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My love, you are an agony
but for you
I would have been on the road
made the world my family

The sun and the moon you robbed
stars you made your countless eyes
but for you
I would have flown where eagles rise
made my home in the sky

My love, you are an agony
but for you
I would have gone down the flow
a speck of moonlight
in the sparkling shadows of night
hanging on a leaf like poetry!
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
i feel like the walking dead
rotten thoughts calling often
no stopping the stalking dread
crossing over from my coffin

bury me deeper

just a corpse, looking back
maggots feasting on the placid
no stopping the pulling black
passing over from my casket
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
This problem has gone on so long
we always reach the same old sum

divided by lies
multiplied by my failure to learn
In division, we carried over

the sequences of your dishonesty
compounded by lack of ownership

numbers don't lie

you brought a lot of uncertainty into the equation
it played a huge factor
the lowest common denominator

I never was good at arithmetic, but something doesn't add up

subtract me
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
i've been living on the fly for a while
a dive from the sky for a sight of the vile
i tried to find out why they can cry with a smile
but they decide to lie and die in denial

they divide the ties and put eyes on trial
hiding behind a blinding pride with guile
buying is their guide to arriving in style
vying for the high life with titles they compile

and i have no way to get home

looks like i'm stuck in the muck and the muddle
out of luck where i was put just to hush in the struggle
cuffed to this crust is just enough to bust my bubble
another **** to fuss and cuss in the dust and rubble
originally title  "alien report 3", then i realized that i could't find alien report 3
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
David Ehrgott
Love is
Love is being


Love is
Love is being
Being with
you is what
Love is
Then went out of the way
Address not found
Didn't and couldn't be called
want to reach you

I came across a horizon
Evening came down
Heard, you exist behind the sun
Not to fear cause you made
In the dark,
Anyone can't see you
Even not me too

However I wish
I will get
Dark come down as your rules
Find you
Find the road

Am I in the same place
Or moving towards any of the
I close my eyes in the dark
Thought I'm black
I have mixed up the dark

Open my eyes and can't see myself
My weight is decreased
Going up into the air
Increasing the speed, have felt cool
Where am I going
Heard something vague
More speed increases
I see a mystic haze
I go to the land of conscious to the unconscious

But I can't understand
My chest is open
Is to operate on me
Putting something else on the heart
Sent back to conscious

Yet I have not seen
But hear you!
See the haze again,
In the Songs of dark!
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
Raj Bhandari
Hell of a life !!
Just listen, oh my dear,
please come here ,
show me some light ,
hold my hand tight ,

I just want to talk ,
we can take a walk ,
Oh please I do not need any help
something is moving under my scalp,

Am I really bothering you,
that's the story, got nothing to do ,
I am no more hired or fired,
mercy my Lord, I am retired !

no more tension to pay the bill,
time is the agony, *******,
though I am very much grown,
Deep inside, I am all alone , all alone........
 Jun 2016 A Lopez
Tinker Bell
On nights when you feel lonely
    And your head is buried in pillows
When breaths come in short gasps
    because the tears won't stop....
                                           Wherever I am,
                         I will feel an ache in my soul,
                   And I will know you are hurting.

So I will sing you
     your favourite tune, a lullaby
To put your heart at ease.
                                    And then you can sleep
                            undisturbed by nightmares,
           And you'll open your eyes only when
                              the darkness is gone...

And the sun shines
once more in your life.*

              *On nights when you feel nothing,
                Just an emptiness for no reason...

I will send you a star. ☆
      Out of my heart, it will ride a cloud
and reach your window; tapping..

                     And as you stare at in wonder,
                Circling your head, the star will do
                                little funny dances,

And when you're tired from laughing
and fall asleep,
The star will tiptoe out, board the cloud,
And return straight back to my heart.
                                 ­            And I will smile...
If you're wounded, I will bleed too.
If you are the black, I'm the blue.
And when you cry, I can't bear to watch you.

Dedicated to all who are suffering in any way. I feel your pain through your words. I don't know how to ease your grief, so I pray you find peace ❤
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