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 Jul 2014 grace
I imagine you heaving through heart beats, dreaming of another land.
Perhaps dreaming me up.
Imagining our bodies melting into one another.
I would run my fingers through your hair,
and you would carve a smile onto my face.
I imagine you patiently waiting,
as I do the same.
Perhaps content but eager.
Wondering if we have met eachother or
Wondering if we know eachother.
I imagine pain,
I imagine strength,
I imagine love,
I imagine happiness.
not my strongest but I've really been thinking about love & the person who'll be mine eventually.
 Jul 2014 grace
I dreamed of tomorrow
But chased my yesterday
I wear my heart like a dried ink stain
Black and misshapen
I like to pretend it didn't happen
Some things bring it all back
Memories fatally attack
A scent
A stray thought
Frozen on the floor
Trembling in knots
Perhaps I really am that *****
I know not when I became filled with such rot

© 2014 Peach
 Jul 2014 grace
robotical world
I think I could fill volumes upon volumes of books
filled with words and phrases and sentences
that you would never tell me.

I could write forever about the words you did say.
The ones that held no truth, only deception,
and blinded me for months.

I could spend a lifetime reciting the way your voice
would raise and come at me like a knife with no apology
and tear me down before your eyes.

But despite all that,
I could never in a million years
describe the way it felt when you said my name
for the very first time.
 Jul 2014 grace
Darby Rose
That Itch
 Jul 2014 grace
Darby Rose
This city is ******* the life out of me,
in such a fast and glamorous manner.

I want to run away.
Wanderlust does not even begin to describe the extent of what I am feeling.
Cabin fever, no,
I have cabin flu.
I am coughing,
and sneezing,
and wheezing bits and pieces of my soul amidst mucus in my lungs.
I am losing myself,
stuck within the confines of every habit
and being
that has overtaken me and I have grown so accustomed to over the years.
It is time to cut ties.
Be alone, and free.
Isolation is the key to discovering the authentic me.
I love this city so ******* much. And I'll likely always come back, and I will never hesitate to call it home. But right now, I must get out.
 Jul 2014 grace
Addison René
you and me -
we were like a train wreck waiting to happen
like watching animal planet by yourself late at night
about a lion stalking young gazelle in the sahara
and trying to turn your head
when he goes in for the ****
but you can't
you always told me,
"hey, love is pain"
but this kind of pain hurt so bad
it felt good
i liked it when you ripped my heart out
so swiftly and remorselessly
i was your conquest,
and you,
my conquerer
the lines you  told me
the last day we spoke
i now have so religiously memorized
and i play on repeat
and over,
and over again
and ever since
i haven't wanted to wait for another train wreck to happen again
 Jul 2014 grace
Somewhere between the lines
Of the 21st century
And some other time
Religion became an inheritance

And God became bound
In churches, mosques and temples
A somehow secret affiliation
In the workplace He was not allowed

Embarrassment infiltrated friendship circles
And God was rarely mentioned
People celebrated Christmas
But Christ was not believed in

We sided with experiments
And political histories
Derived morals from sci-fi fantasies
Our role models became Miley

But what of the Mary's
Magdalene, Bethany and mother of Jesus
We would rather believe in faeries
And be unfaithful to the one who made us

Faith is you
And religion is an identity
It's everything you stand for
And all that you believe in

God is at high school He's at college
Bring the belief in your heart upon these lips
Where prayers can be established
Beyond a parish

So keep company with those
Who come to congregation
Beyond the house of God
And incorporate bible lessons in conversations

For surely Angels surround
And embrace you in a divine
Blinding light
That will guide you away from anything but right

— The End —