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  Jun 2017 Jawad
I wish I could spend every moment
every moment here with you...
reading all your words,
each line and sentiment

words of love and anger, longing and despair,
words of compassion,
of confusion and fear
all your words of pleading,
all your words of prayer

though the page begs me to stay and read
time will not allow...
it simply won't stand still
it's counting every second,
counting them with speed

so much here to read but so little time
feeling guilty if I do,
more so if I don't
lured by the richness,
seduced by the rhyme

knowing they're here for me to find
I hate to miss the diamonds
or overlook the gold
dabs of wisdom,
nubbins of wit of the rarest kind

it would be an extraordinary coup
giving time
contemplation to them all
reading each one,
reading the whole way through

though that's what I'd love to do
I can't seem to find the time
so I'll read on,
it may only be a few

but I'll give my full commitment
while I savor every word,
each deep-felt thought
of those I  discover
by happy accident

because I treasure what you share
gifted writers that you are
gifted writers...
poets extraordinaire
A bit of fun with rhyming and (attempted) rhythm. :-) Hoping it's not too sappy.
Jawad Jun 2017
هي الرجال تبكي
كادب بليغ
يستمع اليه الاشباح
اشباح ليل طويل

ولكن الدموع
تسري تحت الجفون
تحت الوجون
تحت الصدور
كأحجار قبر
تواري جثث احلام وجهود وفشل
مضت منذ دهور

وتمتزج الدموع
بدماء وعرق وقلق
خالقة بحرا ميتا
من علقم مالح
تطوف على سطحه الامنيات
بسكون حكيم

والعمر يمر
وتتبخر السنين
تاركة ورائها ارض بور
تتشقق من الجفاف
تشبه صدور الأبطال
طعنتها مُدى الأيام
في معركة تعيسة
لمدة سنين

ويسخر الزمان
بنكات بائسة
من مأسي الرجال
ويبتسم الدهر
ويهز برأسه
ثم ينظر الى أفق بعيد


Men cry too
In silence
Like eloquent literature
Listened to by ghosts
The ghosts of a long night

But the tears
Flow under the eyelids
Under the cheeks
Under the chests
Like tombstones
The resting places of dreams and efforts and failures
Gone a long time ago

And the tears mix
With blood and sweat and worries
Creating a dead sea
Of salty poison
Dreams floating on its surface
In wise tranquility

And age goes by
And years evaporate
Leaving behind them infertile soils
Cracked from drought
Like the chests of heroes
Stabbed with the knives of days
In a miserable battle
That went on for years

Time makes fun
With lame jokes
Of the miseries of men
And life smiles
Shakes it head
And look away into the far horizon...
My previous poem morphed into another one about men's miseries, but this time and for the first time in ARABIC..
  Jun 2017 Jawad
I was not born a


I was broken into


Jawad Jun 2017
Men cry too
But quietly
Their sorrows are loneliness
Like acid burning into the silence
Of their disguised troubles

They sob too
But you can't see
Because their tears
Mix with their pride
In face of atrocities
Soaked in salty tragedies

They cry asleep
When the nightmares come
Suffocating their throats awake
In a pond of sweat

When their tears dig
Like shovels
Ditches in their faces
To burry their feelings
Under the look of death
In the hope that pity
Doesn't fire a last shot
In their motionless corpse of emotions
Decomposing since years

Men look sad too
But only when their sun goes down
After a tiresome day of pain
To leave them with a dim expression
Falling into the lost thoughts of the night

Men cry too
The passions of men...
Jawad Jun 2017
Words in my head
Stir up with the thoughts of the day
Mix into torment

I am looming around
Nowhere but inward
Deeper into the oblivion
Of unspoken poems

But they
Will be out
Explode in sparks
To rattle the existence
That wraps my destiny
To set me
Once more

I’m back
Though never really gone...
I think my 'creative break' has come to an end. I must write poems again. Hello Poetry, I missed you.
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