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  Dec 2019 Donna
Christina S
As the autumn leaves whirl around
I sit quietly listening to the sound
And look outside, struck by what I've found
The beauty that surrounds

Now fall is not my favorite time of year
Christmas is, and for good cheer
I get to spoil my kids, and my dear
And love abounds

I love my husband and he loves me
There's no arguing, we live happily
I'm awestruck everyday by what I feel and see
Like his queen, I was crowned

So as I'm faced with autumn, and the cold
I'll surround myself with love and beauty untold
I have my love and he has me to hold
As the leaves fall all around
For my love
  Dec 2019 Donna
Christina S
That special season is here
With Christmas love and cheer
And the children are full of laughter;
they help decorate the tree
as they're filled with glee
It's the spirit of giving I'm after!
There's lists of things to do
And shopping lists, that's true!
All for the magical month of December;
And for the good girls and boys
we'll buy them clothes and toys
And donate to those in need--we'll remember!
When Christmas finally is here
And our loved ones are near
We'll open our gifts and thank the "One";
Without Christ there would be no special day
So we honor Him in our traditional way
We gather 'round the tree and have so much fun.
Each Christmas is special for old and the young
If family or friends we're among
Then we're truly blessed this joyous day!
My favorite time of year
  Dec 2019 Donna
Pagan Paul
Upon the warm winds of time
glides a perfect single word,
a flick of a wing sublime,
takes flight the faraway bird.

Space leaves room for another
who's adventure now would fly,
whispers the faraway bird
'Peace to thee, farewell, goodbye'.

© Pagan Paul (19/11/19)
Donna Dec 2019
I threw a tub of
butter in the big sky and
made a Butter-Fly
Yeap I did :)
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