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 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
For ages, this mind has known only a deep sleep and the sound of silence
Entombed in a preserving chamber during a time of violence

The last grain of etherium joins the rest at the bottom of the glass
Ancient magic begins to flow, lighting the runes carved into the sarcophagus long ago

Deep within
The mind stirs
Coming back to consciousness

Pulling away the cobwebs covering the senses and remembering what it’s like to breathe
Dusting off the memory of a cool stone coffin… Is that what is felt underneath?

A faint blue glow brings life to the eyes, telling the mind it is time to rise

Right… it’s been a while, Motor Cortex

Muscles twitch, joints creak and limbs push on the cover of stone
Stone that doesn’t move a millimeter

Oh… I remember

Fingers find the glowing rune on the side
A hundred more runes come to life, and the lid opens wide

The eyes adjust and perceive
A small room filled with old air and covered in the dust of time
And showing the way out, leading to the door
A trail of runes, one by one, in a line

Okay legs

Hands meet a door that has not been met in over a hundred lifetimes
The mind is sure, it is time for fresh air
A return to life, one where the sun shines

Here we go

The seal is broken, the door opens, the dust of time is stirred
Hair flutters, clothes billow, skin feels…

Ah, my old friend, I am so glad you are still here.

It has been a long, long time.
Inspired by another world.
 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska

As fall now spins its color wheel,
a’ changing of the leaves to share
Simple are these pleasures shown
now won’t you come and meet me there

To feel the breeze upon your skin
in wafting scents of mountain pine
So I may hold you close to me,
and know you’ll be forever mine

Perhaps we’ll share a tender kiss
while walking slowly in the sun
Admiring the season’s view
as nothing more could be such fun

Then spend the day in shaded bliss
beneath a pastel maple tree
Here in the park as autumn paints
a masterpiece for you and me
 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
A painting illuminated
by the moon so gracious
giving life to a distant memory
of a melancholic ingenue.

A falling angel
caught by a mortal creature,
depicted her desperation
to fix a broken picture.

For the man that defies
the line of their friendship state.
For the man that gave his all
to win her heart whatever it takes.

She will paint this subject all over again,
to express how much he means to her.
For the love she can't reciprocate in reality,
in a painting she'll transform into probability.
A soft breeze from, source unknown,
Swirls within a, room not shown,

Dust of ages, coats the space,
On each surface, but a vase,

Alone it stands, on its shelf,
Glistening light glows, from itself,

A switch a lever, to throw,
Op'ning the gates, red below,

Up from and around, within,
A flame ignites, sent by him,

His minions show, and prepare,
Their master soon, will be there,

With heat and screams, he appears,
All who witness, forced to tears,

But one young boy, not afraid,
Stands up tall, legs are stayed,

The man of flame, swells to fight,
The boy erupts, in whitest light,

Down are thrown, beast and flame,
To live below, in endless shame,
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