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Apr 2014 · 7.6k
Illuminated void
Ironatmosphere Apr 2014
I wish someone could take a flashlight
And illuminate
This void
So that maybe
I could see
That this
This isn’t a void at all
This is a storage unit
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Ironatmosphere Apr 2014
So much power
You should need
A license
To use them
Apr 2014 · 902
Chasing the Sun
Ironatmosphere Apr 2014
Wherever I go
I am always chasing the sun
Always chasing happiness

No matter how far I stretch my hands

It’s always
a little bit
Out of reach
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
The Stars
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
I will leave soon
And this,
This will no longer be home.
But I will be okay,
Not everything is changing.
The sun will be the same.
And the moon,
It will shine just as brightly.
And the stars,
The stars
Mar 2014 · 269
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
You broke me into a thousand little pieces,
Because you would be happy with just one.
And now that you have it
You will keep it forever,
In a blue wooden box under your bed.

That smile on your face will now stay permanent,
Because you know that
Without it I can never be whole.
And you like your things
Just a little bit broken.
You took a piece of me
and I'm not sure
you'll ever give it back.
Mar 2014 · 358
Among the Trees
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
Red fur
Black long socks
Almost floating
Through a palace of trees
Golden eyes gleaming
In the velvet night
The fox says nothing.
Mar 2014 · 203
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
I should be happy my poetry is crap
Depression is food for poets
And I am just not broken enough
To be good
Mar 2014 · 438
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
And in the morning
I find myself
Where did all of the saltwater come from?
Mar 2014 · 594
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
When I was little
my mama
told me
not to move,
to stay
at the same spot

She told me
I must stay still
if I ever get lost

She told me to wait
somebody finds me

that's what i've been doing
ever since
Are you on your way?
I am still waiting.
Mar 2014 · 277
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
I want the sun to appear on the sky and bury me in a blanket of rays
I want to dance while it turns the ground into a zebra
Stripes everywhere I step
I want to feel the fresh spring air smell the right amount of cold
I want to sing while shadows dance on my eyelashes
And I want to run
As fast as I possibly can
Till my face is as hot as the sun
and I can
taste the spring
Mar 2014 · 412
Every road
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
They say that every road leads somewhere
To just keep going.
But I want nothing more than to lie down on the pale asphalt
And stare at the stars
Because I can’t possibly believe that any moment,
Any other moment,
Big or small,
Could be any better
Than this.
Mar 2014 · 275
Never mind me
Ironatmosphere Mar 2014
Never mind me
Standing in the shadow of your love
Basking in it as if it was sunshine

Never mind me
Just let me soak up all the excess warmth
Emanating from your pulsating hearts

Never mind me
Living of the love that belongs to you
As if it belonged to me

Never mind me
Taking all the love I can find
It’s how I survive
Feb 2014 · 879
Broken statue
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
On the inside I am breaking into a thousand pieces
But my face is like one of a statue
Unmoving, sharp
Totally emotionless
At least for now
Soon a crack will appear on my marble body
At the place my heart once lived
Then it will spread
Creating a web of tiny cracks
Just one poke
One tiny little touch
And I will become
Marble dust
Feb 2014 · 650
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
The future lies before us
It's one long beautiful adventure
and I
I cannot wait to reach it
Because I
I have tasted a smidgen of freedom
And now
I Want More
I want
Feb 2014 · 263
Blue (10w)
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
I turned around
and suddenly
the sky
was effortlessly
Feb 2014 · 376
You were the sun
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
If I was a tree
You were the sun
And now that you are gone
I am dying
Feb 2014 · 245
It is rain
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
The smell of rain is grass and wet asphalt
It is the essence of the sky raining down on us
It’s the feel of cold and the crispness of fresh snow
It is the sun making a trillion baby rainbows
It is freedom pressing us down so that we can taste the earth
It is the sky being swallowed by an endless gray
And the sound of a new, better tomorrow
It is rain
Beautiful and pure
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
When I saw the new layout of hello poetry
My heart sank
They had ruined the home of my broken soul
Torn out the pages of my dear old diary
And sprinkled it like snow
In a sea of useless functions
Feb 2014 · 276
A thousand pieces
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
I hate to describe myself with just one word or tell someone my favorite anything
I am more than one word
I am more than one thing
I am a thousand different pieces
With just one you can’t ever see the full picture

I am more than one piece
If you want to know me you have to lay the puzzle
I will never be one word
I am a thousand different pieces
Feb 2014 · 435
Enjoy (10w)
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
I want to enjoy
the world
we ruin
Feb 2014 · 483
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
I feel like an alien
Like I am on a planet that isn’t mine
And it is crawling with these disgusting creatures
That look exactly like me
And I will never escape
Feb 2014 · 513
Broken imagination
Ironatmosphere Feb 2014
Maybe I liked you because I thought you were broken
Just like I am
But as it turns out you never were
It was just my imagination
Jan 2014 · 358
Permanent stars
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
If I was lost in space
I would spend my days staring into the stars
And my nights basking in their shallow glow
Until finally the stars would be permanent fixtures on the inside of my corneas
And I could throw myself out in the oblivion
My last breath slipping away
My body becoming stardust
Jan 2014 · 2.8k
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
You left me broken on the floor
Pieces spread everywhere
Hiding in the dust
You never even bothered
to clean up
The pieces of my fading soul that had splashed the carpet orange
Jan 2014 · 996
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
Imagine being an astronaut
It’s one of the scariest things I can imagine
Floating around in outer space
A space that is as close to infinite anything can ever be
Imagine drifting out
Becoming lost
In the oblivion
Jan 2014 · 602
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
You look at me with a hint of recognition in your eyes
You think maybe we’ve had a class together or played the same sport
Or maybe I am the girl who lived in that house down the road
You know I look familiar
You have seen me before
I look slightly different from everybody else
That’s why you recognize me
But you don’t remember me
I am like the painting you have walked past a thousand times
Without stopping
Never really having looked at it
I am like the carbon dioxide in the air around you
I am there
But I am INVISIBLE to you
I mean NOTHING to you
Even though you once meant EVERYTHING to me
Jan 2014 · 262
HA HA ...
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
Why does it crack you up?
Is the idea of
So preposterous
That you can’t keep that laughter of yours
From spilling out of your mouth like poisoned arrows?
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Never Look Back
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
Someday I will leave this town
And I will never look back
Someday I will forget the place where I grew up
The place where I was born
Someday I won’t even remember its name
I will never look back
I will never tack a second glance
The broken memories will fade
Like old photographs
And I will never look back
Jan 2014 · 630
I am
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
I am my own best friend
And my worst enemy
I love myself more than anybody else loves me
But I also hate myself more than anybody else could hate me
I am the gardener who helps me grow
But I am also the inconsiderate ******* who tramples me down
Without even looking back
Jan 2014 · 333
Dear K
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
I feel happy for you two, I do.
But not happy enough to want to stare at you for two hours straight
While you hug and play with each other’s hair.
I don’t need to be reminded that I am alone,
That nobody wants me,
In the most painful way possible.
I see what you have
And I want it.
The next time you ask me to go for a walk
Please, just wait till you can bear to leave each other’s arms,
So I don’t have to stand there
Waiting and watching,
While my life gets shorter and shorter,
Constantly reminded that
Nobody wants me.
31 december 2013
Jan 2014 · 352
Liquid Silver
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
The water is so still
It looks like liquid silver
I wonder
If I dip my toes in it
Will I disappear?
dec. 2013
Jan 2014 · 496
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
You can’t push me down
You can’t make me hate myself
You can only make me hate the blindness of other people
And their idiotic need to push people down like they were tears
You want to be the highest on the power ladder
Instead of climbing you force other people down with a kick in the face
But you can’t push me down
You can’t control me
I am my own master
What you personally think means nothing to me
People like you mean nothing to me
Nothing at all
Jan 2014 · 339
Come Find Me
Ironatmosphere Jan 2014
This year
My goal isn’t to find love
This year
Love will have to find me
Dec 2013 · 415
walk with me
Ironatmosphere Dec 2013
Walk with me under the dead trees
Tell me secrets that are lies
Let the shadows tattoo my skin
Look me in the eye as tears run a marathon down your face
Unlock the doors to your heart and mind
**let me in
Dec 2013 · 400
miniature oceans
Ironatmosphere Dec 2013
And at night
I break down
Creating a thousand miniature oceans
1 december 2013
Dec 2013 · 513
Emotional Carcass
Ironatmosphere Dec 2013
I don’t let people in
I am my own therapist
No one gets to see the inside of this emotional carcass

My secrets are guarded
By seemingly logical thoughts
They can’t escape through my sewn together lips
Even if I would want them to

I am my own therapist
I don’t let people in
Dec 2013 · 309
one single flower
Ironatmosphere Dec 2013
In the corner of the street
Where the mustard sun has yet to shine
The ground is crumbling
Cracking open
by the force
Of one single flower
Nov 2013 · 238
what happened?
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
Why did you start becoming interesting the moment you stopped being interested?
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Run far away
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
Run far away
Run far away
I’ll still be the same
No matter how far away
I run away
I will always be the same
I run away
Run far away
No matter what I’ll always be the same
Run far away
Run far away
Nov 2013 · 918
I do not want fireworks.
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
I don’t want a fireworks-love.
I don’t want that burst of color
I don’t want a love like that.

I want a love that grows like a tree
A love that lasts a thousand years
Roots deep
Strong and beautiful
A firework explodes and shines for a few seconds but then it dies, leaving a deafening void.
A tree grows slowly and steady. It gets bigger, greater every year. It lives on for hundreds of years. That’s the kind of love I want.
Nov 2013 · 367
rock star
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
I don’t care if I look stupid.
Right now,
I’m a rock star.
Nov 2013 · 465
Stuck on repeat
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
I have almost completed 18 laps around the sun
18 laps of winters turning into spring
18 laps of summers turning into fall
A circle of life stuck on repeat
Just like I am
Just like my life
I am stuck on repeat
Never really living
Just counting days
Waiting for the next hour to come
The next day
The next year
I am stuck on repeat
Waiting for the life I haven’t lived to end
Forgetting to enjoy the journey
Looking at the wall instead of the view
I have completed almost 18 laps
Stuck on repeat
Nov 2013 · 347
Ironatmosphere Nov 2013
It’s hard to realize that we are all dying
I am dying
With every breath I take
With every step I take
I get closer
I just hope that I will live all the seconds I have left
I just hope that when I die
I will have done almost as much living as dying
From the moment I took my first breath
I was dying
From this moment
As I take this breath
I will
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
Walking on a catwalk made of mustard leafs
Under the polluted sky illuminated by the yellow light of man-made stars
Bullets of water piercing my skin, not reaching my bulletproof soul
Every step and every heartbeat in time to the music pumping in my ears
Nothing can destroy me
Oct 2013 · 242
Twenty words
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
I wish I could password protect my face, so you would have no idea what’s going on in my head.
Oct 2013 · 298
Winter came too soon
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
On the day of the first snow
I say farewell
Waving goodbye to the autumn
I welcome the cold
The muted colors
And the sad beauty of everything
That is dying
Oct 2013 · 245
For just one moment
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
For one moment I’ll just let myself forget
That you are hers
For one moment you’ll be mine
Even if you don’t know it
You’ll be mine
And I,
I‘ll be yours
For this moment
And every moment after that
Oct 2013 · 546
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
I looked into your eyes.
I saw every little twinkle.
Are those for me? I wondered.
Am I the reason you twinkle?
Oct 2013 · 735
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
Three dimensions
360 degrees
A rainbow of color
A bang and a sizzle
Leaving only a cloud of empty smoke
A bottomless hole of nothingness
Oct 2013 · 353
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
Fall is beautiful
Every leaf
Breaking with color
Like fireworks
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