how is it?
after all these years.
your lips
still taste of
that scrumptious
gingered pear panacotte,
the dessert we shared
on our first date.
how is it ?
after all this time.
your eyes still,
shimmer and shine
with the reflection
of the turquoise sea,
that we first swam
in together on our
second date.
how is it?
after years,
have come and gone,
you still maintain
that wonderful.... facsination,
you have with the
hollowed dimple
behind my left ear.
how is it?
that now,
as we get older in years.
you have become so
much more than
that now, your voice
spoken to my skin,
can set my heart a trembling.
no my lover,
you do not
my meaning,
my desire.
but then,
my love
our secret is
that you never have.
how is it,
after all
these years.
you still love me
it is the same reason
that i love you?
that when,
we first began,
we knew,
that our days
of searching...
had just ended.
that we,
had found a love
worth spending,
a lifetime,
crafting and sculpting it
into true and lasting
that is how...
with that,
unwavering belief,
we remain together.
not bound,
but free of will
and full of love....