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 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter
A box of memories doth open
From present to past woken
Tale tellers magical words spoken
Childhood to adult chains broken

Carefree of the worlds way
Fun with friends under suns ray
Games of football on grass and clay
Homework to do end of the day

Innocent fights forgotten and forgiven
A bicycle a treasure god given
Fear of lessons and teachers cane forgotten
The ringing bell awaited as blessing given

Candy and ice cream shared
A bruised leg or arm never cared
A holiday never missed or spared
Oh sweet memories lay bared

Days of young where hath it gone
Innocence of time lost and torn
Days of young await its morn
Days of young be again born
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter
For things I should have done
Yet didn't do
Words I should have said
Yet didn't say
For debts I should have paid
Yet didn't pay
For kindness I should have showed
Yet didn't show
For to forgive and forget
Yet didn't do
Forgive me
In my road to be
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter
Not just today
In my memory everyday
As suns golden ray
A light along my way
In tis life each day
This heart doth say
Dear dad each day fathers day
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter
A dreamer he is
Dreams his bliss
Awaiting the lucks kiss
Dreams come true his wish

Dreamt he not for fortune and fame
Not for a beautiful dame
Neither his enemies to blame
Nor in misery forged same

Dreamt he of world at peace
People sharing joy with ease
Wars and borders to cease
Humanity everloving breeze

Dreamt he of a world as one
His be a dream not alone
Many doth wish and dream as one
Dream his wish be done

Dreamers and dreams
Echoed in heart deep
Inspired by john Lennon's song imagine
I know you think that were lovers
Probably believe that we're friends
You believe I am the man that you met back then
I'm still breathing so that's where any similarity will end
You have to hope that I love you
And in your heart you probably see
Us being together forever
So I'm telling you that far as I'm concerned
There'll never be anything between us

If you've taken for granted
That there would ever be
Then hear me now what I tell you here
There's nothing that I can see
Will ever grow between us
Anything that tries will die
From lack of Sun and space... to wither

I will not allow you to ever feed
That appears to be growing between us

No anger - or fear
Not disrespect or.empty air
No trees of doubt or weeds of trouble
Nor any Temple Church or Palace
If it happens I will tear it to rubble

The only thing that is or will ever be between us
Is the thin layer of skin to hold my body and soul in
I'll keep you so close so close to me baby
That not even air can come between
You are and will forever be
The most beautiful woman I've ever seen
Cause my eyes opened...
... For the very first time
The very first day that we met

So there will never be anything between us
Nothing but love and so with that said
Now that things are looking up
We should do the same
To what the air above us holds
Stars that sparkle like shimmering diamonds
A golden ring  that circles the moon
This will be my promise to you of a love
So that you can look up anytime  
To see a reminder of my love up above

You are everything to me and so someday on my knee
I will ask you as  I let my words carry you
I will let the clouds cushion my head
So that when I come back down to Earth
It'll be when I know that you agreed
To marry me
And nothing will ever come between us
A dark wind bellows about
Staining all of grey moors,
The whole dire frozen sky,
Shivers and dearly quakes,
Let mine rag out over seas
With clearest sails of eyes,
Let me hear one bold stag,
Stately shout in mossy bog,
Let me fly with black of crow,
Splash over the sodden sun,
Free me from bane sorrows,
Ancient Rowan trees who run,
My love has left, sure as time,
And tears are lost in frost hails,
What will become of only mine?
 Jun 2016 Heidi Kneip
Lena LeFay
I’d wait for hours
Standing still, without a moving
For a train that will never arrive
In a surrounding so toxic
Making every bone ache and break
Because I believed the sweetest lies
My favorite mouth whispered to me
In one of my loneliest nights
What is...
The price of love
Not that it really matters
I'd make the payments
With interest and concerns
For those hard days when life shatters
Compounding all those pains
Given to... which no one really earns
So the price of love
A hand to hold
A warm smile to share
Someone to cuddle with when it's cold
Never letting anything come between
The ability of each to always show they care
And that is the price of love
That physical or emotional touch
So the most valuable thing on this Earth no payment too high no cost too much
Give him his space
He doesn't like the attention
Even though that's how he pays his rent

He built an arena
Only lovers can fight.

I thought my armor was strong enough.

He lit that sword on fire and threw it to someone beneath him
As his eyes dilated from pleasure, watching me tear apart flesh in his honor.
In his name sake.

I arose.
******. Exhausted.
He clapped.
That's all.

I threw off the prize and laughed.
He is not my king anymore now.
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