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I wonder about stars,
I hear music all around me,
I see beauty,
I want joy and peace,
I am creative,
I pretend to be a kingfisher,
I feel melancholic,
I touch softly
I HOPE, to be free
I am here,
I am me.
My sweet obsession.
My love impossible.
My gorgeous, little sin.

I see you every day and night.
I'm sure not to miss a thing.
I'd give up all the money I have
to be with you, my dear.

I see you every day and night,
but you sure can't see me.
I wish we could meet some other way
other than this cold screen.

I see what you do all day long.
I hear your sweet voice fade slowly away.
I know what you like. I know what you crave.
If you ever got it you wouldn't be the same.

I still don't know the color of your eyes,
or the tone of your sweet lips,
but I can't say I don't enjoy
this twisted, little sin.

So, dear. My dear Jennifer.
Hang on a little longer.
Not even I know what comes next.
It's all for us to wonder.
Based on the book "What Comes Next?" by John Katzenbach.
there will be,
and death,
that's what love is
Mermaids what They do is only what we do to ourselfs but keep eachother living.
 Mar 2016 Jacquelin Salgado
 Mar 2016 Jacquelin Salgado

Everyone is afraid of it, the feeling of darkness and the icy coldness. The moment you see: no colours, no sounds, no light, nothing.
My lust, my thirst,
Day by day happen to increase,
But the truth is it darling,
That my life till date has been cease (d)
 Aug 2015 Jacquelin Salgado
Roses are red,
That much is true,
Violets are purple,
Not f*cking blue,
BVB soldiers,
Are more than just fans,
We are a family,
And if you ever,
Hurt one of the guys,
We promise we'll find you,
And that you'll die
 Aug 2015 Jacquelin Salgado
There is absolutely
No one in this world
That can say that you can't.
Only you can set that limitation
-Andy Biersack, BlackVeilBrides
a word for the broken
a song for the lost
don't morn a time that will never end
rock and roll is never dead
Something for the man to make amends

A prophet for the lost
A destroyer for your pain
A mourner for your broken heart
a mystic for your words
an a deviant for something I'm not really allowed to word because it will get flagged
No more pain are their words and mystery
not silent they will fight  thou
they are the fallen in the night
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