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I went to Paris
and visited  the bookstore you always told me about.
I left my secret on the wall of notes

I miss you
A vision as of crowded city streets,
    With human life in endless overflow;
    Thunder of thoroughfares; trumpets that blow
    To battle; clamor, in obscure retreats,
Of sailors landed from their anchored fleets;
    Tolling of bells in turrets, and below
    Voices of children, and bright flowers that throw
    O’er garden-walls their intermingled sweets!
This vision comes to me when I unfold
    The volume of the Poet paramount,
    Whom all the Muses loved, not one alone;—
Into his hands they put the lyre of gold,
    And, crowned with sacred laurel at their fount,
    Placed him as Musagetes on their throne.
I am drowning in a sea of nonexistence
For I am fading
but no one can see it
I am empty inside
There is nothing left
All they see is the broken shell
Of the girl I have become
So I put on a smile
And don’t let them see
What’s missing
I don’t let them see
How everything I try to fill my void with
Comes back out as a spray of *****
How my emptiness is stronger than any substance
Stronger than any pill they choose to fill it
I don’t let them see
Anything but my smile
And my lies
I can’t help it
For as they say
All the world’s a stage
No wonder I’m acting
I think I would like to have Shakespeare recited to me.
While I'm on a balcony,
Or leaning out an open window.

I deeply love Shakespeare.
And there's not much in the world
That can make me fall in love more quickly
Than well-performed Shakespeare.

That doesn't mean that I would fall in love instantly
With just anyone that
Performs Shakespeare for me.

Oh, no.

It simply means that
You instantly have a foot in the door.

Or if you already have a foot in the door,
Well, then,
I've probably fallen in love with you
By the third iamb.

I would like it
If a man were to stand below my window,
And after tossing a a few pebbles at the glass,
Smiled up at me and
Recited some well-rehearsed


I think that would be nice.
I drink in the sweet light
Of the honey coloured moon
as it floats high at midnight
hoping it doesn't leave soon

As I stare at the full moon
The world falls away
and I lose my peripheral vision
bathing in the moon's rays

Sliver beams of light
That reflects off the ocean
And seem to be too bright
to be moonshine

I began to see now
understand how
myths and legends
of the moon began

Egyptian, Aztec, Celtic and Greek
Khonsu, Metzli, Elatha and Artemis
And even poor Starveling
with his dog and thorn bush

All trying to capture the raw beauty
that is the moon and it's light
The rarest jewel of them all
Shining bright through out the night

But all attempts of personification
contain to much complication
to represent
to simplicity of the moon

So I'll stop trying to convey
what I can see
because no matter what I say
will not match what floats above the sea
Daytime tells the lies
Sun distracts your thoughts,
Showing how it could be
But nighttime is the truth
It screams it and shouts it
Nothing to look at but reality.
I did have dreamed of summer nights and romantic flings
I did have longed for a taste of true love's sweet kiss
I did have wished for a love so sweet, so nice and true
But I did not hope that I would get those as lies from you
In light of not wanting to do anything
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