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 Dec 2017 Rachana
 Dec 2017 Rachana
your hands elaborate on the theories of creation,
as they trace the earths map
across my burning body,
gardens of glistening sensations
sprout a trail behind them.
 Dec 2017 Rachana
Joe Cole
I've just spent several hours reading over my poetry
And reading all the wonderful comments written by
Other poets and friends, some sadly who are no longer
On the site. It was those friends and poets who in great part
Were responsible for giving me the six dailies that I achieved
And the further six dailies written in response to my daily write
For me challenges. I feel it is only right that I come back and start
writing again
 Dec 2017 Rachana
The cloud's lullaby is a lyre
echoing with sweet sadness.
The roses are embraced by a blanket
of clouds.
Of love.
Of need.
Of want.
Sorry for being inactive. Life is getting hectic...
I met a savant over the holidays,
she was about 19 months old
and her methods were profound.
while everyone gave her full
attention as we sat around in
the cozy kitchen, sipping on our
warm cups of coffee, she gave
none of it back to mankind as
she starred out the window to
enjoy the wooded backyard and
the color changing of the leaves
and how beautiful nature is
and if I were smart enough...
I would have joined her too.
 Dec 2017 Rachana
I reminiscence our starting out, like blossomed flowers on a spring morning,
We were young and youthful then; everything about us was exciting,
Loud and cheerful, bright and colourful, we were always smiling,
Confined and restricted, and soon we were not breathing;
The fire of love had quenched, the desire and lust was lost, and we both started dying;
It is like we are falling off a cliff, but steadily we are floating,
Defying the inevitable end each day, we keep on surviving,
The sadness slowly grows to hate, the seed we have been sowing.

We can feel it changing,
Instead, we remain resolute and say nothing;
Feelings of love and hate, we keep covering;
Distances form from the pains that we harbour, it will not be long before we start drifting,
Further apart with every unspoken word, as these unexpressed emotions keep on piling,
Deep down inside, we both are hurting,
Hearts torn into, and the sores do not stop bleeding,
All from the lies we tell each other, to keep our dream living.

Bound together in chains of our own past, we kept on moving,
Slaves to our desires, wanting to take and not bothered with giving,
Lustful in our ways, we keep on craving,
Selfish in our own light, we keep receiving and never saving;
We always want more, until the source starts dying,
Then we move on, not even a glance behind we spare, or a brief moment for grieving,
It is the vicious cycle of life, and we keep on killing;
Cold hearted, warm-blooded, the combination is chilling.
 Dec 2017 Rachana
 Dec 2017 Rachana
Open your kind hands to reveal the seeds.
Let flowers be sunshine for the
human soul.
 Dec 2017 Rachana
 Dec 2017 Rachana
Hearts are like diamonds
They shine brightly
bringing light to the dark
thats what her light did for me
and our diamonds shined together
that was then
she stole to meloncoly heart
and its more then i can bere
and thats why hearts are like diamonds
there all diferent shapes
diferent colors
but all fragile
and they all tell me to be happy
at which i am
but after a heart is shattered
its just like a diamond
in everyway
non perfect
                                                      so she continues to think it wasnt that bad
                                                      that i didnt love her that much
                                                      that i still love her
                                                      but she was my whole world
 Dec 2017 Rachana
keep me on an even keel
not to despair or whoop with laughter

to be sober in mine path
and know this life as temporary.
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