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Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2019
I sit
and I ask myself

selfish questions

important to me,
Me Alone.

They aren't all very deep.
But all of them,
Are about me.

it is something
I wish I had
or that
I feel I need.

If my scope broadens
As it has in occasion
I think about another

Gone. Now.

These thoughts
are full circle
Back to me.

How I miss them
If they think of me?
if I ever will see them again?

Why they left me?

So selfish,
not to want
As I want.

When they are all
I seem to think about.

How lonely it is
for Me.

Why make Me feel
This way.
Nobody ever thinks,
About Me.

Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2019
To know these thoughts
Pulling my mood to bleak
Each time my mind entertains
The notion and secret admiration
Unobtainable visions you are.

You might guess but I guard them
My pride and my aging acceptance
The denial and the hindsightedness
Bitterness so impotent and useless

Beautiful, You, and I  can't bring attention
I'm. Too old, too far past the moment
No. I must appreciate from afar
Stolen glances from forgettable interactions.

It's not a blameable situation
I am longful, going for eyes
that see inside and passed
The lines of time too clearly present
Hopef but for One whom tries for
Proximity and time by my side
and that is never yours to supply.

It ***** I am so far ahead of
My youthful desires
and the unsaid.
Jack R Fehlmann Jan 2019
At times it can feel this way.  
Digging deep, until no light is seen
Very little air to breathe
Still digging, to expose and share
The bare truth of these demons
Spell out their inner workings
Uncaring silence is felt
Much more then ever heard
Down here... Screaming
It Doesn't work... Nobody cares.
Jack R Fehlmann Jan 2019
Notes dressed by intonation
Remarkably beautiful,
Articulatingg the heart's strings
Bound unbreakable, affixed
Noose-like fashion to dreams
Those, that you manipulate
Sweet siren at last returned
Turning up for this performance
Sing Love, your lovely songs
Foolishly I can't but listen
As words, you choose blanket me
settling over soft and smooth
Heavenly as fresh linen,
Traces of you fill my senses
How I've missed this, You
Listening in awe, completely lost
Lullaby alibis, tall tales stolen
no doubt, no betrayal, no hurt
as thought and logic,
Memories scared over or recent fall
Off and again away, Love only
your voice, your warmth against Me
you, close once more. 
 Singing softly, practiced and angelic.  
Lyrics with your judgments hidden
guiding the rhythm mastering a fool,
to forget what surely awaits
come the morning, as those before
How brutal truth will be given
Our song, foolishly I listen.
Jack R Fehlmann Jan 2019
I remember thinking, as a child
Will I ever really own my own life?
On my tiptoes to see him, me,
my, reflection... Odd though, I'd thought.

To Ask. And Answer? Him, Me,
the little-mirrored one;

"What would that be like?"

40 years and I still can't answer the question...
Jack R Fehlmann Jan 2019
Tilting my view saw through you.
Though your ability to deceive,
Took more than a few degrees.
Passing that threshold threw me
I won't lie to protect or grow the ego
Inside, where next to it lays fragile strings
Sore and worn and one note more
Strummed, to break if not your song cease
Those beautiful compositions you play
Telling sweet, self-serving manipulations
Crafted and performed perfect, to a silent audience, caught up in and controlled
Each and every heart and this one
That owned the stage from
which they held you in spotlights
As such talent as you have honed
To masquerade as respect, devotion
Now clearly seen as scripted and rehearsed
Lies and disrespect, complete bulkshit
Boo you and so begins that fall from grace
Jack R Fehlmann Jan 2019
To lay my torn up hands
Upon the porcelain past
Cold against the callouses

All but within my chest

Broken glass is the time we had
Grains of sand falling always
our words shifting too fast

lonesome, knowing approaches

Where hindsight provides
The vastness embued by when
Here in a now unwanted

All but in my chest unnoticed

Borrowing tears from better versions
While choking on the words I use
Dreams hold more weight certainly

These hours I stay tragically on then
Far off and away days feel and echo in

Any but this person I spoil my nights with
Nonfunctioning and spilkjngly incoherent
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