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 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
I don't know how to love
without wanting more.

I don't know how to swim
when there is no shore.

I don't know if there's an after
when the present is sculpted from before.

I won't know love
if love is nothing but lore.
 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
The night
enter a fresh new realm.
The same day is cast in different hue...
Vibrance in colours dissipate...
consumed by the dark.

And feeling my presence
blend into nothingness.
This night reeks of
blatant nonchalance.
Careless shadows stretch and dance
as I wrestle with my vision
to determine mindless silhouettes.

The trailing taillights
of nocturnal traffic.
In my city that never sleeps.
They simply disappear into the dark
with each tick of the hand.

The half moon,
eaten away by the void.
Minutes elapse into eternity.
And seconds beat hard
upon my bastion of hope.

The ground
that lay quiet before me.
This earth that bears my weight...
This earth that has my shadow
shackled to my feet...
Offers nothing but quiet solace...
Fighting to calm the storm
in my head.
 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
 Sep 2016 Hadrian Veska
We double over...
Curse of the weighty tombstone
tolling upon our backs.

We mull over...
If the string was pulled too taut;
If it deserved more slack.

We pretend to get over...
While we go to sleep
on a bed of scattered tacks.

Tomorrow will see us
keeling over...
Hidden along uncharted tracks.
The desert has the eyes of hawks
Soaring wild and free
Hills painted with russet tones
Were once under the sea

The ocean floor is full of life
Cactus coral reefs
Mesquite flow with the currents
There is no change of leaf

In autumn nor in winter
There is no hint of fall
But many snowbirds come to roost
Can barely count them all!

Sometimes there is a dusting
Of slight, faint hearted snow
The mountains have a power
With sun it quickly goes
Springtime brings more color
The Palo Verde yellow floes
Wildflowers in riot
And the subtle cactus rose

But summer? Ah, the summer!
The desert's but a drum
For the beating incantation
Of a punishing, bright sun!

Not many stay in Tucson
When that drum does beat
Not many can handle it
The brutal desert heat!

That's where you get your sea legs
Under the pressing burn
If you can handle August

You're at the point of no return!

(c) 8/14/2016
Summers in Tucson or not for the faint-hearted. The house where we live has no air conditioning. We have a swamp box cooler. It's relatively cool when it's dry, but it's very muggy when it rains. This summer has been miserable. We've had a lot of wet weather. I'm sorry to complain, but I can't wait for the fall!

Part of the reason I haven't been on site, and I've been struggling, is due to this weather. The afternoon is time for sleeping. I've been sleeping quite a bit actually when I'm not looking after my folks.

Fall is right around the corner... Bring on (Rock)tober!

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