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Apr 2015 · 406
Tears reflect
J Jones Apr 2015
Tears reflect
on every surface,
reminding me that I am sad.
The ride was fun,
terrifying, and exhausting.
A reminder again
that nothing lasts.

Memories remain
of a time of being needed, wanted, and enjoyed.

Tears reflect
on every surface,
reminding me that I was happy.
The ride is over,
ended, and done.
A reminder again
that happiness is lies.

Memories remain
the only friends to hear my cries.
Apr 2015 · 348
My poetry is dead
J Jones Apr 2015
The poetry of my soul has died
the angel on my shoulder left
and Gone.

She doesn’t need my poetry
my songs fall on no ears.
She sent no letter,
left no trace,
only a line.

“It’s too hard,”
The angel says.
It’s unfair!

The angel left
the poetry is gone.

sometimes poetry is ugly.
Sometimes angels leave....

the angel leaves
a hole.
May 2014 · 452
On Writing
J Jones May 2014
Writing is words on a paper
that don't mean anything
at least that's what she tells us.
I can't believe her though
watching her grow
and elevate her craft
to a science
She must know the feelings
she evokes
the emotions she draws
as her reader crawls across
her page
Pain and tension
Joy and laughter
spring and fall
the duality of a two sided coin
that flips forever
      No, I can't believe her
She knows the value of sharing
The way to get what she wants from
her reader
from a friend
Sometimes life is harder to deal with
more than popcorn
and rainbows
Sometimes there is fog;
crush of sorrow.
Sometimes there is clarity;
openness of joy.
Sometimes her pen spills ink
like blood from her wrists communicating
her ransom.
I see it in her.
She says that writing is words on a paper
that don't mean anything

She carries that sadness
written after a conversation with a very bright student
May 2014 · 612
A Dollar
J Jones May 2014
She asked me to share a dollar...
I had plenty in my pocket
Dollars for lunch,
maybe a snack
A tasty Donut for a treat
or an Ice Cream with a Friend
Dollars for entertainment
maybe a Movie
a fun little Action flick for a treat
or a Comedy with a Friend
Dollars for some clothes
maybe a new pair of Jeans
a bright blue pair with that hot Logo
or some Shoes to go Dancing with a Friend
Dollars for some dreams
maybe a down payment on a Home
a little ranch Home in the Country
or a Vacation with a Friend
She asked me for a dollar
I had Plenty in my pocket
I looked at her and saw
She had no Lunch
no snack to share with a Friend
She had no Entertainment
It had been a long time between Movies with Friends
no new Clothes
her hole filled shoes would not work for dancing with a friend
I saw a women with no dreams
no friend
I had plenty
so I shared

My Dream
Not sure how to make this better. Seems too unfinished.
May 2014 · 8.2k
We are more than Sheldon
J Jones May 2014
Nerds, Geeks, Fanboys or Girls
We are more than your Sheldon
We love our worlds
Our passion is more than T-Shirt Deep.
You've seen Spider-Man?
Good for you!
I can tell you in which issue Gwen Stacey dies
I can spoil 4 future seasons of Game of Thrones
and no I didn't need a ****** show;
Walking Dead.......whatever
been doing that since 2001
Our entertainment is far from the television or movie
You buy your toy or your ticket
but don't think you know us.
We created these worlds
they are by us and for us
We are not just maladjusted brainiacs
we feel deeper and want more
You watch; we experience
We fly through the sky
on the backs of dragons
We know the regenerations of The Doctor
We don't just relate To fiction, but THROUGH fiction.
We know the Allomantic properties of pewter
You don't.....?
Wait a year, you will...
Slam poem written after the billionth person told me I reminded them of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory.

— The End —