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Oct 2013 · 523
Forever glowing
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
There is a heart
Pulsating inside my chest
Forever glowing
Radiating love
Oct 2013 · 259
Loving the moon
Ironatmosphere Oct 2013
Loving you is as easy as breathing
I have accepted that I have to
That I always will
But loving you is also hard
Loving you is as hard loving the moon
The moon will never love me back
It won’t ever hold me in its arms
Sep 2013 · 468
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
The future lies before us
untouched like fresh snow.
Sep 2013 · 199
Every star
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
I’ll be yours
Every star has fallen down
And the sun has swallowed this lovely green planet
We call
And upon those stars, I will wish for you.
Sep 2013 · 346
Hold on
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
The earth is spinning so fast
The air is pressing me back
I have to lie down
And hold on
Don’t let me fall off
Sep 2013 · 182
Who is that? (10w)
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
Sometimes I don’t recognize my own face in the mirror.
Sep 2013 · 435
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
My heart is a circus animal
Confided in a cage
Scratching at the walls
The visible pain invisible
To people passing by
Sep 2013 · 323
the end
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
I’m *obsessed with the infinite
I’m obsessed with forever
I’m obsessed with the never-ending

But I don’t believe in the infinite
I don’t believe in forever

Everything has an end
Good or bad
Sep 2013 · 710
a heart shaped lump of glue
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
I don’t know what to do
With this heart
Mostly made of glue

I keep dropping it
Shattering it
It’s an endless circle of shattering and repairing
but I know
Sometime in the future it won’t shatter anymore
It will stay together
A heart shaped lump of glue
Sep 2013 · 719
Ironatmosphere Sep 2013
I’m not able to capture the true beauty of the universe
I can’t capture the ever changing clouds’ fluffiness
Or the way a bird soars across the sky in the easiest of ways
I can’t capture the warmth of the sunshine
Or the coolness of a breeze
I can’t capture the music playing from an old car stereo
Or the harmonies combined of the world
I can’t capture the smell of the rain
Or the pressure of the drops as they unite with my outstretched hands
I cannot capture the true beauty of the universe
I can, however, lie in the grass
Counting stars
Aug 2013 · 347
Let's pretend
Ironatmosphere Aug 2013
Let’s pretend
The thick layer of tape isn’t there
Covering up the cracks
On the newly manufactured heart

Let’s pretend
Until the tape
And falls off
Like dead skin
Aug 2013 · 1.7k
Soap bubble
Ironatmosphere Aug 2013
You are a soap bubble
Beautifully shaped and shining
Glowing in every color of the spectrum
The wind can take you *anywhere
Aug 2013 · 306
Ironatmosphere Aug 2013
I don’t love you anymore,
the echo
is still there
from when I told you I did.
Not that you were listening
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Ironatmosphere Aug 2013
I don’t have a soul, they tell me
It’s just electrical and chemical signals in my brain
So basically
Made of flesh and bone
Aug 2013 · 771
Forever etched in my mind
Ironatmosphere Aug 2013
You are etched in my mind
It’s like someone has taken a nail
And carved your name
Into the soft mushy texture of my brain
Where it will remain
Jul 2013 · 631
Rubber band
Ironatmosphere Jul 2013
I wore this rubber band around my wrist
So that I could snap it
Every time
I thought of you
I wore it for weeks
One day
It snapped
Right off my wrist
And I felt
Jul 2013 · 2.7k
Ironatmosphere Jul 2013
The clouds
Look like they are
Pure paradise
I want to run and skip
Over and through them
With you
Jun 2013 · 402
Oxygen (10w)
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
You are oxygen to me
I cannot breathe
Without you
Jun 2013 · 312
I wrote you a letter
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
I wrote you a letter
A love letter
I decided to send it
So that you would know
That somebody out there loves you
But I just couldn’t
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
I’m sure
If you wanted me
I would be yours
Jun 2013 · 303
If ever so slightly (20w)
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
I took pictures of my eyes
And what do you know
My pupils were bigger when I thought of you
What a surprise …
Jun 2013 · 21.0k
Your smile is sunshine
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
Your smile is sunshine
Like actual physical sunshine
It’s practically beaming off your face in rays
Making my heart **warm
Jun 2013 · 404
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
It started raining again
And then it stopped
Leaving no other trace than a wet street and damp grass

But the thing is
I know it will start again
If I just wait long enough

Because it’s always there
Hanging over my head
Like a balloon
This poem isn’t really about the weather.
Jun 2013 · 377
To live forever
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
There once was a boy
He wished to always live
to never die
He forgot that
No one else
Would live
Everyone else
While he would stand there
Unable to do anything
Stop it
There are things scarier than dying.
Jun 2013 · 235
Too Loud (10w)
Ironatmosphere Jun 2013
I laugh
Just a little bit too loud
Around you
May 2013 · 340
A heart clean of feelings
Ironatmosphere May 2013
I hated love
The love I felt for you
But now it’s gone
And I kind of miss it
All that is left is numbness
I am numb

My heart has been sterilized
It is clean of feelings
And maybe, just maybe
It’s better this way
May 2013 · 285
Never ending sea
Ironatmosphere May 2013
Sometimes you make me feel
Like I’m the sun in your universe
And I’m happy
But then I realize
The sun
It’s just
However brightly
I might shine
I’m just
Never ending
Beautifully twinkling stars
Ironatmosphere May 2013
This is a piece of my inner core
Please take it, please like it
And I’ll give you more
May 2013 · 1.2k
Ironatmosphere May 2013
I’m drowning
I swear
I’m drowning
I’m drowning in the essence of you
Thoughts of you
Are weighing me down
Like anchors
Making it impossible
To escape
The deep waters I’m in
May 2013 · 1.6k
Miniature trampolines
Ironatmosphere May 2013
He walked in with a bounce in his step
Miniature trampolines strapped to his shoes
Of the fact that
His presence hurt
Like an ant under a magnifying glass
On a really sunny summer day
May 2013 · 573
Little knife
Ironatmosphere May 2013
And I try to ignore
The little knife
Digging into my heart
When I see you
Holding back tears
That only exist
Because of her
May 2013 · 329
Don't give a damn
Ironatmosphere May 2013
I don’t understand
Why the hell you give a ****
Let them think whatever
They probably don’t even do
I’m sorry
But for most
There are things
More important
Than you
May 2013 · 725
Ironatmosphere May 2013
My feelings for you
Are a fickle illusion
At times clear as day
Beaming brightly
Stinging my eyes
Yet at other times
Leaving only an echo
Of an illusion
That once shined so brightly
It hurt my eyes
Apr 2013 · 334
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
It’s a secret
That I love you
It’s so secret
I didn’t tell you
I didn’t tell my friends
I didn’t even tell myself
I just thought you should know that...
Apr 2013 · 670
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
Unlike a sliver of cake
That sliver of hope
Made me feel whole
But then
The realization hit
And that little sliver
Turned into
Apr 2013 · 247
Selfish me
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
There are people
Without food
There are people
Without shelter
There are people
Without family or friends
And then there is me
Because I can’t
Apr 2013 · 666
Recovering addict
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
I knew I was hooked
But I couldn’t stop
Whenever I got up
I started falling
It broke me
It cracked every little piece of me
To a finer powder of despair
I needed help
But there were no meetings
For addicts like me
No one to help me
No one to help me get over my addiction
**My addiction was you
Apr 2013 · 7.9k
Tulip (10w)
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
You are like a tulip in a sea of dandelions.
Apr 2013 · 312
Love letter
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
She stood there waiting for a love letter
That would never arrive ...

...because it had never been written
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
They say you fall in love.
But you don’t just fall down,
Scraping your knees.
Love smacks you
Right in the face,
A huge
All over
Your soul.
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
I'll live on your smile
till I see it again
Apr 2013 · 168
Untitled (10w)
Ironatmosphere Apr 2013
I do not
Have enough
To keep
I do not have enough energy to name this poem.
Mar 2013 · 346
and then (10w)
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I missed him all weekend
And then
He wasn’t there
Mar 2013 · 469
I wish
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I wish I was an otter
And that you were one too
You'd never drift away
We’d stay forever together
Always holding hands
Otters hold hands while sleeping, so that they won’t drift away.
Mar 2013 · 307
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
There’s no one stopping you
Just try to get away
Till the edge of today
Till you reach tomorrow
Run. Come on ... Run!
Mar 2013 · 319
Cold Dark Night
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
Cold dark night
Spread your mighty fright
Envelope me with thoughts of despair
In the morning I’ll pretend you were never here
Mar 2013 · 389
You didn't truly exist
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
I painted a picture of you
In my head
After a few seconds
It had spread
Infecting my body like virus
The idea of a perfect you
Shutting everything out

I dreamt in the daylight
Gave you qualities you never had
Forgetting who you really were
My heart longed for someone
Who didn’t truly exist

I fell in love with a perfect picture
I fell in love with an idea
I fell in love with an illusion
Not you, in conclusion
Mar 2013 · 431
Fairytale (short)
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
They told me the tale of a fairytale place
Filled with a beauty I had yet to face
The most harmonic tunes one would ever hear
And as many butterflies you’d like, my dear
Everything tasted better than your favorite ice cream
A more wonderful place than one could ever dare dream
I climbed up the ladder into the sky above
On my quest to find some infinite love
Mar 2013 · 989
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
They told me the tale of a fairytale place
Filled with a beauty I had yet to face
The most harmonic tunes one would ever hear
And as many butterflies you’d like, my dear
Everything tasted better than your favorite ice cream
A more wonderful place than one could ever dare dream
I climbed up the ladder into the sky above
On my quest to find some infinite love

The clouds, they darkened, I let out a scream
Oh no I thought, it’s not what it seem
The lies, they haunted me to my core
A bit ashamed I’ll admit I swore
They told me the tale of a fairytale place
I was sorry to find out: it was not the case

A dragon appeared, spreading fire
I was filled with a fear that’ll never tire
But as the warrior I thought of myself to be
I knew I should not, could not try to flee
Looking around, I found a thrown away sword
Advancing towards the dragon, I tripped on a cord
Inspecting further I realized it was a chain
The dragon, in fact a prisoner in pain

I freed the dragon, making it tame
Unfortunately, the clouds still aflame
Rushing down the ladder there was no time to dwell
I couldn’t care less of how I ended up in hell
But I was happy; I had made a new friend
Surprisingly this is The End
Mar 2013 · 482
Ironatmosphere Mar 2013
Waking up
Hands covered in blood
Chest aching
Nothing but a hole left
Seems like I
Drunk on dreams
Ripped it out
And mailed it to you
Guess I’m more heartless now than ever
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