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 Feb 2015 Isty
Cold angel
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dead eyes
never cries
Emotionless face
An angel with no grace
A cold soul
Inner empty never whole
A violent mind
Feelings cannot find
Mummy won't you ever love me?
 Feb 2015 Isty
Big Virge
So ... V ...
Will You be .... ??? ....
My Valentine ... ???
HeLLLLLLL NO ...... !!!!!!! ........
I'd rather spend my time ....
Writing poems ... That DEFINE ... !!!
THE TRUTH .......... to..........
"STUPID" ... female minds ... !!!!
YES ..... I'M SINGLE ..... !!!!!
That's ..... My Crime  .....
But ..... It's by ... CHOICE ... !!!
NOT BY ... Design ... !!!! ...
So take ... " Your Time " ...
Before you judge ....
My View ... on  this thing ...
Called .... "VALENTINES" ... !!?!! ...
It's Tough ... being single ... !!!
But ..... I'm doing ... FINE ... !!!
Give me a ... Bacardi ...
with some ... " Lime " ...
A Caribbean Coastline ....
with ..... " Sunshine " ..... !!!!
and I ... WON'T NEED ... A ...
..... "VALENTINE" ..... !!!!!! ....
Valentines' Day....
is now .... Commercial .... !!!
So i'll ...
cut to the chase ... like ...
.... "TOUCHE TURTLE" .... !!!!!!
Hold Up ... Hold Up .... !!!!!
I'm NOT ... " DUM DUM " .... !!!!!
and ..... Don't Believe .....
That ... " ANY OLD GIRL " ...
Can Replace ... " MY MUM " ... !!!!!
My Mum ... Gave Me ....
What I ... KNOW To Be ... !!!
......... " LOVE " ..........
" Love " ... WITHOUT ...
... " CONDITION " ... !!!
YEAH ..... !!!!! .....
THAT'S ... The One ... !!!!!
.... " TRUE LOVE " ....
That .... Mothers ....
Give ... Their Sons ... !!!
But girls now ... " WANT " ... !!!
Such ... " Lavish Things " ... !!!!!!
while men are ... " Simply " ...
Now ...... " VICTIMS " ..... !!!!!
of This .... " Cash Driven " ....
" Valentines " .... STING .... !!!!!
" Buy Me This ! " .... and ....
" Buy Me That ! " ... !!!!!! ...
But Fellas  ...........
If you ... " Fall For That " ... !?!
You'll ... QUICKLY FALL ... !!!!!!!!!!
"Into" .... Her .... " TRAP " .... !!!
And YOU ..... NOT Her ... !!!
Will be ... "*****-SLAPPED" ... !!!!
Cos' ... This becomes ....
what they .... " EXPECT " ... !!!!!
and Love's ... No Longer ... !!!
The ... " OBJECT " ... !!!! ...
But ... " Buying Her " ... !!!
So You .... "PROTECT" ....
An Image .... But ....
Where's Your ... RESPECT ... ???
Hell Yes .... !!!!!!! .....
These Things .....
Make Me ... " OBJECT " .... !!!
cos' .... " MONEY GIRLS " ....
Have got ... " DEFECTS " ...
So They are .... " SIMPLY " ....
Good For ..... " *** " ...... !!!!!!
It's Time .... Ladies ....
For A ... " REALITY " ... CHECK ... !!!
cos' girls want ... CASH ... !!!
NOT ... " Bouncing Cheques " ... !!!!!
This ... NONSENSE ...
........ REALLY .........
Gets me .... VEX .... !!!!!!!!
Young Girls ... Have Got ...
This ...... " ATTITUDE " ......
They're ...
"ALWAYS RIGHT "... !!!
and men are ... FOOLS .... ?!?
Well Me ... I'm just ...
Remaining ... COOL ...
because I ... " Stick To " ....
..... " Basic Rules " ......
and try to ... " USE " ...
My ... " Mental Tools " ...
cos' ... Most ... Young Girls ...
are just ..... " Confused " ..... ?!!??
and .... Basically ....
are ... TOO **** RUDE ... !!!!! ...
So ... If I say ... ???
"Babe, I like you !
Let's go out, and
share some food !"
Before you ... " CHEW " .... !!!
Let's share some ... VIEWS ... !!!
On ... WHAT ... " Fo' REAL "...
Matters ....  " To YOU " .... !!!!!
cos' ... This is ... CLEAR ...
I'm NOT ... " Tom Cruise " ... !!!
or .... " DENZEL " .... !!!!!
They're ... NOT ...
in ... " My Shoes " ... !!!!
I wear ... SIZE TWELVE ... !!!!!
So ... You can ... " Choose " ...
Whose bedroom .....
You Should ..........
Come .... " INTO " .... !!!! ....
Not for... *** !!!!!!
But Some ... " Sweet Music " ....
On ... " My Decks " ..... !!!!! .....
Maybe Later ... ???
We Can ... FLEX ... !?!
Our ... " Mental Muscles " ....
Then have ... " *** " .... !!!! ....
So ....
To .... You Girls ....
Who ...
DON'T LIKE ... My Views ...
CHECK YOURSELF .... !!!!!!
Do I ... " Hate You " ... ???
or am I Simply ... saying things ...
" That " ... In Your Heart ...
You KNOW  ... Are .... " True "  .... ?!?
I Don't ...
Hate Women ... !!!! ...
I Don't ...
Believe in ... HATE .... !!!
But Girls' ... ATTITUDES NOW ...
I Must .... " BERATE " .... !!!!! ....
Oh well ... I Guess ...
It's Now ... " TOO LATE "  ... !!!
For me to ... Ask You ...
On a .... " DATE " .... !!!!!
It seems .....
I've got ... TOO MANY LINES ... !!!!
That .... Bypass Girls ....
Who Take .... " COKELINES " .... !!!!
So To ... " Those Ladies " ...
Who Are ... FINE ... !!!!! ...
NOT JUST ... In looks ...
But In  ........
Their ... " Minds " ... !!!!
Will YOU be ............ ?!?
MY VALENTINE ..... ?????? .....
Peace y'all

and to all those couples still in the love boat
Keep that Chit Afloat !!!
cos' it's a  ... BEAUTIFUL THING ... !!!
Don't let your ship sink !!!!
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dylan Thomas
I have longed to move away
From the hissing of the spent lie
And the old terrors' continual cry
Growing more terrible as the day
Goes over the hill into the deep sea;
I have longed to move away
From the repetition of salutes,
For there are ghosts in the air
And ghostly echoes on paper,
And the thunder of calls and notes.

I have longed to move away but am afraid;
Some life, yet unspent, might explode
Out of the old lie burning on the ground,
And, crackling into the air, leave me half-blind.
Neither by night's ancient fear,
The parting of hat from hair,
Pursed lips at the receiver,
Shall I fall to death's feather.
By these I would not care to die,
Half convention and half lie.
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dawn King
Fit for a King

Was it the visions that told her so?
Told her to see them, to hear them
The main character in her own paranoid play
That part where she leaves us –
Leaves us
Split and broken –
Her mind
Split and broken -

Running wild, bucolic at times
Never stopping until her body stopped
She had babes loving them little in life
Yet teaching them life; after life
She wrote it all down for us to read
Each wild, eccentric, illusionary deed

She was fit for a King, so it’s told
She kept his name, never letting go
Even though she let go

Kept a bottle of whiskey under the sink
For those special times, to help her think
We rested her there in Whiskey Town

We thought it fit
Fit for her, Fit for a King

Her final chapter unrefined
A memorial with none but 4
We who cared, we who could
Who rested her demons – lay them down
Out there in Whiskey Town
Let her be gone, the torment let loose
Into the waters, the soil, the woods

We thought it fit
Fit for her, Fit for a King
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dawn King
Close your eyes, free your mind
Let it wander, back in time
You had a vision of how things might be
You lost your soul sight, and couldn't see

Lets take a walk, relax, unwind
A stellar journey, we must take
Orpheus tells of a wonderful place
Through his pain and love and loss
He left Lyra his harp for Jupiter to toss

When traveling outbound
Toward this constellation and
The measure of light increases
From brilliant to blazing
With no variation
Vega is the destination

It’s out at the far corner of Vega
These are the lands where they are found
Where your lost hope is eternally bound
Your hope is in boxes
Made of incandescent ore
That dangle from glass flowers
Of eighty-five feet or more

In order to reach them
You must hitch a ride
On the wings of the
Cyclopean dragonfly

When your hope boxes
Have been recognized
Dive straight to them without hesitation
Rip them open with firm designation
Pour all the contents back into your heart
Let it course through your blood and every cell
Your soul no longer an empty shell
For the severely hopeless with irreversible soul blindness.
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dawn King
I struggle to tell you
Let you all know
I've maxed out my nice card
My resources run low

You will all be just fine
Figure it out
How to get on with it
With yourself by your side

I’m letting my hair down
Going to run wild
Through the streets of self love
I resign from denial

I’ll be my own martyr
You could be yours too
I’m bent beat and broken
And can no longer help you
 Feb 2015 Isty
Dawn King
I’d like to take a walk and keep walking
Jump off the grid
To the land of ever fugue
Pay a guy
To fake my own death
Get lost in the
01101100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110110 01101001 01110010 01110100 01110101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01100010 01111001 01110011 01110011
Take some time to
UN get to know myself
Dissipate within the space time continuum
binary translates to: land of virtual abyss
 Feb 2015 Isty
Jamie King
Benign, benevolent ballerina bubbly bathing by beautiful blossoming balsams.

A gander I took and I was a statue, still, allured, and enchanted. my lips basted by beauty, before her I was an apparition, lost in forests of adulation.

A vanishing spirit soon to be a vestige of a vestige. I shall wage wars, arm myself and battle my way to her hands that can melt the glaciers residing in my heart.
What if I said public speaking.. mhhhh enjoy.
 Feb 2015 Isty
Jamie King
It's been an honor. Thank you all for supporting me, teaching me how to be a poet I very much appreciate it but for now I have to be one with the wind.

I'll be back as soon my future is certain, education is as they say the path to all paths.

I love you all
Fellow poets until next time
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