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4.4k · Jun 2016
I am a Space Alien
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
I am a space alien
And I like it here
So could you please stop
******* everything up
With this patriotic
Bull crap
And stop behaving like baboons
Every time someone waves a flag?
And just keep it at the cute level
Like when someone wins a game
Or have an album hitting number one
On the American Billboard
That is not American
And leave some space for those of us
Who think you're otherwise OK
All of you.
It's not like I have anywhere else to go
Until you all come together
And make some proper FTL-drives
Today is the Swedish national day. Useless concept.
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Groom Training

Get up you tired old grumpy whimper!
And take the fracken elevator
If you have to
Down to the kitchen
And eat the breakfast
That people who have already been up
For three hours
Have made for you
If they can rise and shine
Day after day
Doesn't mean that you can
But they prove it's possible.
And probably with a lot less fuss
Shower, brush and focken shine!
It's the least you can do

Sometimes it takes
Some pretty harsh
Inner language
To get scruffy old oil tankers
Trying to navigate through an archipelago
Of any inevitably unknown future
to get moving.
You've got ADHD!
2.2k · Jun 2016
Holding the Nail Polish
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Five thirty in the morning
Waiting for the first bus of the day, are a woman and her husband
Don't know how old
But a little round, a little gray, a little bald.
I guess is it was the woman, who was going places
They were dressed up
But just a little
So I guess they were going to Praha
So maybe for some sale
No really
I am certain it was the well dressed lady who was going to the Golden City
To do some serious shopping
Today he was just an assistant
He looked bored as hell, holding the nail polish, while she fixed up her nails
Sure he did!
But, I am sure he knows that if he didn't do this
He'd be left to his own devices
That means drinking himself to death at the football club
And not knowing what to do at a birthday party even if he remembered when anyone's was
But I am sure he's happy he doesn't have to
Even though two minutes of holding nail polish is a veeery long time
At least that is how I recall it from when my mother made me hold it as a child
The view from a hotel in Rez in Czech Republic.
1.2k · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Hey Guys

I'm way past half time
I passed
The great divide of 30
More than 20 years ago
I had like AIDS for decades
I'm a narcoleptic
And I have raving ADHD
So excuse me
If I need one or two
Dinner and
Or a man
From the
Dance floor
If I go night clubbing
Ha Ha Alcoholic
861 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
When you get older
You get wiser
You care
Less and less

Less and less
You seek
The company
Of others

Fade to gray
Family ties
Stretched or broken
Mostly gone
The world vanishes
Into a haze
Of endless repetition

If you're wiser
You keep a shotgun
In the hallway
And a 44 magnum
In the inner pocket
Of the coat
That served so well
For ten something years

If you're wiser
You have enemies
You didn't forget
You didn't forgive
They are ripe
They are ready
They're still young
They're not hardened
But too old
To start over.

You're tense
You're focused
You're sharp

Aromas of
Freshly grinded
Coffee beans
Fresh baked bagels
The first rays of light
Wipe away the fog
The last drops of dew
Not the smell of danger
Clear and
Very present

They're ripe
Everything they got
Teach them a lesson
Trash their lives
**** them
In "self defense"

A new grind
At the coffee shop
A rain of bullets
Put on a hat
The Simple Art Of Growing Old
829 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Like Hitchcock would have said:

Let's go out
On dark waters
Too deep
Because that's where all of you perverts want to go anyway
You don't care about happiness in fairy land where it's raining flowers
You want AIDS, ADHD, narcolepsy, funerals, junkies, alcoholics, ***, ****, ******, brothels, snipers, war veterans, drugs, criminals, motorcycles, accidents, models, size queens, gypsies, hairy hung cops, shemales, ****, ******, robbery, space aliens, punk, romance, opera, revenge...
And probably some splatter and gore on the side
No problem
What do you want to know?
I have no secrets
From Bla Bla Bla pOetry
815 · Jun 2016
From The Coach
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016

Giving up cigarettes on top of all this is a little too much
Don't quit smoking
The number one rule:
Never ever quit anything
Focus on what to do instead
Just don't smoke more than five cigarettes a day
And stuff your face and your mouth with ***** and snus or whatever **** you can find
But don't smoke
It will **** you
And a lot faster than you think
But it's still difficult
Especially if you got a constant death wish hanging around you
But I have faith
And I know by now
That I can **** myself
If worse comes to worse
But dying is easy
I know a lot of people who have died
And they have died
One hundred percent
And not all of them have been all that smart
You'd be surprised that they could eat with a knife and fork
But they died anyway
Nature knows this ****
You either die because you're sick
And trust me on this
AIDS does this to you
When you are so sick that you're dying
You're busy taking your next breath
And death is of no concern
Or getting well
Whichever way is the shortest
Or you get run over
Or something
And you're dead in eighteen seconds
Or you die because you're old
Not that living is all that bad
But you've been there
And you've done that
So it's not all that important anymore
But you perverts, who hardly survived your hamster dying when you were seven, want to know how to deal with the doctor saying you've got cancer

You already know what to do!
You smash everything in the kitchen
Then you go over to your neighbors
And smash everything in their kitchen
And then you cry for three days
And you probably find another kitchen
Until you die
But you already know what to do
Life is a funny place
But it's not for weaklings

Let's play
This is poem about the simple art of dying and why you shouldn't worry about it.
Pitch black and scary. For real.
That was my husbands verdict.
So I must have done something right, even though I intended it to be a laugh.
Which it is.
Perhaps a little on the darker side of hilarious.

814 · Jun 2016
Ha Ha
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Even if it means
That you'll stop for a minute
To wonder
It they still sell
That brand of shoe polish
That you like so much
Down at the supermarket
Or you curse
That you have to walk
To the gas station
On top of the hill
To get your fix
Cause you ******* it up
With the closer one
Ha ha
Ha Ha Alcoholic
619 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
If you're
An angry young man
Going on 52
In a gang
With men in hoods
Off and on
Make them laugh
So you know
You're not
A grumpy old one
Just mad
Not bitter
And twisted
The Simple Art of Growing Old
540 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
It's a slow train
On a very fast track
And it's not gonna end well
All things that end
Don't end well
All things don't end
That doesn't make them better
Just longer lasting
And slower decaying
The final stages
Smells and linger
Whistle stop
Fried green bladders
Golden hags
The Simple Art of Growing Old
527 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
Vanity is not fighting
The old man coming
Vanity is thinking
It's a fight
You could win

Don't let him catch you
The Simple Art of Growing Old
476 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
The simple art of growing old
The title of a collection in progress.
A slow process...
But I've got plenty of time.
402 · Jun 2016
Johnny Nilsson Jun 2016
The moment
I stop writing
Or reading
Or singing
I fall so fast
Into the darkness

I do believe in God
Being the word
From 95% Prayers
240 · May 2016
Light Stop
Johnny Nilsson May 2016
Do Not Breathe
You're in a jar
Not ajar
The thought cracks the lid
A hurricane contained
The echo of a nuclear blast
Symphonies tossed around like nursery rhymes
A sigh slips through
Liquid nitrogen blood boils up
Heatwaves of pleasures
A short circuit in the ribs
Two missed beats
Of pain
One teary blink
A warning sign
About your name
Rocks slowly above
This fragile arrangement
Portraits of you
Remains censored
Behind vapors
Of John Carter
And the City of Glass
The sunset in rewind
On the horizon
Nothing new
Across an ocean of dull
Days and weeks
Then months
Of distractions
Of artificial busy
Of nonsensical importance
My protection: my shelter
A wall as high
As a blink of an eye
The jar wobbles
Stands silent
Its contents
Of numbing pain
Slither behind
A translucent membrane
Like a serpents egg
A honking horn
The lights green
Counting backwards
From one hundred
To be sure
The power of love
Is a black hole
An abyss
Of emptiness
Thread lightly
Avoid everything
Do anything
Avoid everyone
Do anyone
Stay alive
Do not breathe

— The End —