I am a foreigner
To all that once loved me
To all that once cared
To all that once observed me
A stranger who slept in your bed
Three weeks ago, a new eternity
I am a foreigner to you
You are a stranger to me
For a while I've been invisible
It started many many moons ago
The days pass and I fade away
It is quite something to undergo
You cannot be my lover
You 'wish' you'd be my friend
But you know like any other, it's over
These little white lies come to an end
There are many others that I've lost
Now, I am a foreigner to them all
They pretend they do not see me
Yet, I always respond when they call
Your name lingers in my mind
The aftertaste of a bittersweet drink
Every time you gaze through the window
But perhaps I overthink
i am just a little lad