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What is the difference
between a good person and a bad person
the little girl asks.

You will know when you have grown up
her mother answers.

And when will I know
that I have grown up
the little girl asks.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can never hurt me
What a crock of ****
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
Ryan Holden
Perhaps one day
the ink that I
Will form into a puddle
for you to jump into,
Only then will you know
Everything I write
is soaked in devotion
for you.
You're the reason I still write.
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
Roses are red, Violets are blue,
That's what they say, but it really isn't true.
Roses are red, and apples are too.
But violets are violet, not really blue.
Oranges are orange, but Greenland's not green.
A pinky's not pink, so what does it mean?
To call something blue when it's not is to defile it,
But what the heck, it's hard to rhyme with 'violet'
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
Chelsea Rae
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
Chelsea Rae
I have ribs forged with stars and a lost heart

but I know for sure that this soul belongs somewhere

human eyes

have not ever seen.
Random thoughts and feels
 Dec 2017 Ishant17
I wish we could go back to
the way things used to be
When we played with sidewalk chalk
and had bruises on our knees
When we didn't care what
others had to say
When we could fight and make up
When all we did was play
Back when we didn't have regrets
Everything was a game
Nothing had us stressed
Nobody had a label
We weren't pretty, ugly, rich, or poor
But nothing's like this anymore.

— The End —