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47.4k · Sep 2014
My Penis
Indrew C Sep 2014
My ***** is a dream come true
my ***** is for me and for you
my ***** is a simple get away
for cats and hearts that are astray
my ***** is an action star
and you are the leading lady
you can play with my ***** like a guitar
but please don't leave it off shaking
my ***** is a spectacle
all of the world's wonder in a nutshell
but if there's one thing my ***** needs
it would be time and seeds
it needs to grow because it is small
this poem was just used to stall
2.6k · Sep 2014
Coloring Extremities
Indrew C Sep 2014
Hovering pass the city lights
my mind lies awake
full of the psychedelic treats you offer

latched on the various trances I felt
I make sure it was you
and not the demon who awoke
as a ball of thunderous energy
feeding the insatiable desire for vices and sin

As the body grows lapse
we know things are about to fall apart
leaving us starving for more
and voiding the reality we're in

Our minds retry to go back
while our souls will forever be lost
in the wonder provided by the mysterious ghost
of acid and MDMA
2.2k · Sep 2010
Another day of rain (Haiku)
Indrew C Sep 2010
Leaves catch the raindrops,
the sky seems to be angry
There it is, the storm
1.6k · Dec 2014
A Writing Paradox
Indrew C Dec 2014
Not so long ago, I used to write about love
As if it were overflowing in me.
We write because we think we are overwhelmed
by the feeling that inspires us.
I have discovered today,
that this inspiration we get comes from but a longing.
The words we write down cover up
our true intentions of wanting to feel more.
We write because what we feel
is not enough.

I know this because I have felt enough.
I have felt overwhelmed.
For the first time, I knew what true love was all about.
Since then, not a word was spilled with ink.
I tried to gather my words
only to find out that the one who had taken them
was the love of my life.
That was when I realized,
It was she who had been my masterpiece.
An artwork where I had poured my everything.
An artwork that had come to life.
An artwork that needed no words.

We are never truly inspired until we have nothing left to say.
Until we are left in awe.
Indrew C Apr 2012
Breathe in the air of the past
and relive the memories of our ancestors
forget not the blood
paid for our freedom
which in every drop
holds a martyr's story

The land we live on
is the same land which they died for
Giving us the land
that we borrowed from our children
and not putting it
to any waste

Enrage the heart of our history's heroes
with pride, gratitude and nationalism
for they sacrificed the
sunrise they longed for
to wake us up in the beginning
of the sun we call *freedom
1.4k · Mar 2013
Indrew C Mar 2013
We are journeymen
Always on to the next foot
We set to travel as if we know our destination
Not knowing it's the journey
That casts the die for our dreams and ambition

Roads paved with memories yet to come
Make themselves apparent to all of us
Faced by ambiguity and fear for the next,
We clasp to a certain past which made tonight
Surreal than it will ever be

We find ourselves gazing back to the days
Whose hours were made by little wonders
That last like stars in the sky
Moments that determine who we are
Linger in our hearts, touched by one another

Like brothers in arm
We hurdled through countless days
Learning together in good times and in bad
And by filling up each other's imperfections by our diversity
We discovered a new guise of love

Emotions fuel the memories
It is the reason why
We will only just remember how it feels
We always have choice to look back
But we can never walk back


Because we are journeymen
Always on to the next foot
We may take these steps far from one another
But we will take these steps together
Like we always have, and we always will

*"Good-bye's are only for those who think
       they don't have you inside their hearts"
Indrew C Feb 2012
If you look at the world
It's like one big dime
Every thing has a price
Even time
Cause time is gold
And gold is monetary
But life is bounded by time
So is it bounded by money?

But avidity aside, we will see
That the best things in life are for free
We breathe, and yet don't pay
We grasp the world's great display
We feel loved and
Cared for fancy-free
The world was made free
For you and me

I'm not saying we disregard money
for it is essential to our life
It could be of use
to deflect our daily strife
Now it's wise to procure some money
For it can sustain our daily requisite
But with or without money
You can always choose to be happy
996 · Dec 2010
Seaside Stories
Indrew C Dec 2010
We'll sit down on the beach
and watch the waves crash the shore
I'll kiss you on your cheek and
say I've never felt this way before

The sun shined down toward the ocean
while the moon rose over our heads
I'll touch your hair and run down smoothly
as I treat your heart as a piece of me

I ran out of words to say
when I saw you smile at me
I wanted to say "I love you"
but I guess you already read my mind

We laid down and watch the stars explode
while you make my heart pound upon every glare
Because you move so cute and look so pretty
you're leaving me breathless whenever you say honey

So before we count this as a memory
I'll color the moment with gold
and put it up inside a picture frame
So that our sentiment will always remain the same
987 · Apr 2012
Summer Solstice Suprise
Indrew C Apr 2012
Let's have fun
under the sun
forget for a while
have a good run
Cause problems stay there
if you want to
Don't let them wash the sand
off your feet

While summer comes
once in a year
before you know it disappears
its over
So take a break
take an ice-cold lemonade
to cool your thoughts
to cool your mind

Let's have the summer of our lives
when you dive,
you feel alive
when we're young we realize
That you're never too old
to have fun under the sun
we are one, we don't have to fight cause
we already won
Indrew C Dec 2012
The ray of a thousand suns flash down inside my heart
And like the evening sky, it was filled with sparkles
As the suns explode, a little star came to my attention
Little as it was, its ray was directed to something bigger
Bigger than the suns combined, it laid on a manger
An infant who slept safely in the arms of simplicity
Meant more than the world and all its wonders
From there I knew that the suns will not matter
If the little star had not shed its light inside of me
Because of the infant beneath the little star
I learned the true way of the suns inside
Who's lights were not meant for keeping but sharing
To darker places and darker fields
To those in need and to those who desire it
It is the infant who gave us the light we feel
Who's purpose is nothing else but to save the world
So share the light because it will serve its purpose
Share the light that was given to you so you can give to others
Save the world because you can
754 · Feb 2012
The Broken Forever
Indrew C Feb 2012
Life before you
was a complete disarray
Holding onto thoughts
that kept me from myself
All the moments
were painted with hate
and foolishness
Days went by
with misery

But the day you came
was like the light at the end of
a very dark tunnel
Or a rainbow
after the rain
You opened my eyes
to what was real
And together we went
through my mountains of apathy

Time went by
And we grew so deep
So my heart thought
"hey, I never felt this
special before"
By then, everyday was taken
gracefully with you
Love filled my whole life and I never
thought that I would be happy

Years ran fast
In a blink of an eye
And it was always me falling
for you
It felt a little more like heaven
whenever I see your eyes
My grin grows broad and shoots from
ear to ear
Every time I pick up your scent

One night my clumsy tongue
spilled the feelings from my heart
When you heard it, you resisted as if you
were never shocked your whole life
So there I was
Losing my best friend
The love of my life
Now half of me is left

But I've made up my mind
to weep no more and dry my tears
for all good things come to an end
And endings turn into memories
But just so you know
You are the greatest memory
I'll ever have
741 · Feb 2012
My Favorite Luncheonette
Indrew C Feb 2012
It's so much fun eating here
In our favorite luncheonette
Because the ambiance suggests
That two hearts couldn't be more in love

How cute of you to bite small enough
to send shivers that run down my spine
And your laugh that wrinkles your nose
Tickles my worldly nature

Oh how I wish I was that bottle of water
that touch your lips and provide you refreshment
Cause it would be a pleasure
For me to please you

I would always come back
To our favorite luncheonette
To eat your favorite meal
That make me reminisce our tasty moments
723 · Feb 2012
Dreams Away
Indrew C Feb 2012
Happiness it the heart of dreams
That makes life interesting
It came from God above
To make our lives worth living
Dreams give us purpose in life
And the reason to feel rhapsodic
These are the things that make us smile
In our world that is so frantic

But the world is too busy
To make dreams come true
It's hard to stay happy
In our Earth that is so blue
Cause dreams can bring disappointment
Especially when they are shattered
We lose meaning and get stripped off
All the things that mattered

But it's all about rising from the ashes
To dream and believe once more
And if you have gone far enough,
There's no reason for you to abort
So reach for the stars
Reach for your dreams
Color your life with gold
As happy as it may seem
Indrew C Nov 2010
The sun left the sky tonight
replaced by city light below and stars that
bring me back to September

Your smiles back then made my life
worth living for
and your eyes told me that love was worth dying for

But the moon brings me back
to cold December
Winter chill crashes my skin as I arose

All my countless lonely nights
and noisy silent cries
keeps my heart from waiting for you

I've been living in tries
I was blinded by the light
You're falling in love as I fall asleep in darkness

You make me want to believe that love
never meant to hurt me
so I'm stuck in a world without you

And now you've caught me with
words that describe you because
you never felt that I've
always held you
inside my heart
690 · Sep 2010
Oh, Lonesome Star
Indrew C Sep 2010
Twinkle, twinkle, lonesome star
Won't you cry me a wish tonight?
Help me find my one true light
For this will open my lonely sight

I fell down under
A bridge of broken dreams
And before too long, I realized
That darkness covered the tip of my eyes

There's gonna be
Something Else out there for me
I can feel it in my heart
The day I started to dream

So, before your light
Start to fade
Oh, lonesome star, please
Help me be the change.
680 · Feb 2012
God is Good in ALL WAYS
Indrew C Feb 2012
Praise the Lord God Almighty
for He has given us chaos and suffering
Praise the Lord God Almighty
For He has given us despair
And allowed darkness to exist

For without chaos,
We will not recognize peace
Without suffering,
We will feel no pleasure
Without despair,
Hope is unknown
And without darkness,
We will not see the light
That sets our direction

So Praise the Lord God Almighty
For He is good in* *ALL WAYS
670 · Sep 2010
Words of Love
Indrew C Sep 2010
If you were a star,
I'll be your sky
I'll hide you safe behind
My clouds full of love

If you were a queen
Then I'll be your king
And together we won't wake up
From this dream

I feel so cliché right now
Maybe it's because you showed me how
To love with all my heart
Even though we feel miles apart

So I guess my words are a lovely try
But It's not enough to satisfy
Your love that never fails
To make me smile
650 · Nov 2010
Living as Dead
Indrew C Nov 2010
Don't worry, you'll find me
in a world full of pain right now
Don't hurry, take it slow
I've got some happiness left somehow

My heart said he had enough
there's no one else left for him to love
I'm falling, falling down
while I watch my life drain as time goes by

Recently no one cares
about me and the love that I share
Live your life to the fullest;
It's hard to try if you don't have one

Loneliness is my best friend
that's why when the time has come
for me to say goodbye
I'll only hear the wind and it's reply
557 · Sep 2010
I'll be heard (Haiku)
Indrew C Sep 2010
My thoughts are silent
And ink runs toward the page
My voice will be heard
547 · Sep 2010
Distance, Shimstance
Indrew C Sep 2010
I'm here,
And you're there
I guess
It's too much for me to bare

The distance
grow dim whenever  
I dream of our fictional days
Oh, how will I ever forget your
vivid face

Will I ever
get to feel your heart?
even though we are separated
miles apart?

We move
just like the moon and sun;
the sun goes up
and the moon falls down

They may seem
a world apart but they
don't make a sound
because they know that their love
spins us around

— The End —