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 Nov 2014 Hailey Hernandez
I believed.
I was deceived.
I cared.
It was not shared.
I fell.
You could tell.
To you, I was drawn.
You led me on.
I said I love you.
You lied and said you did too.
Then I said Don't leave me
You said We'll see
I should have walked away.
Made you ask me to stay.
But now I'm left alone.
Parts of me, left in your soul.
My heart aches beneath these bones.
But without me,
*You feel whole.
 Nov 2014 Hailey Hernandez
your fingers planted seeds everywhere you touched me
you watered them by whispering into my ears
and flowers sprouted from my spine each time you kissed me
Happiness is a vivid dream

Reached by ladders made of sand

And vines made of water.

An arduous journey it may be,

If it results in a weightless heart,

Why don’t we take a break from a pointless reality.

Perhaps happiness isn’t just the mirage of an oasis.

Maybe, you leave unscathed footprints when you climb up and down

But,the paths seem to change every time.                                                                                                                                       No trace of the footprints, no bread crumbs from the previous journeys.

Paths may change. Impressions last.                                                                                                                                               Those breadcrumbs you left, Might chaperon two kids to a haven.

A hearth where reality isn’t too harsh, where mercy isn’t a favour and happiness is a dream,not.

But why don’t they last forever? Those labyrinth of coral caves, where you walk on the clouds and see the  waves floating above. Aren’t castles supposed to be strong, no matter what they are made up of?

But this is a mere castle of dreams, a castle with corridors filled with love, hope. A castle, that exists inside  your head and mind.

A mere castle that is  powerful enough to deceive mankind’s physics. A house of cards built with immense  caution crumbles when the clock strikes six?

A Cinderella spell has been cast upon it perhaps, when the tower’s bells toll, the dream crumbles and  reality awakes.

I wonder if you
ever wore your
heart on the
of the shirt
I stole.

I'm sure
that there's space
for mine.
When the life inside of me begins to wither
like the leaves on winter trees,
And my breath begins to slow,
I'll use the very lasts gasps to say
how I get high to the smell of rain,
And that sunflowers
make me smile so naturally.
I'll say how I like the time spent alone,
And the nights I can't seem to find sleep.
I'll talk of the chills that overcome my body
when crashing waves reach my feet,
And of the beautiful ryhmes
always running through my head.
I'll reveal how I'm secretly drawn to the cold,
And how summer is my favorite season.
I'll tell them how the woods call my name
as I walk by,
I need their mystery.
And with my final bit of life,
I'll say how above all,
I'm happiest when I'm dancing.
Inspired by a poem with the same title that my best friend wrote. Loved the process and writing this one. Great topic
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