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The morning comes, and dark clouds appears
Facebook notification alerts me about those clouds
Are clearing today and I must look out for sunshine
So what about me: what about our equanimity
in the New York city?

What am I going to wear?
Here I am dress up like polar bears
Watching my window curtain clings again the window pane
So cold inside, so are the contents in the tupperware
Looking forward to this sunny day, before the night comes
Longing for that special trip to the Caribbean sunshine,

The air in the city seem so misty and *****
The loud traffics sound is deafen, it's sicken
It’s time for some March morning moonshine

The traffic light by Walgreen pharmacy is on the ground
The black ice still hangs around in the big city

A poet lamenting about the well-being of the city dwellers
As many folks filed grievances about living conditions of Newyorkers
A poet might as well filed a complaint over conditions,
that led up to her cold, cold **** and *****
Can't you feel the sparks?
Between our hands were fireworks
where are we going?
When Simon was born,
He had a rare syndrome,
The Treacher Colin one.

It included missing ears,
And condescending from it,
Were the missing years.

But he had his luck shining,
He met Vicky on sign language classes,
That he attended as he is challenged.

Even though Simon can not hear,
He heard Vicky's heart beat for him,
And both of them had a baby.

Unluckily, the baby has TCS as well,
But we must take time to appreciate,
Time & love the parents dedicate.

They named the daughter Alice,
So beautiful and healthy she is,
For Simon's burning wounds she is the ice.

Especially Simon Moore is careful,
Careful that his daughter is happy,
So she doesn't get the missing years,
A tough road lies ahead with missing ears.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is a huge challenge and I so greatly respect anyone and everyone with the TCS.

Simon Moore is an inspiration for me.

My HP Poem #1466
©Atul Kaushal
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