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Jamie King Jan 2015
The silk of nature the gentle hands of  
   a loving mother placidly rubbing
                      swollen feet

The crystal of murmaids shimmering
   ashore mirroring the rainbows as
     though a priceless gold infused
             with diamonds of God

I'm lost in bliss gazing at the beauty
        of this magnificent field of
I just came from the beach and while relaxing in the sand I came to appreciate those who I take for granted and realised how much they make me happy
Jamie King Jan 2015
The Songs of old birds in cold worlds warm hearts of women where men have left.

Past wars still brewing in the brain making stews of despair he shares only with himself suffocating without breath his heart
infested with death as
The blood of foes
Is still staining
his hands

She holds him
as though an infant
trembling in fear of his
own ghost she assures him
with a kiss of hope that life is
still worth living and all else is
forgiven and all else is forgiven
Grand dad used to talk about the war when I was very young this one is for him and others like him
Jamie King Jan 2015
Standing still
Crushed rampaged
  metals collide the face
  splashed with guts of the
      masses Massacras being
            routines in all routes the
                   scenes are blinding
                        as light flashes
                     before the eyes
                  like angry skies
                in  darker nights

           The day is reborn
      the face wiped with
  cloths of sorrow black
bags already gone but
  not forgotten, pardoned
     only when the bones have
           cracked and the body
           can no longer stand the
             pain, with holes deep
             enough to be filled
                    by the rain.
So there I was walking on the road and I'm thinking what does it feel like for people to step on you and walk all over you at every turn in your life.. and so I wrote this poem
  Jan 2015 Jamie King
The sun shines through the slats in my blinds
Bright and beautiful, with a melody from my wind chimes

Warmth spreading throughout the room
Like a blanket of serenity, no place for gloom

How I love the sun
Even on the coldest of days
A blanket of fluffy clouds
Creating a spectacular haze

These are the days to cherish and savor
For the storms will come, sharp as a razor

I wait for the rainbow, it surely will appear
Along with the sun, and a sky so clear

I close my eyes and all I can see
Is a beautiful day in front of me
Jamie King Jan 2015
vacant notions
evicted, the land lord
dismissed them. The tenant is left standing still as though the world has been pludged into voids of deep mists.

In an abyss of shadows no glimpse in sight for thoughts which might rescue the notionless mind

As the rope begins
to look friendly wishing
in the ground he may be burried..
a voice breaks
bonds and ideas are wildfire, a disease
corrupting the mind with tranquility erupting the heart with serenity
So there I was sitting still and without any Ideas and I thought at some point in time poets must feel lost and without words but hope is always there so I dedicate this to those still struggling to find the right words
Jamie King Jan 2015
Horses gone wild
stumping down hard
in my head
Canaries breaking
vocal cords just to
make me mad

my world of notions
it's a massive rock slide
in my cerebrum
my skull with axes so
I can feel the breeze
and set my mind free
My head was just on fire too much stress maybe a poet can get overwhelmed at times by emotions after all emotions makes us who we are
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