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 Apr 2016 KE
Post for me
A loveless poem
In the key forgotten
And forever alone
In a cadence of disaster
Innocence expunged
Post for me your
Most Dejected one

Post for me
A loveless poem
All your darkness
Carved in stone
Broadcast live
The sins denied
From the dark place
Where you hide

Let loose now
Your nobody knows
Your most shameless roll
Your damaged soul
Post for me
Your loveless poem
I swear to you
I'll forgive us both...
 Apr 2016 KE
 Apr 2016 KE
just because you haven't fully bloomed
doesn't mean you're not worthy
of being picked

 Apr 2016 KE
Jack Jenkins
Marry me in black:

Love has become twisted and scarred in my apathetic heart
A wretched torture chamber of unfilled dreams and wasted time
Lost hearts and broken memories
Too heavy a price for nothing in the end


Bury me in White:

Let the sweet kiss of death reach my lips in the night
The Angel of Death will breathe into my lungs and peace shall reign
Sweet charity of being free
Hope filled of life evermore

Marry me in black; Bury me in white

— The End —