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The night is my friend
While the sun sleeps,
I find peace in staring at the stars
A smile slips through my my lips
As my mind wonders off.

The silence of the night, charming my ears,
Allows me to hear the muffled cries
Of the world beyond the horizon
Laced by the stars.
There's something about the night that keeps me caught in its grasp.
 May 2016 Jack Davies
Star Gazer
So I wait for your words like
an unopened book.
till you message me again,
and talk to me.
Till then, my heart remains silent.
 May 2016 Jack Davies
Star Gazer
The wind whispers its song in my ears
Like the leaves of a cherry blossom
Gently touching against my face.

The light comforts the place of your hands
Like the soft feel of rose petals
With the alluring scent residue.

The warmth seeps into my mind
Where the thoughts of you
are properly propagated,

The love I feel in my heart
Is nurtured by the beautiful
portrait that is you.
To someone special
 May 2016 Jack Davies
 May 2016 Jack Davies
The night casts its long shadow over my flesh and blood
Yet, my body chooses not to fall into the natural rhythms of slumber
My eyelids are made of stone and are locked securely in place
My imagination runs amok and dreams fill up my void
The song of crickets punctuates the conversation with myself
Days long since past are still fresh in my memory
I feel like ideas are surging through my head ready to burst through my eardrums
But my arms and legs do not match my metaphysical wishes
They are numb and useless
Like a slow river, the bed seems to carry me to eternity
Gently taking me to a place far away
I need to rest so badly
The pangs of responsibility echo through my being
I have things to do; I have people to meet
It’s a curse
To never be able to match the cycle of the light
To bear witness to the passing of time
Locked in a coffin of consciousness
Ah, the sun is back; time to drag this empty husk out of bed
Light pours through the blinds, in an endless stream
No, arouse yourself from this folly
The shadow still remains
You were always wide awake
Hopelessly thinking of tomorrow
Pondering this night until daybreak
 May 2016 Jack Davies

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
 May 2016 Jack Davies
jane taylor
age old wisdom
silently watches
patiently calling
waiting until
i am ready
to hear

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