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Donald Trump what a Chump
The name makes my blood Boil
His views remind me of
Those poor Jews when ******
Caused such Immortal coil

Trump claims to be against
Extremism yet it
Leaks through his core all the
Way to his Brittle bones
Brainwashing vulnerable;
Led to his Blood stained Throne

No blood shed yet; He speaks
Hell don't be so naive
Trump contemplated by
So many minds in this
Day and age shouldn't be

Building walls make them tall
Then what Is this the way?
Segregation, Racism
Shuts his eyes, Cover's ears
He'll not hear what we say

It's Devastating such
Man claims chance to taint our
Minds with his Bitter taste
A Catastrophe,
Shows no Diplomacy
With 'Morals' formed into
Very Strange Scary shapes

Yes, I agree Something
Needs to change but Believe
Me 'Trump' is not that Thing
Sheds empty promises
Causing controversy
With 'Peace' as the end goal
Trumps No way to begin

His Immaturity
Is so apparent that
He will ruin the world
As we know it today
I think Trump needs some help
Some Mental help to drive
All those Devils living
Within him Far away!

© Karen L Hamilton, January 2016
How can anyone back someone with such a bad track record. Look at the facts, Trump is not a good businessman let alone president! He may be rich but money doesn't always come to honest, genuine people in honest genuine ways.
Have you ever been with people that make you feel a way that words can't express? Almost like time doesn't exist, and you can be young forever. You're frozen in that day, that moment, and it's the only thing that matters. There are no outside forces to distract you or take you away, reality is nonexistent. Obligations may get in the way, but they're irrelevant once you're back in the altered reality that has been created. There's nothing else like it, when you have best friends.

I am so in love with you! I feel it, I taste it, and say it as a herald of Love would! So in love with you, with your sugar coated skin of many naked nights! comparing you to a flower, to a rubi, to a queen, is absurd! I look at you with all my senses in a vertical mood. ***** to be seen. with the flag close to the sun.
And if I sing, if the soul rises above clouds, if the wind comes with its flutes and mandolins, I will be carving the air, the air!
a monument to your beauty!

Yelling, screaming, shouting
Yelling, screaming, shouting
Yelling, screaming, shouting
The voices in my head
Shouting, screaming, yelling
Shouting, SCREAMING, yelling
Why do the persist?!?
Where do they live?!?
Why don't they go away?!?

They keep me up at night
The voices of memories
Faded shadows of people
Lost but not forgotten
They're here. They're there.
Lost but not forgotten
Memories don't sleep
Shadows don't vanish
Without another presence of darkness
The darkness of our past
Lost but not forgotten
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