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10.0k · Aug 2015
glassea Aug 2015
she may hurt, but she is not pain.
she may fail, but she is not a failure.
she may be tragic, but she is not tragedy.

*she may feel worthless,
but this, too, will pass.
so it's always worth reminding people (i.e. myself) that just because you feel something in the moment doesn't mean that it's permanent. an emotion is an instant, no matter how long the ache lasts, and an instant cannot define you.

(thanks for the daily!)
7.2k · May 2015
asexual metaphors (again)
glassea May 2015
imagine that you live in a world where, until you reach the age of sixteen, the food orzo is forbidden.

you've heard about orzo. how could you not? it's everywhere, because it seems like everybody loves orzo. orzo this, orzo that. for your whole life, you've heard about the glory of orzo. most people you know can't wait to try it. they talk about it all the time.

you, though, you've never had the overwhelming urge to eat orzo, not like it seems your peers do. still, you go along with it, because everybody else loves orzo and can't wait to try it.

eventually, you ask your dad whether he's always liked orzo. "yes," he says, "of course. you might not like it now, but you'll love it when you're older." he then shows you how to make orzo, even though you're not at all curious.

your peers have begun to try orzo. they all give glowing reviews. but despite their enthusiasm, it still seems kind of odd to you. why is everyone so worked up over orzo? what makes it so great?

life goes on. maybe you tried orzo. maybe you didn't. either way, you've decided it's not your thing. the only problem? no one else gets it. they all say, "what do you mean you don't like orzo? everybody likes orzo. maybe you just haven't found the right recipe yet." but you know that you don't like orzo. you probably never will. and everyone else thinks you strange for this.

this is what it's like to be asexual in this environment.
if you try to tell me my sexuality doesn't exist, i will throw you off a bridge. thank you for your time.
4.8k · Jun 2015
glassea Jun 2015
i never really liked my mind much -
too loud, too full,
too distracting -
until i discovered algebra.

my first love was factorization.
my second was l'hôpital.
my third, ramanujan.

i fell in love with numbers
before i fell in love with you
because they make sense
when you don't.
yeah, i wrote a love poem for math. is there a ******* problem?
4.0k · Apr 2015
fairytales, retold
glassea Apr 2015
the night they wed,
cinderella slits the prince’s throat.
she won’t trade her prison
for a pretty cage.

the beast conquers nations,
but beauty’s the one telling him how.

aurora wakes herself.
she’ll spend centuries guarding
a city that never stirs,
and she never questions
her duty to people long gone.

rapunzel burns the tower.
ariel rules the sea.
"we have never been good at waiting."
3.7k · May 2015
glassea May 2015
if you value me less
for what you see
then the problem's with you
not with me
2.9k · Nov 2015
a ten word story
glassea Nov 2015
she has never quite realized the power held in words.
the other kind of realized.
2.7k · Mar 2016
gender void
glassea Mar 2016
i used to think myself immortal.

see, i grew up spanish next to english
and the only nouns left genderless
were ones i didn't know to say.

so i'd look at empty sky
(not el cielo, not with nothing to hold)
and tell my friends it was me up there.

you: imagine the god-named planetas.
i was the backdrop to their orbits,
not bound to el fondo, but more than words.

now i know el abismo is beyond me
but the only genderless thing i knew
was so deep i'd drown just looking.

now i know the word agender
but remember:

before i was this
i was infinite.
it's taken a while.
2.1k · Jun 2015
glassea Jun 2015
did you know that
there's no such thing as
a perfect name?

one day i'm catherine
and in the next breath, esther -
boudica, scathach, chiang;
virginia, sacagawea, rosalind.

i change like the ocean
so don't try to name me.
don't try to limit me.

you cannot keep me
from being great.
"there's no such thing as a perfect name." - jhumpa lahiri, "the namesake"
1.9k · Jul 2015
pallas athena
glassea Jul 2015
i don't want to be beautiful.
too often, beautiful things do not last.

but at the same time,
your words make me feel
like my skin is incandescent,
despite the shadowstains
of my soul.
1.9k · May 2015
glassea May 2015
racism is when
you can't change an
already arbitrary
label to mixed
because you
"look white"
1.8k · Nov 2015
glassea Nov 2015
don't tell me you love me
not like that
if you truly knew me
you'd know that
i'll never say it back
wow i write a lot of poems about my aromanticism
it's kinda important for me if you couldn't tell
1.7k · Aug 2015
commandment from the skyline
glassea Aug 2015
do not burn this city.

leave the people with
secondhand smoke
in their skins.

burn yourself
with all the hopes
they cannot have -
the hopes you
have stolen.
style? what style??
consistency? what consistency??
1.5k · Jul 2015
the plight of the aromantic
glassea Jul 2015
i'm still confused by the idea of........... this

romance, i think it's like the mindless devotion
i see on television and in disney movies
(which in itself seems foolish)

but how is it better than
love for friends or family or soulmates?

why do people do crazy things for love?
how do true things conquer all?
what the **** makes "romance" so special?

i guess i'll always be left out of that loop
??????? i don't ******* get it
1.4k · Jul 2017
learning to love a girl
glassea Jul 2017
i fell in love through song,
through a girl like me
loving a girl like you.

i fell in love not in a heartbeat,
not in a breath.
these things take time.
i take time.

i fell in love through a song
i played on repeat three days ago.
i fell in love with you
through words i cannot hear.
girls like girls like boys do, nothing new
1.4k · Aug 2015
glassea Aug 2015
hey, you know that feeling?
the one where you're in love -
sweaty palms and catching breaths
and a world spinning on an axis of one?

me neither.
*shrug emoji*
1.4k · Apr 2015
dear uncle steve
glassea Apr 2015
i met you exactly once.
i was five and you were tall
and you'd brought me some toy
(stereotypically girly).
i've never played with dolls
and you apologized for assuming.
a week later
you sent me some legos.

i've seen you exactly twice.
the first, i barely remember.
the second i recall all too well
because my parents were crying
but my cousin,
your son,

i find myself wishing i'd kept the **** doll
because the legos you got me
were mixed with the others
a long time ago.
(i'm aware this isn't any good. i honestly don't care.)
1.3k · Jun 2015
glassea Jun 2015
i've learned to love skydiving
because if i close my eyes,
if i tune out the air whipping by,
it feels just like falling in love.
but i don't know what romantic love feels like??
glassea Oct 2015
in this world -

juliet poisons the city
with the ashes of her ancestors
and burns romeo's bones.
the feud is ended because
no one is left to carry it on.

desdemona drowns iago
under the willow tree.
they say there's a nymph here,
one with madness in her bones,
and when iago stops breathing
desdemona does not leave.

ophelia, the nymph says.

juliet watches them,
floating in their shadows,
and holds out for a sunset
before she jumps.

(they tell stories of three nymphs
underneath a willow tree.
the nymphs do not mind
that no one remembers their names.)
this is meh but i've held on to it for a couple weeks and i might as well just post it
1.3k · Apr 2015
the middle country
glassea Apr 2015
i have felt hanzi in my blood
fireworks in my skin
dragons in my bones

i have looked at a cloudy sky
and thought of guangzhou
of shenzen
of nanjing

walls and death and power are my legacy
i was born the descendant of a tyrant
but i have changed it
twisted it
and now i am the ancestor of a diamond age

once upon a time we bound our feet in rags
and hobbled on dirt-packed roads
but not anymore
not anymore
now we sprint full-out to the east
the rising sun calls us like silken whispers
and we laugh at those who would hold us back

walls and death and power are the legacy
of those who reach for it
of those who write defiance on their chests
in ****** pinyin
and above all
of those who take the fireworks from their skin
and scream them alive
there's a power, you see, in seeing something your ancestors built. you think to yourself: "yes, i can match them. yes, i can surpass them."
1.3k · Feb 2016
texts to the universe
glassea Feb 2016
12:37 AM
do you ever wake up wondering whether the stars watch us

12:37 AM
like reverse stargazing

12:37 AM
do you think they see us like we see them or

12:38 AM
are we more familiar to them

12:38 AM
than the other way around

2:49 AM
hey you know what

2:49 AM
i think we're not so differ

2:49 AM

2:50 AM
us and the stars

2:52 AM
maybe you can tell me what you think when you meet them

3:17 AM
remember that one time jupiter swung down for the moon?

3:18 AM
i saw no stars that night

5:10 AM
you told me once that i'd forgotten to count the galaxies

5:12 AM
and i told you that

5:12 AM
the night before

5:13 AM
i'd never stopped counting

8:02 PM
don't you ever wonder what it would feel like

8:03 PM
to look down on the earth

8:27 PM
from the milky way?

8:40 PM
don't you ever wonder why we never will?
i just really like the idea of the celestial captured in human thoughts
glassea Jun 2015
yes, i move, i live, i make mistakes;
water that flows and blends, i feel
the fierce vertigo of movement:
smell the jungles, touch new earth.

yes, i move, i search for anything
suns, auroras, storms and forgetting.
why are you here wretched and worn?
you are the rock that i pass by.
Sí, yo me muevo, vivo, me equivoco;
agua que corre y se entremezcla, siento
el vértigo feroz del movimiento:
huelo las selvas, tierra nueva toco.

Sí, yo me muevo, voy buscando acaso
soles, auroras, tempestad y olvido.
¿Qué haces allí misérrimo y pulido?
Eres la piedra a cuyo lado paso.

-- Alfonsina Storni, ¿Y tú?


THIS IS NOT MY WORK. all rights go to alfonsina storni, whose copyright status i couldn't find because she's argentinian, but she's also been dead for more than 70 years, so. please let me know if you have more detailed information about the publication of this poem in particular.

went for meaning more than structure. translating is hard. I WANT TO DO MORE.
also have i mentioned how much i adore storni? this is easily my favorite of her poems. tu me quieres blanca? nah, y tu.
maybe i'll do another one for rhythm etc.
1.2k · May 2015
a tragedy in text messages
glassea May 2015
AVA:** drinking sriracha so that i can feel something
GRACE: *** how'd it go
AVA: not well
GRACE: *** ava u liar u r practically a genius
AVA: that's hilarious
GRACE: wish you were here
AVA: what???
GRACE: nvm, ignore me
GRACE: wrong person

GRACE: i'm sure ur test went fine
GRACE: ava you're my best friend and we don't keep secrets right?? i have. i've never told you that i love you because i'm afraid. i'm a coward and i'm so so sorry

This message has been deleted.
glassea May 2016
the first time
you caught me
i had a rock in my hand,
fingers dug into
ridges and pools.
it didn't fit my hand
as well as my
fingers through yours,
but i longed for
the blackblue bruises
i could leave behind.
i wanted it so
i made it work.

the rock is still
on my bookshelf,
hidden behind
the things i want
you to see.
now i substitute.
walls aren't as good as
corners that turn
away from you.
my hands aren't as good as
the fists of strangers.

boil over,
epileptic -
you think this is
rock bottom.
i don't tell you how
i've been lower before,
how i turned eight
and almost stepped
into your path
as you drove away.
i don't tell you how
i want to SLAM
my hands over my ears
though i don't need to
because you don't
talk to me
and i won't listen.
i don't tell you how
i can't cry
unless i'm angry.

when i tell you
the only truth i know
you spit on it
and push me aside.
i suppose a rock
is softer.
1.1k · May 2015
metaphorically speaking
glassea May 2015
if i could capture you with a metaphor
i'd say you were like the sea:
hidden power, tides moving with the moon.

i'd say you were like cliff diving
because i live for this temporary suicide
and the adrenaline rush halfway down.

i'd say you were like magnetism,
sparking, bending light,
drawing me in without discrimination.

i might even say that you were like a metaphor,
because they try to make sense of the impossible
and that's what you do with me.
1.1k · Feb 2016
free write on deafness
glassea Feb 2016
here’s kind of a funny story.

they knew i had hearing loss when i was eight. what followed was doctors and operations and more doctors and the funny thing is that they still don’t know why i can’t hear out of my right ear. what’s not quite as funny is how i treated it. how i thought that this was something to be ashamed of and hidden, how i thought that it was weak, somehow, to not be able to hear.

it’s hard in class, sometimes. if we’ve got some kind of discussion going and people all over the room are talking and i’ve got to turn my head, whipping around from person to person, trying to get my left ear pointed in their direction. i never make it every time so it’s always a cut, disjointed thing, the tail end of a sentence that i don’t have the context for. sometimes there’s background noise and that makes it worse. loud air conditioning or people whispering and i can’t focus, can’t hear, even when it’s just the teacher talking and i’ve gotten my left ear set up in their direction. i’d love to tell them to shut up but i’m pretty sure they think i’m aloof because sometimes when they talk to me i don’t hear them.

asking teachers for closed captions is hard. going up to them and pretty much telling them hey, i can’t hear, change your class for me, is something i don’t think i’ll ever be good at. and sometimes they don’t know what i’m talking about. sometimes they ask the class to fix it and oh god that’s embarrassing because i know it’s nothing to be ashamed of but i still am. ashamed, that is.

there are these old movies from the eighties that we watch in history class. they don’t have captions. the ones about china are my favorite because it’s like, that’s me. that’s who i could’ve been. and the movies, they’ve got these interview segments. people speaking in Chinese, their first language, and us listening. they turn down the volume on the Chinese and lay over it English translations of whatever it is they’re saying and maybe for other people that’s a good thing but for me it’s not. for me it means that the Chinese that i don’t really know but can guess at fades into this muddle of sound, English and Chinese and cheesy background music all mushed together in something that i can’t hear.

i still don’t know what they say on the school announcements and i’m done caring.

sometimes i’m sitting in the audience of the auditorium and i don’t really know what’s going on. school assemblies are the worst. rapping and fuzzy mikes and so much background noise that even if i wanted to hear the stage i wouldn’t be able to. all i can do is cover my left ear and try to ignore the faded feedback from the right. because it’s not rude if you’re not covering both ears, right?

(i can’t stand not knowing so it’s better to cut that off at the beginning. to make sure i know that i won’t be able to hear them with three-fourths of my hearing gone. it’s less disappointing, that way.)

i can hear the people i need to. it takes a while but if i know someone’s voice well enough, if i care enough to learn it, it’s easier to understand, even if i only catch an intonation of a syllable instead of a word. and they know. they know i can’t hear so they walk on my left side and i love them for it. if someone won’t walk on my left side when i ask them to i know that i won’t learn their voice.

someone tell me why it’s the twenty-first century and people still think “deaf and dumb” is a definition instead of an outdated relic. someone tell me why it’s the twenty-first century and audism runs rampant through people who would rather label us than know us. someone tell me why it’s the twenty-first century and there are still people who think deafness is an illness. that my hearing is something that should be cured. that it’s stupid, ridiculous, to be proud of a “defect.”

someone tell me why my ASL teacher didn’t stop to ask the class if someone had trouble hearing. wait, no, you don’t need to tell me. i know why. it’s because you assume hearing until you’re wrong and that’s so strange to me, because i haven’t been hearing in years and it’s not like i’m trying that hard to hide it. you’d think that someone who knows ASL would realize if one of her students had no idea what was going on.

the first thing someone asks me when they learn i’ve got hearing loss is whether i read lips. i don’t read lips. take away the sound and have me stare at a silent video and i’m helpless. but i can supplement. i can take what i’ve heard and match it up with the movement of the lips, the throat. is that an R? yeah, it is. did they say elephant? yeah, they did.

it took me a long time to tell myself that this was okay. that not all communication is verbal and how, exactly, is this an exception? maybe people think i’m strange for staring at their mouths when they speak but if they don’t know why it’s not really their business to know.

someone tell me why it took my whole life to realize that i don’t care whether i can hear or not as long as i understand the world around me.

that’s why math is my favorite class, i think. no lectures or explanations necessary. just me and the numbers and mathematical notation.

math is a class that i don’t need to hear in. and i’m most comfortable with the silence.
this is long and pretty much nonsensical but poetic more than anything else.

i'm not d/Deaf/HoH, fyi. just hearing impaired. but i know a bit about Deaf culture and pride and it's awesome.

...hopefully i didn't offend anyone? this is personal. i'm not trying to force my emotions and misconceptions on anyone.
1.1k · Jan 2016
glassea Jan 2016
the moon knows.

she has seen countless confessions in her light, watched life and death alike, and judged none of it. the moon is the one who will not whisper your secrets to the stars. she is just a reflection, after all. limited by her existence.

the sun is the one who will betray you, will turn his back on you, will scream everything you've done to everyone awake to hear. the sun shines and does not care if you burn beneath him.

the moon does not care, either, but she is not vindictive, and for that, we tell her things the sun will never know.

didn't anyone tell you that the moon can keep a secret?

she is not the sun.
i have a lot of feelings about the sun and the moon and i'm still working on getting them down.
1.1k · Apr 2015
past tense
glassea Apr 2015
how lucky i am
to have loved
and been loved by

has never been
on our side.)
a grammatical tense whose primary purpose is to place a situation in past time
1.1k · Jun 2015
i want to love you
glassea Jun 2015
my skin tingles like
it's trying to abandon the body
that was wired wrong

my feet itch like
if they could run away from me
they'd go to you hoping to be enough

and my chest hurts from
the heartache of not loving you
if i could love you like that, i would. guess i was just born wrong, huh?
1.0k · May 2016
whisper me savage truths
glassea May 2016
all i know of life comes from
dog-eared novels and
dusty encyclopedias and
half-caught dreams like
the shadows of leaves
dancing on closed blinds -
other people's views.

so whisper me savage truths.
don't think that falsehoods
will spare us.

tell me: is what i know real,
or a lie?
alternatively titled, "a recluse, speaking to a thunderbird"
1.0k · Oct 2015
we love incandescent
glassea Oct 2015
we love incandescent,
words growing light
that laughs at the dark.

we love incandescent,
gold in a world of grey,
dazzling in its misplacement.

we love incandescent
and sinuous and strange
and lies and logical madness.

we love incandescent,
and the witches come for us
like moths dying in candles.

we love incandescent
until you strangle my light
and i steal your fire
(a prometheus that wins)
and we both ignite.

we love incandescent
until it is me, alone,
watching your old mirror.

we love incandescent
and it is not your downfall
but my rebirth.
we loved incandescent as the sun set.
not a good plan.
even the half-blind can see a light in this dark.
glassea Jul 2017
say cowboy.
say hot dog.
say ice cream.
say baseball.
see, the step into the sound booth is an awkward height,
about 6 inches off the ground,
and i find myself raised on a pedestal,
sealed in for you to inspect,
watching you and an audiologist
through a glass window,
watching you decide my future
as you face away from me
so i cannot read your lips
and you cannot see me shouting stop.

say airplane,
say sidewalk,
say you might hear static in your right ear
but i know i will only hear a tone,
an electronic beep going on and on and on

say conducive hearing loss say sensoneurial damage say surgery say it might be permanent this time,
like it hasn't been permanent for the last ten years,
say there's a new technique say we can fix this,
say negative impact on social life, say poor classroom performance,
say we just want what's best for you,
say try hearing aids try CIs try cued speech,
say you need to be fixed.

it's been a decade since i first entered that sound booth,
noises not echoing off these walls that take a little more from me with every test.
it's been a decade since my hearing slipped away and
i am done mourning it but i don't think you are.

persistence is a valuable trait but stop trying,
stop putting me under with an x on my right cheek so the surgeons know how to lay me out on the operating table,
stop refusing to turn on the captions because i need the practice,
stop talking to me without tapping me first,
stop screaming at me when i mishear.

i am done mourning my hearing and i don't know if i ever grieved in the first place but you are still stuck in the stage of denial,
hoping against hope for some ******* miracle.
i don't want a miracle, i don't want anything god can give me because i am not lacking, i am whole, i already am the miracle you were looking for and i don't need to be fixed.

but you don’t believe that, do you?

so the audiologist can open the heavy soundproof door but i am still trapped inside this box,
the walls swallowing my words as you decide my future for me because
no one wants to listen to those who cannot hear.

say stop sign,
say hairbrush,
say push the button when you hear the beep
and i hold it down with my thumb,
gripping the clicker like the handle of a gun
until you tell me to let go.
but i hear deserts stretching away from me,
flat sci-fi dreamscapes where there is only one sound and i can hear it too.

say tinnitus,
say psychosomatic because you don't believe that i might hear infinity where you tell me i shouldn't.
say hole in the eardrum say the surgery might have accelerated the deterioration,
say we can try again but
i gave up ten years ago and i think you should too,
and i'm here in this sound booth screaming for you to stop
but you will not look at me,
will not even attempt communication.

no one wants to listen
to those who cannot hear.
this is meant to be spoken word.
944 · Mar 2015
pele (ii)
glassea Mar 2015
her eyes hold thunder
and her blood is magma.

what matters love
to a goddess of death?
928 · May 2015
glassea May 2015
you laugh long and loud
tell me anger is uncalled for
tell me "it's a compliment"

i want to tell you this:
my ancestors killed thousands
conquered nations
burned kings alive
yet somehow you think
that i can't do the same

maybe i'd just like to know
what makes you human
when you've torn me down
so inhumanly
it's the skin, isn't it?
920 · Jan 2016
glassea Jan 2016
sometimes i find myself confused
knowing that however much we speak
(however much i say i love you)
i will never know you as well as i do
raskolnikov, darl, hamlet, thoreau.

because i cannot read your thoughts
but i can read theirs.
oh, i can read theirs.
897 · Jul 2015
shower thoughts
glassea Jul 2015
it's funny that we bruise black and blue
when the anger behind them is so clearly red
897 · May 2015
glassea May 2015
secrets on your lips,
tremors in my hands -
we'll shake ourselves alive
and watch the earth burn
888 · Jun 2015
glassea Jun 2015
and i set myself with shoulders back
knees bent, eyes burning forwards -
all to pound my emotions into the floor
so i don't have to look at you anymore
854 · Dec 2015
glassea Dec 2015
what a strange species we are.

to burn so brightly for a lifetime
that we might have stolen the sun.

to die heartbeats later, light wasted,
remembered only in your photographs.
those sites finally took down my stolen work! yaaay!

i've got a heckuva lot of stuff backed up. that'll be going up over the next couple of weeks.
853 · Oct 2015
glassea Oct 2015
the people here do not stand
for the sky has fallen—

now, they crawl beneath
crumpled edifice and shattered glass
moaning trees and long-dead birdsong—

now, they crawl beneath their own skins
and try to remember
when they last saw the sun—
838 · May 2015
a modern desdemona
glassea May 2015
i think i fell in love with an idea
and i thought the idea was you

i think i fell out of love with you
when i realized i felt more alone
with you than without
a letter to othello
834 · Nov 2015
glassea Nov 2015
why do we speak to the moon?

we turn our secrets to
dark, shadowed, everchanging,
pulling the ocean's moods.

but then again -
i can't imagine telling this
to the sun.
823 · Jun 2015
a ten word story (xiv)
glassea Jun 2015
maybe if we could
let this go
we'd be fine
799 · May 2015
a ten word story (ix)
glassea May 2015
claustrophobia is
and hearing
your own cries
echo back.
i know it's all in my head, but my gut doesn't
798 · Oct 2015
glassea Oct 2015
751 · Oct 2015
glassea Oct 2015
it tastes like quiet, here
the trees watch and do not
movespeakbreathe -
they do not tell the curious sky
what is changing below

it tastes like quiet, here
eighteen species of birds
gone deaf from this silence,
and thirty more
who have forgotten their song

it tastes like quiet, here
shining goldgreengray with
the darkest of clouds

it tastes like quiet, here
and it is so easy
to forget yourself:
impose the heart on forests
and leave it behind

and it tastes like quiet, you think
but you do not remember
knowing anything else
748 · Feb 2016
modern art piece
glassea Feb 2016
i am not your canvas.
you cannot cover my empty spaces
with colors that you chose and i hate.

i won't let you hide my words.
just because you can't see them
doesn't mean they're not there.
i am a blank canvas but
i know more than you ever will
about art and its anger.

there's something in my not-there
i've always hidden from you.
it's not the purity you think i have.
see, when you make that first stroke
i become a painting
and not potential.

when you're empty people look
and they do not view, but dream.
let them fill me in themselves.
i'm no accomplice in your crusade
to limit what they see.

i am not your canvas.
hang me as i am.
745 · Aug 2015
the trouble with daydreams
glassea Aug 2015
i'm enamored with the past and the future
but the present cannot stand alone
glassea Nov 2016
the sun and moon collided,
burning desperate tragedies.

but i think you and i
might have been the real casualties.
726 · Oct 2015
glassea Oct 2015
i can't love you.

i'm already in love with
someone else's words.
718 · Nov 2015
glassea Nov 2015
insomnia is its own kind of madness
for when the world lies dead quiet
and your logic cannot sleep
you start to wonder
what starlight would taste like
if you drank it from the moon
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