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Hadrian Veska Dec 2020
Stone chipped and worn
Damage and years hidden
Blanketed by moss
A covering of tranquility  
Beneath shade and root  
Neither day or night
Have much difference
So deep down and within  
Floors upon ceilings
Canopy over canopy
New life from old
Ever sprouting and breaking
A Comforting perpetuity
Here I will rest for a while
While long ages pass
As though they were but dreams
Hadrian Veska Dec 2020
I've walked the Sun
With its golden roads
To every planet
Its lightstream flows
To those who are near
And those yet far off
A light harsh to darkness
But to me it is soft
A bright warming glow
So eternally sweet
Sollacing, calming
Yet never just heat
It passes through me
Resides in my soul
Without this sun
I could not remain whole
I walk within it
And it shines in me
A light in the darkness
That all might see
Hadrian Veska Dec 2020
Waste away
Our bodies decay
To the earth we flee
And are thus inlaid
Wrapped in roots
The soil so sweet
Damp and cool
From crowns to our feet
A rest for eternity
Yet not for all time
To awaken once more
When the Earth is sublime
Until then we sleep
And in sleep we do dream
For the sleep of death
Is not all it may seem
Hadrian Veska Dec 2020
There's lightening in the bones
Deep pits and mass graves
Of long forgotten wars
Idle charged and waiting
Reanimation a guarantee
But for now they rest
In tune with the low roar
The dull vibration of the Earth
Pleading their case
Until they may rise again
Hadrian Veska Nov 2020
A dream, a memory
Seen afloat
Down river banks
And sides of boats
Long lost and lonesome
But ever cheerful
It carries on
Never fearful
For it knows to be
Is still to hope
Thought it may not see
The greater scope
Yet it floats along
On a path unknown
Hoping to be
No longer alone
Hadrian Veska Nov 2020
The rivers are frozen
And have been for an age
She walks their lonely banks
Unaffected by the permafrost air
The world is rigid and brittle
Trapped in an endless winter
None are found that once were
Hibernating or passed on entirely
Beyond this glittering sterile realm
She sings a soft melody
Confidently carried
Across the rivers of ice
The frozen forests
And the quiet mountains
Blanketed in fresh snow
The song reaches no one
For there is no one
And nothing for it to reach
Yet she hopeful prays one day
It may perk the ears
Of an unlikely guest
Hadrian Veska Nov 2020
Heaven waits above
But not the way you know
A gilded shimmering city
To which none here may go
Real and present
Yet before our blinded eyes
One may never know it
By observing empty skies
For the city is that kingdom
The kingdom within you
Neither here nor there
But ever-present
Waiting to be discovered
Within your own heart

Should you but seek its path
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