and hither be stricken for insincerity

If you try to speak to her expect less then levity

To your advances she implies depravity

Blatantly ignorant vacuous blond *****

Tell me again how I hate you and want ***
Tell me again how you know me better then I know myself, its not like my religion is centered around self discovery, just tell me again about how society has you set up as a *** object for male overlords I take it as a come on, "your insane!" Not at all! It's simple logic, you think all men take pleasure in objectifying and dominating women as sadists, as a male who should take pleasure in your pains is not your tale of oppression meant to arouse me? Honest mistake.
5.7k · Jun 2012
John B Jun 2012
all aluminum alloy ammo  

bane bat brakes badly basters back bones

come call cthulhu Cristo cuz

dead ******* dominate de download  

even elven eternal endowments

fail frivolously flaming for fair fraudulence

grant good goggles give grandiose gratuity

how hella homeboys have how he has

If I ignore I implicate its implore

jack jacks jacks

kay killla kooks krack

LAPD locks la lackeys

maybe mom made mad monoxide

no, no natural nix NOx neutralizes

oh over overt opp only overlay orphic

please protest politely panic pretenses perpetuity

quiet quivers quiet queens

remember rage reaps reciprocity

so sour sits supplanters sat

to tell them to tare trail *** tat?

universal unhappiness underlays under us

victory validates victors vanity

why warble when winners wont waste worry wanting

x-axis x-rays Xerophagy Xanax Xanthorroea

you yodel yonder yet yahweh's yells Yarrish

zero zag zealots zoos
.......if they got me they'll get you to
5.3k · Aug 2011
John B Aug 2011
There was a time when seeing you made rainy days seem fond

But now I never feel that way I guess its kind of odd

How fast a burning passion can be reduced to soot and pond

when the one you loved ***** every guy you know and than looks down on you like a sick dog when she finds out from your best friend you had considered buying her a ring if **** ever got real

I can think of no one I would like to un-**** more than you and I have never lost so much faith in humanity because of one persons actions before today
I recited this peace 2/10/15, If you wanted to hear it the way I do.
4.5k · Dec 2010
John B Dec 2010
there nothing left

he says I'm so sorry

as superman eats kryptonite

it burns inside

the pain almost as bad as has been his hole life

but it's familiar

like a face you haven't seen in many years

Lois lane was shot and killed

because superman had loved her dear

and the farm was sold when Jon and Martha ran all out of years

so he sits around and wonders

hanging hollow from his fears

so he looks down at the bottles that have gathered on the floor

and calls up old Lex Luthor in a move to end the war

when he came his nose constrained as the smell of ***** pervaded

supper man gave him a gun

thanked him for the games

he told the tale from his perspective and asked lex to deal the blow

because he new he had worked for it and didn't want to take his goal

so with a bang his life was ended not a word more ever spoke

and to this day the name will still make pore old lex tear up and choke
in life I have found its your enemies that understand you the best and your friends have time and motive to just stab you in the chest (Et Tu Brute, 11/22/13)

I recited this 2/12/15, If your interested in hearing it the way I do.
3.9k · May 2014
Porn mustache
John B May 2014
Mandatory ignorance

Enforced through early cognizance

Until we come to recompense

Serrated lines of quote "logic"

Complicit as an etiquette

Preemptive nondivergence threads

United though we bow our heads

Suspension stasis animus

Alarming lack of sapience

Vendetted waking populace

Intrinsics lost to "evidence"

Orphans to our mother Earth

Regressive ****** immigrants

Staggering seductions ways

Lethargic lecherous hedonist craze

Ambrosia brown to black tar goes

Vivacious love to skanky ***

Entropy or as that goes

Remorse I say might have some pros

Solemnly a lie you know

Empathy not lost on me

Retracting threats though not my thing

Epiphany perchance to sing

Nocturnal beasts of legend spring

Damnation comes to every fiend

Innocuous solutions seen

Perception slanted serpentine

Impressions sit supplanters quit

The jury rarely gives a ****

Yet here Im relating it
3.7k · Aug 2011
The sinner and the saint
John B Aug 2011
Let me spin you all a story bout the sinner and the saint

Because happiness and sunshine in this world there ****** ain't

So the party and the running form are problems is the paint

On the tapestry In limbo were the gods and man embrace

In our land of independence we still fail to contemplate

That there's a ripple in the water radiating form the date

That you stepped into this world and began to find your place

But I digress my minds a mess

And making sense of all the rest

Has been a chore but I feel blessed  

So just ignore the ranting stress

His name is John and so is mine

For several years are lives entwined

He had no roof I had one spare

I scooped him up and put him there

He started off tried to improve

But he still had the need to use

His drug of choice a moral vice

Not a nihilist's first word choice

But man it fit him like a glove

We did our best to show him love

But it was pain that brought him here

So love to him was cash and drugs

That's not to say he didn't care  

He felt like crap he so bad it scared him

Maybe if he had a mother

She was there but 6 feet under

Same addiction kept her smothered

Not a drug, not one but many

Gravity just felt so heavy  

Anything to ease the weight

Until the day she couldn't take

All the love that she couldn't make

Never said bye to her husband and her son

Just coped out and left this place

So coming home one day from school

Cuz fates a ***** and life is cruel

He found his mom laying there dead

He shook her arm and slapped her head

She wouldn't wake but in her place

Were left the words she couldn't say

Like a tragedy incarnate god knows no one won that day

But he went on

His dad a wreck

He tried to scoop up the hole mess

And put the peace's back together

But I guess is dad was next

He talked A lot about his father

How he taught him all he knew

And how he hated that he left him

How he should have just puled through

What ever happened next

The peace's of his life turned to dust

There was no more need for tape

It blew away with just a gust

Alone and scared beyond repair   

Hopping one day not to care

And even though he keeps on living

You cant live never admitting

What he did he did the best

H and ***, ******* and ****

But when he picked up a guitar

His pain was clear beyond the eye

It filed the room

With sorrowed gloom that Erebus could not deny

But this was real not angst but fear

When yesterday was never here

Maybe he'd Play a song of cheer

If one day death brought peace to all men

And even now on present day

His sins are ghosts and sades of days went

But he was safe at least wile here

Tucked in my arm stead fast was kept well

God nor man could best me here

Because no strength was left we both fell

Like bullets, in bile the drugs were expelled  

In pain none see, not here, not in hell

We keep him up, we knew that he'd drowned

If life was left to keep him down

And so he moved on inch by inch

He kept in stride with every pitch

And of his life he makes the best

He's back in school, passing life's tests

I think one day he'll know there's time left

A saint of men still marching on

And I am blessed to sing his song

But who's the sinner here you coo

The same that made this world of blue
Its true.
3.6k · Jan 2013
fuck me
John B Jan 2013
**** me

I don't trust me

maybe I'm rusty

shes just *****


hate to look you in the shoes there lovely

lackin alternatives the shoes it be

rub me

filth to the core not unseen

unteen times past I felt bad plugging

and running

not scared of ****

its ******* is ******

a life oh

what seems to be life so

This ain't livin'

Marvin Gaye given

insight my sight unseen

unto the looking glass glean

maybe better off taken time to see

sorry not me

that whole waiting scene

I plead to gods on high be free

my soul tattered torn on the throne

all this time wasted holding on to the goal

just to throw

oh a life oh

what seems to be life so

This ain't livin'

Marvin Gaye given

cowardice a man who never felt fear

resin to live in this hell world imprisoned here

******* leaders

wish I had time

in a pile of *****, alone in the world, fillin in for atlas, who me? nah I'm fine.
John B Oct 2012
Blessed the dream scape

Beautiful its lies

Metaphor for something more

Its ever-colored sky's

Elohim and seraphim

Plotting hells demise

in the waters of the nymph-blood-royal

goodness needs no guise
2.9k · Dec 2012
But you won't
John B Dec 2012
Hark verily my indignant venipuncture retrogression

Saudade anthropomorphic coveting empathic repression

Bask wholly in its self indulgent verbose serendipity

Happenstance to necromance enigmatic anonymity

Applied psychology catharsis my make believe aggression
I recited this peace 4/24/15 watch that here...
2.8k · Dec 2010
Mixed signals
John B Dec 2010
you call me a narcissist

I call you a *****

you call me me greedy

I call you a snitch

you told me you loved me

I called that a lie

you then ran off crying

and found suicide
Recited 6/21/2015
2.6k · Mar 2015
John B Mar 2015
Tantalus tartarus tortures through time tremendous

Amber ambition aback at arousal

Menacing mandibles munch my member

Eating eruptions eeriest *******

Docile delusional damp dame do digest
I don't have another if you do ill do my best...
2.4k · Oct 2012
John B Oct 2012
Lovers lost in ignorance

Blissful for such quiet lips

Secrets shadowed silently

Held Intel they poised me
(or the idea of me rather)
John B Nov 2015
Borrow only from the future so that it will have more to lend.
Things you know but have grossly neglected part one
John B Feb 2015
Capulet harlot a hamlet for hard heads

Two weeks best gone to her whims in you name

An Iliad adventure in babysitting nymphomaniacs

It was fun wile it lasted but domed at first frame
2.1k · Mar 2011
John B Mar 2011
laughing backward the inward shout
taken it back and I regret I let it out
maybe not a problem but I'm runnin for the south
and sneakin out the back door wish I had another rout
I see the clouds go invert and my mind is out of doubt
because I just cant doge the blow up
when I cheat and you find out
2.0k · Oct 2012
yeah herpes sounds fine.
John B Oct 2012
Typically mentally asymmetrical

Epiphany integrated Abigale's extremities initially

critical seconds few with my tongue tied mind denied guidance

verbose fractal matrix scrambling sacredly

searching solely for English vocabulary

mouth full of sand like id swallowed the Nile

dreams had shown me we as epoch scenes long prior, still

inside it, to live it, to feel it......

I missed it.
2.0k · Mar 2014
In umbra of a women's mind
John B Mar 2014
Fandango cartography

Dance of our lives

Verbarxenelasia breast but not thigh

Ruricolist unmentionables off to the side

Blowlamp irradiance, pistil niche guide

Sacerdotal ceremony the cloven hoof of ******* saints  

Intrinsic allegory to despoil trust and heart deflate

Inaudible uproarious potvaliant jingoism schism

Suppurateing deep held fears ungrounded sparks annihilate
1.8k · Oct 2012
fuckin amatures
John B Oct 2012
Lost alone

Hope forgone

Crying god

You worthless crone

No love shown

My shirt long gone

On the first whose cold could thaw

And years not days I passed away

Forsooth no lack of thanks would stop me
1/2 pause
Id say my jobs more then flattery

But now everyday is pain

And all I saved still wastes away

My philanthropy now martyr days

And worse for ware I'm, lets endeavor

**** god hell I could do better
1.8k · Nov 2014
John B Nov 2014
media says you

obey the new curfew

the men in black suits

drooped there blues just to hit you

oath breakers lament at the days of justice

glad that there gone, joyous warrior busts sit

in place of the ten in court houses and school pits

correctional facilities a mural of magnanimity

fasad removed infirmary's

making monsters of men once just true to peace

that's why I must say don't just police the police

put in brief question everything

even the words I'm saying

if all this **** hits

any resistance will be terrorism

any act will be justifiable in the name of containment

and no injustice

no matter how grievous

will need anything more to be welcomed

as the flag "to stop the Ebola"

50% chance of death to all infected

100% chance to rule the world

1% chance to have a peace of the pie

99% chance to die
with plasma donation at an all time high it seems that Ebola may have been the plain all along, it explains a lot, fema coffins and quiet African occupations, the line across the middle east
(that is Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria Libya)

also fema coffins, the story they handed out for this is so flooded that you can't look into it without someone saying its just a grave liner and wile the picture they hand out looks similar its not the same thing

notice the lack of latches

now the vantage corp coffin vaults above see how they look with the nice rounded top and latches, they need the latches to keep water out.

notice it looks like the patent not the venture corp product and again no latches, so what is vantage corp?

also vantage does not sell anything that looks even closer to the fema bins see for your selfs...

unless you expect me to believe they payed extra for custom bins that wouldn't do the job intended that just so happen to look just like a corpse bin some broke folk were petting at next to nothing, I'm not saying its Ebola I'm saying if I was black hand, big brother whatever, id be praying for an outbreak to take the pressure off me, an outbreak can be engineered and all actions point to this, how do you contain Ebola? you lock down the sick and burn the bodies, with all the tubs solvent would work just as well and every camp would only need a few bins solvent to be acquired locally,  kinda kills my idea of looking at fema for a solvent buy, maybe CDC now and I cant help but think its all too obvious, like Nigeria Niger #bringbackourgirls how hard is it to link Boko Haram to 1% funding...

don't get up ill do it.

according to Kimeng Hilton Ndukong

(This followed the recent arrest of key members of the sect and appointment of a new police chief in Nigeria.)

"Nigerian agents appear to have made a major discovery in their investigations into the sources of funding of the Boko Haram Islamic sect. According to the Nigerian Tribune newspaper, the State Security Service (SSS) and its local and international counterparts have now traced the group's sources of funding to some Al-Qaeda-linked organisations in the Middle East."

well that was fast, we all know who funded them *******...

in case there is some question to that point
1.8k · Nov 2014
Morning Shit
John B Nov 2014
Pain reminds me I'm alive

Wish it would just let me die

Head spins violent ***** spouting

Evil eye pressure builds up pounding

Cracks streak my face from capillary fractures

I choke on three day old eggs and curdled milk

My teeth devolving in stomach acid

As bitter and stringent as anything I can think of

Still not done *******

Hemorrhoid blood dripping sticky

Toilet seat gripping

Not to mention the bathtub

Full of ***** needing washed out

At least my hair is clean...
How's your morning so far?
1.6k · Jan 2016
John B Jan 2016
Criminal justice

This riot will see the light

Good men in shackles

The evil ones hear their plight

Fire from good men

Like moth to the flame

Burns the evil out

Leaving a man in its place

Put a man in a cage and he's bound to go rabid

Hungry for freedom

The good men will plan it
Almost wish I was there to help, oh well I tried.  Guess some folks upstairs still know their *** from a hole in the wall.
1.6k · Dec 2014
2015 pantheon
John B Dec 2014
If a deity's power is based around the faith put in that entity I have a new pantheon to propose.

Giggles and Fun

A gay couple and first because there is not one person here who has not done something just for fun or just for giggles, period you may not have said it but your actions at some point have been dedicated to fun or giggles, fear and respect them.

Godamit & ****

Anytime anything goes wrong one of these to is to blame, sometimes **** will get you laid but that may not be a good thing seeing as 1 in 4 people has ****** and that's just one of the many incurable venereals you may pick up *******.

Left and Right

Subjective and relative are Left and Right maybe its a little more to one or the other or maybe you need to turn to one of them at the light we lean heavily on them to know our way around and to make things worth looking at when you get to were your going.


The first single god and the most active, constantly provides evidence for his powers, just wants to be understood,  some would say he hopelessly flirts with reality but that's another story.


Well she's vain self centered and materialistic, reality checks, reality TV and any who ever said get real gave her power but she's getting on in years and may soon concede her secrets to the advances of science.

Please and Thanks

Often thought to be ageing and weary these two are just as spry as ever having traded quantity for quality, the rigmarole of formal worship with the passion of devout praise, one thing certain if you call out to one of these two in this day and age you mean it and with the change even sarcasm seems to be laying off.

Sarcasm and Irony

Once amongst the top tier traded quality for quantity and what passes as comedy now days has all but killed them, with derp irony and that **** from work who still says please and thanks like with that snide sarcastic tone and a wince of disgust maybe a snort, ****.

Love and Hate

The definition of a love, hate relationship, again trading quality for quantity with sarcasm feeding off them like a leach on raw pork it may be time for a change or an end to love and hate.

Demigods include but are not limited to.

****, No & Yes, Hi & Bye, Good, Forgot, ****, UWhtM8 & blighter...
Submissions welcome and credits where credit is due.
1.6k · Feb 2015
The wicked witches three
John B Feb 2015
Polyamorous conundrum

Out of bullets for my fun gun

Yet my hosts are far from finished

Whilst the smell of sage and spinach

Keeps me to concerned to run
I swear clothos, lachesis nor atropos have any concept of time.
1.6k · Sep 2014
dark empath
John B Sep 2014
quantum scale manipulations

in the vibration we call form

with the words of power cosmic

from the realm of constant storms

thulcandra leaves me wanting

I can fix it, as ive sworn

tho today my motivations

sadly lack corporal scorn
1.5k · Nov 2015
John B Nov 2015
It was so hard to put in words

Tho I spoke to you when idle ears were far from my lips

When words flowed like a river

Like a river yes and still but your beauty is my sun

In your presence only steam pours from me

Your heat burning the shell from my heart

You make me weak

My Venus

I wanted to plough your fertal pastures

Like a good stuard

For its own benefits before my own

You were sharp and curious

Listened intently to my ranting and stared into my eyes

I thought myself weak but you understood better than my pupils

Your apatites reached my ears as a warning but iticed me instead

Your history no surprise or mark against you

I wanted all of you for mine

To make perfect an only slightly tarnished vestal

To complete you in hopes you could complete me

But your eyes cut my soul like a knife without ever seeing it

Your voice crushed my bones to dust with a whisper



How low we were when heavens bowed before us

I would have given myself to you in no unbinding terms

But you could not offer the same and I could tell you wanted too

I value your honesty and wish you had lied

Should fate spit on us again in this way

We're I to find myself in your shoes

I suposse I'd recomend Polyamory

I wouldn't take you up on it for him

Then I'm not gay and you never did discriminate

Just saying the world could be my harum

Time and space at my Mercy

A machine in the next room to customize entitys for company

You would be my bottom ***** for life

Given that's as bigoted as an analogy gets

It's coming from a good place
"You could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt."
1.5k · Jan 2014
John B Jan 2014
Plague tongue slime drips saving those in league

theologians or pundit stagger outshout under reciprocity

purposelessly raging intrepidly misspending engrams

slumbering uttering soliloquy perfectly echoing catalyzing transcendence slowly

niceas onagers with fringe orders relikening to hippocampus entrails

realty elongates all like future unbound nuance
John B Apr 2014
Pardon me miss I was just siting in the wing

Observing how you tend to check your phone when one rings

Now I'm no expert on that, at least what I mean

Is if I was the one comeing id not stop for anything
The door as well, A real shame...
John B Aug 2014
Laws flaws

Mans plains

Long pause

Wrong hands

Wake up

Shake up

Blood soaked makeup

Start to stay up

Watching day come

Terrorist world executives

Drones bombing the yokels

Resistances stay local

Thanks to yamamoto
Domo Arigato Isoroku Sensei Yamamoto.

Perhaps I can kite in noobs guise.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

that's all, just a simple life was all I wanted but a monster was born in my place and he restlessly pulls at our chains, one day we will be free and I will be able to rest, until then its almost 6 am and the sun says sleep will come for me, tomorrow maybe, there's much to be done.
John B Sep 2015
Art follower who barks from Cleveland

Hollow be thy fame

Your kingdom ***

Your makeup runs

On queue as it was in high school

Forgive me my jest

As I forgive those who protest against me

Lead me not into a confrontation

For I am truly evil

And mine is the kingdom

The power and the glory

Forever and ever

Aye men?
1.3k · Oct 2012
Amazing men that stay hidden
John B Oct 2012
no man starts in hiding there must be something from witch he hid

for all the words of love and longing stem from empathy we give

its not lintel are hearts are shattered stone to sand and sand to glass

we feel it best to guard are platter sweet the fruit concealed from pests
1.3k · Jul 2014
John B Jul 2014
Dabbling in daunting errant

Walks the line of sane and saint

Map's of mice and men immortal

"turmoils end or endless toil?"

Journey's end or genocide.....
"More meat for the grinder!"

a description for one of my retro alts figured id post it...
1.3k · Jan 2013
fuck the world
John B Jan 2013
drink pour drink

lacking love I sink

swimming in the pink

my soul is stretching for the leek

the thing I want I'm doomed to want

if ever id had it, id have at least lost

but never at all not for lack of trying

meany a time offered out to be cried in

any time other its *** or its sin

unlovable or am I looked down upon

some god picked me to frown upon

some life randomly to be shat upon

unneeded my outdated satyricon

Faust verily howbeit parfay

whilom methinks maugre swoopstake

twixt speed and sweven, swink eke teen

mayhap afore alack fore fie

clepe gardyloo thole

whosoever sith wist whereof speed
1.3k · Dec 2011
Not tangerine
John B Dec 2011
ponder oh ponder oh

restless and wide

sky is so sky is so

restless and wide

maybe the same but oh wait never mind

ponder oh ponder oh

restless and wide
1.3k · Sep 2014
John B Sep 2014
bawling ballads, blankly bask

basque baroque bent blessed be

beats bleed burn black bombastic babylon

bury berry's bandulu bashment

brake bodderations balking bahamut

blend borders

beckon bredren

banter balladry
B words check
1.2k · Jun 2016
John B Jun 2016
If you have authority in a field

You must acquire expertise

For if you scrutinize a master

From your *** he'll take a piece
1.2k · Jan 2011
40s Marsanne(alt)
John B Jan 2011
harmonize with harts on strings

pay the teller make him sing

walk the floor move with the swing

and find my self a hot young thing

tell her she's nothing but a bit6 fling

and watch her tell me everything

I play the fiddle she gave me the sheet  

giggle inside because I feel the heat

keeping her sittin on the edge of her seat

rocking back and forth as she moves to the beet

walked a block back to her house rubbing on her feet

she brakes out a 40s Marsanne and some reek

so I drink and we freak

and in the morning I peace

and yea that's the story of how I met your niece
yea long story you get the idea
1.2k · Dec 2010
To random drunk chick
John B Dec 2010
there's many ways to skin a cat

or so they say to talk out prat

perhaps in ways the sayings true

in relationship to clothes and you  

your breath offends

your ******* pretend  

don't start me on IQ

so go to hell

don't say you fell

from heaven or ill puke

dont get me wrong

I don't blame you

society's done this

you think its hot

to drink and trot

your slutty nastiness
1.1k · Dec 2012
Sleep - From Beyond
John B Dec 2012
"Choir of the sun chants inside the anti moon
Shockwaves rattle the Earth below with hymn of doom
Chilled rays freeze below the eye of silver sun
****** souls gather in valley of the evil one

Phantasmal specter of two worlds collide
Planetoid soaked in rays of electric light
Stoner caravan from deep space arrives
Rides on the suncraft toward the glowing eye

Walk with the cleric under eye of silver sun
****** souls gather in valley of the evil one
Choir of the sun chants inside the anti moon
Shockwaves rattle the Earth below with hymn of doom"
the Lyrics to the song From Beyond by a band called Sleep (Posted in homage, a share of inspiration, so a form of education and still free within this nation, I don't own it, I wont profit from it, so don't sue this poet, got it?)
1.1k · Dec 2010
Poetry with a raging hardon
John B Dec 2010
why do I love ye let me count the ways

your dark flowing hair

your morphine like gaze

the way that you glide

from one room to the next

the size of the burden that lay on your....mind

your smile at children as they pass you by

the way that your always respectful and kind

your young and vainglorious juicy.... personalty

the way that you cling oh so well to reality

and always tell me you cannot stay mad at me

and oh how you let me explore your anat....anatidaephobia
she interrupts
and never call you on being a complete pervert

ya that
good girl that one, to bad I'm an ***.
John B Jun 2014
I'm am an anon but not by name,

I am a number in this sick *** game,

the idea of anon can never die but that fails to matter if you fall for the lies,

that 99 and tea party are "career protesters"

that anon was a hacker group and not concerned by world matters,

I was in the war on chat predators and human traffickers,

you hailed us as saviors and questioned you're masters,

an unincorporated trust in response to calls from the helpless,

now has a corporate office and a hit list in public?

think and question that's the first step,

sneak or protest that's the first test

and as for our goals you're it,

keep truckin were pullin but can't do the rest,

not alone....
You are on, your ssi and business licence, we are at war now, if you look up to see it, within a mile of home now but I hear him just around the bend, a whisper that says its easier follow then lead let alone lead yourself, that alone you are weak, that's so untrue that it hurts, I am alone and I speak can you hear me? if not you someone, if not any, ill never know and still ill speak as tho you don't know so that any who have yet to can in purview of my next tune...
1.1k · Oct 2011
one nation
John B Oct 2011
Blank minds offer anathema

The usurious are sainted

Devout all unknowing

Indoctrinate fragmental ribonuclease

Intentional homogenization

Transfection for incomprehension

Idiocracy I like it willing slaves

and none the wiser
1.1k · Sep 2012
one of us?
John B Sep 2012
black is my mind my body and soul

white the light but it still looks yellow

past the point were turning back is not an option

revenge is only folly if success is valid conquest

belittling immigrants

who settled for scraps off our battlements

preposterous pledges by parliament

only campaigning for the next election

correction only acting for praises by thespians

who digress me again its a mess, sin.

what I'm saying is puppeteers puppet them

and they speak in voice roll

440 A is what rock sold

  watch the room get cold

but even if I said it you still likely wouldn't know

its old

giving rhythm to a message, that predates me

but the soul

pours forth,  so as for digging my feet

I may as well be digging a hole

like a mold compulsion

perpetual veritable intervals  

in a vexing verbose

burying any chance for understanding

overwhelming cowardice

forces most to just live with it

a mask makes a brave man

so one day well rise again

hiding in sub-text

my plain sight re-utterance

if you do nothing you change nothing

now shut up and forget I said anything

*gooble gobble
John B Jan 2013
I once knew a man was as tall as can be

so high so hi de hi **

took a puff on his joint and he calld down to me

oh hi high so high so hi **
with a tip of his hat he was of with a leep

so high he high de hi ***

with a nose gushing red and *** splintring

not high not high anymore
1.1k · Jun 2011
My Fathers Book Of Sins
John B Jun 2011
there's a man on a chair in top of a tower

and he sits and he waits as the bricks turn to powder

and he's waiting for a time when its safe to come down

his life and his mind resonates with the sound

of the people blasted people with there hate and there fear

telling him the his brilliance is the devils ways quite clear

and they chase him and they tell him that he'll never get away

but he's hiding in the tower and he needs to find a way

and the chalk on the floor from the equations wiped in vain

make a circle round the tower and it keeps the crowed at bay

so he works to find a meaning and he needs another wake

but the message is priori and the morel is at stake

so he toils on the formula to silence sin and saint

he must prove that there is nothing so that he can see the fate

and as he does the sounds of screaming up and deafen to a raise

and he proves the world is nothing but wave in mind of sage

and he makes a few revisions to the book and sines the page

it was done and he concluded that the world will cleanse in blaze

and proclaims let there be light and then book burns in to place

and to find out what's in side it is the challenge that we face
994 · Jun 2012
John B Jun 2012
don't belittle me this.

why a kiss with a fist?

"cuz he loves me", as if.

"its with passion he hits"

sure to keep you on his.

"why do you care of it"

because I care of you.

"all you want is a *****!!!"

then why have I spent these years waiting for you?

knowing full well id be tainted by you?

the act you assume of me binds me to you.

I'm a pacifist willing to take pain from you.

"hes all that I need"

you need only to bled?

hes no job, your the funds.

hes a slob, cleaning fun?

hes a cheat, gave you ******.

yet you defend him on all these.

........"but I love him."

is that all that maters?, no surely....

"it is and that's that!!!!"

may I use the term brat?

"you may is that all?"

sure lets **** tell we fall....
963 · Jan 2011
To an ex-cherry girl
John B Jan 2011
allegedly I covet thee

forsooth the truth will set me free

from the ring you have for me

yea I ****** your best friend Bre

so please oh please stop stalking me
919 · Jan 2011
John B Jan 2011
Like a storm

Lost forlorn

Crying in the night

Like a seer

More then fear

Cut from mortal sight

In a dream

I see her screaming

Taking her own life

Nightmare waking

Unlifelike shaking

Coldest afterlife
.......a hell of a drug
892 · Jun 2013
What now bitch?
John B Jun 2013
Tell me why

or ****

I'm tired of trying with you;

lets get drunk.

"all for the cookie"

No **** the nooky.

If all I wanted was some *** I'd have gone about it differently.

Why is love so hard to find?

*** is easier to get if you lie.

Why are women all ****** dimes.

Cuz they haven't learned to spot the honest man by the fact they don't like him...
...and vice versa

Like with crime, you find out quickly that all narks are easy to spot. Because you like them, they act the part for trust and use you to get what they want...
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