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I have a storm of negative emotions, swirling and twisting, each one goading the other to keep burning. When one finally dims down, another takes its place; resentment, hate, rage, and sadness. This storm is my strength, just as this storm is my biggest weakness. If only, for a bit, would the storm stop. If only, there was a sun above the clouds. If only, there was something inside me other than this storm.
White privilege' a phrase I didn't understand
I accepted every man
And I assumed the rest of the world did too
Sure, a racist joke is fine, whether crossing a black or white line
It's just comedy after all, no malice is meant for a fall
Together we'll still stand tall
But then I looked outside of my world
Where the conscious stereotype in abundance sprawled
From another's point of view, it's a completely different view
Even in this time and day,
If your skin isn't 'white' you're likely to pay
A price, of some sort,
As professional worlds are warped
Why can't a black actor play James instead of Jamal
And what if you let the brown guy play the lead role
We are a multi culture,
Our screens should reflect the present and future
Who cares for the colour of your skin
Ability in your craft is how you should win
So, looking through some casting calls I see instantly,
The affect white privilege has on this community
A little more than misunderstood
For the most-part
Of her life,

A magnet
For destruction,
Was all sorts of strife.

Made of best intentions,
A valuable, fine jewel;
Priceless and rare,

Kindness was the fluid
running through her veins;
Her heart was only capable
Of empathising,
It couldn't help
But to care.

A wounded healer,
Strong enough to know
That her pain was never in vain,

Her experiences came with lessons,
A gift she offered with pride,
Not with shame.

There weren't many
Trials or tribulations
that she didn't overcome,

She was always
A little miss understood,
A little warrior,
A champion,
Second to none!

In all of her downfalls
She was still ever grateful,
Never was she guilty
Of being unappreciative
Or resentful, whilst in pain,

As hard as it ever got,
She didn't stop to count
The numerous falls,
Or blows that she received;
She just kept on getting up
And again,
And again.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
the ultimate masterpiece
   of soft flesh perfection
an ideal of creation

where life meets
form fits function

life breathes anew
then rages in cries

heard loudly
    of deities
of Goddesses

of galaxies brightness
in awe

marrow and bone
in eternal gloriousness

standing as
made her

for the flowers
man to absorb

for life to have
     hope and
eternal glow
i write when i should read
read when    it's not right  
go down  repost rabbit holes
until i lose my sight  
my muse   is in a   tizzy
my body always busy          
i listen to Thin Lizzy
until i lose my mind        
my prayers    just hit
the rafters
my happy ever afters    
are taken by          
the grifters
i relate to     drifters              
I'm really in a  bind          
please forgive my scheming
I feel like i'm    


but this silly   rambling    





(C) 6/15/2017
I know I'm erratic.
I really can't help it.
My mind & body aren't
Cooperating  with my spirit.
I find i write
really late at night
Then I'm in a fog
the next day

I write because
it's the most
fun way to
make sense of the
world around us
and take all the pain
and imperfections
and the beauty
and the hope
and turn it into
something that sloppily
resonates into infinity
in the hopes
that maybe
it'll mean more to someone
than it does to me.
I remember the way
the alcohol
lubricated our words to each other
and she told me those three
poisonous words:
"I love you"
Except she added
my name to the end
to make sure I knew
how important it was.
"You're the only
person I've said that to,"
She told me that night
as we parted ways

The next day she told
me that it didn't count
and that she was being
and I remained in place
amongst those
who function better
as shadows,
withering under her
hoping to hear the
meaningless words
How to stop the tears from freely flowing
(1) Grab a tissue for the eyes
(2) Remember everybody cries
(3) Try your best to push a smile
(4) Enjoy some music for a while
(5) Find something to help you cope
(6) Try your best not to mope
(7) Get up and go for a walk
(8) Find someone and try to talk
(9) **** it and cry some more
(10) Remember what you're living for
Don't give up. Even if youre the only one telling yourself not to
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