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 Apr 2014 India
Jonny Angel
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
 Apr 2014 India
Jazzelle Monae
Rest these weary thoughts away
The ones that knock
The ones that stay
The ones that lurk until it's night
Creep and crawl until it's bright
The sun, it shatters the reverie
Of sleepless dreams that never flee
They wait at bay, inching, itching
Etching, scratching,
clawing, stitching
When at night and all alone
They hit the ball, run it home
Leaving bags under your eyes
Thoughts annoy, like summer flies
No sleep, again
A rerun that will never end.
© 2014 by Jazzelle Monae. All rights reserved.
 Apr 2014 India
Soul Scalpel
The first time I heard it
I was young, so it's hazy
but even back then
I knew dat **** was crazy.

God said, Abraham!
u my chosen one!
so if ya wanna get some love,
just **** your son!


That's ****** up!
I knew it even then.
But what was scary were the grown-ups
all screamin' "AMEN!"

It got worse still
and this part was sick!
If Abe wanted Heaven,
he had to cut his ****!

Now, I was worried!
My brain was in whirl!
It's the only time I ever wished
I was a girl!

Now that I'm a man
I'm glad I didn't crack.
I got the **** Out
with my mind and ****
The only correct answer Abraham had was "NO, *******!"
The fact that he didn't, means you're crazy to admire him!
 Apr 2014 India
 Apr 2014 India
You can't escape this
There's no avoiding the truth
Maybe not today
And probably not tomorrow
But you'll be exposed in time
And it'll haunt you for the rest of your life
It appalls me...the length people go to to continue telling such a huge lie. And how delusional people are to continue believing it despite being shown a handful of evidence.

© Delia 2014
 Apr 2014 India
Raphael Uzor
What I thought was love
Was really just head knowledge
Love is way deeper!

Such grace, undeserved!
Too obscure for mere mortals
God's agape LOVE!

Loving me beyond my will-
And without merit!

Loving me dearly,
He instilled His love in me
Letting me love Him...*

© Raphael Uzor
The subject of love has been gravely adulterated due to gross frivolity!
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