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Killing all reasoning at once,  he fell in love with a distant star
to merge with him,by any means, she too started a suicidal fall,
as they swung,in space, light years raced alarmingly between them
their hope eternal( tragic, thought others) became,the light they are.
what makes the spirit survive, even when everything seems dark
 Jan 2015 Geetha Jayakumar
You told me you loved me that night after track
You told me you loved me & I said it back.
You told me you loved me & we were forever
You told me you loved me no matter the weather.
You told me you loved me, but I didn't believe you
You told me you loved me & 'I'll never leave you'.
You told me you loved me & it was fast and quick
You told me you loved me but my laugh made you sick.
You told me you loved but this was the last
You told me you loved her & our love was the past.
I dreamt of slow-dancing
and we waltzed until I woke
Hazy scent of desires unspoke
I, mangled with your absence,
breathe a mere thought of
reality's biting grip and rip
the blanket from my bones
Naked and exposed, more
vulnerable and assured
than ever to disclose
those tender tickles
I feel when in repose,
visceral and verbose
I spew black for it's
pronounced and bold
amplifying the dark hold
melted to my frame
Bursting free, finally
with a pounding chest,
primary shades to express,
and fear tentatively at rest
Your hand in mine gives
a soft and slow caress
and I exhale our dance
of coalesce.
For some,
                 the most difficult part
      of being loved
is the fear
your lover will awaken
                                   one day
realize *you are undeserving of it.
Standing camouflaged
In the shadow,
Back pressed against
The wall
Like a masked
Cat burglar,
Is the coward,
Never present
Until gone;
Like sleep,
In playgrounds and hospitals,
Airports and backyard pool;
Or by knives, decrees,
Enemies or envy,
Even by longevity
Or in explosive proximity.
Cheeks drain. Eyes pool
At the moment of recognition,
When the sneak thief
Is present,
He's gone.
The Huron waters
Don't breach their shores,
The heavenly bodies
Don't leave their spheres;
Fireworks don't
Fill my eyes;
My love is not ethereal
Not everlasting
Or transcendental.
My love is comely.
Factual not fictional.
Less passion with caution.
I love you when
I bring your morning coffee
As your day opens.
I love you when
I bring a snack
And say, Corpus Mea,
And fall forever.
Hold my hand.
I love you in comely ways.
 Jan 2015 Geetha Jayakumar
I'm sorry if I missed you and
its okay if you don't.

I'm sorry if I loved you so much;
And its okay if you haven't love me enough.

I'm sorry I cared;
And it's okay if you don't.

I'm sorry I'm just simple;
And it's okay if you let me down.

I'm sorry I accepted you;
And it's okay for abandoning me.

I love you, maybe it's time to leave,
But I won't because my heart will bleed.
#Iloveyou #sorry #depressed
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