Sunday evening.
Black book widely open,
Alluring to indulge
every scripture of
My desires ,
My wishes
Euphoric touches.
Euphoric colorful different fingers
Strayed on my thighs.
Chameleon lips ,
Tasted my mouth
Euphoric colorful sheets rearranged.
Every night ,
Different shades of eyes.
It's the only heat ,
my heart has ever grown to love.
****** attraction is quite dangerous,
Confusing at times ,
But it's only the heat,
My heart has ever grown to love.
Every scripture out of
my black book leaves you
panting with more.
My conquest, my achievements.
Moaning graciously.
Fiery heat...
Every beating pulse of veins,
The sweat from my back and hips.
The rise of euphoric chemicals .
Sensations of bad habits
and unthinkable crimes.
These symptoms rise deeper into my brain,
A delectable affliction.
I choose to control the object of my ****** desire.
This euphoric heat is the only thing ,
my heart has ever loved.