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 Mar 2016 Jennifer Flores
Words are my kind of showing my feelings.
Not always with my mouth. Mostly with a pen.

Words are my kind of showing my feelings.
Not always right, but always open.

Words are my kind of showing my feelings.
Not always like all, but always me.

Words are my kind of showing my feelings.
Not always agreeable, but always free.
You're young and beautiful,
                         don't be scared              
     of being reckless and falling in love.
       Just run wild, and don't look back.
Be wild babe.
 Mar 2016 Jennifer Flores
Pictures are lies with faces.
They seem like happy people in happy places
behind the ink, they’re a pile of court cases

Pictures show us what we want to see
they all lock their doors and swallow the key
When the cameras come out they sit down for tea

and pretend nothing happened.

— The End —