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some seeds
- sunflowers.

watch them now
in the morning:
bright yellow,
blue skies.

don't know why
i turn to darkness.
purple dawn,rain clouds
stepped back, perhaps  awaiting
right time to rush in!
She is a woman
She's not everything you want her to be
Respect is not to be demanded
It should come naturally
Their intelligence is spiced with beauty
Filled with virtues of integrity and patience

You may think she's fragile but she can knock you down anytime
The universe is within her...she can make her own decisions
She's not an object for you to satisfy your lust with..
You can feel warmth and affection from her smile

I hope things were better now,
Where everyone is happy and contented
Where women dont have to carry pepper sprays in their handbags everytime they go out..
Just for one day...try to imagine yourself in their shoes

So, lets be thankful for all the women present in our lives
WHo have touched and inspired us
Believed in us and taught us to be resilient
Cause we men can never survive without them in our lives
Its International Women's Day today and i'd like to dedicate a piece for all the women from this planet who have been through a lot of struggles and pain..faced humiliation but have fought hard to survive in this godforsaken world...
The sea is still today
It's cerulean blue and gold
I think of the thoughts it carries
Within its hidden folds.
Its touch is soft and gentle
It soothes the ache of years
But I wonder how many waves
Are made from fallen tears.
Dear everyone,

This is such a surprise! Thank you all for your likes, loves and responses. I have not been very active on Hello Poetry, but will get back in action soon. So much appreciated. Thank you Hello Poetry for selecting this as a daily. Thank you so much my friends and fellow poets for taking the time to read this poem of mine. It means the world to me.  Love to everyone **
Resting the mind is not easy
it dances like a sparrow
and speaks like a babbler
seeking the minutest grain
from the jungle of weeds
tweeting what it has to say
from one perch to the other
in all weather.

Then the aching wings falling slow
by the cold north wind
find no worth in the haste
seek a rest
perching upon some heart.

When unbroken silence is all it has
the mind rests easy in peace.
Two aging message senders
and receivers, circumspect
men of reflective thoughts
and words spoken, written.
Wayfarers from divergent
oceans converging.

Both Harpooners of the
unexamined life, seekers
of truths and wisdom.
Kindred spirits different
and yet the same,
A spiritual awakening,
a brotherly bond in the making.

Both touched and renewed
by a voyage taken
upon a common sea
of curious self discovery.
For Nat and his effort to cross a
continent to extend the hand
of friendship and discover "Oregun."
in this lifetime
there is you and me
and once we were meant to be
but this is not our universe
and our story is a curse
and so the galaxies conspires
to take away what’s not ours — this love
this love has never been ours.
the stars that once align
to give way to our love so fine
are now falling from the sky
because we don’t anymore deserve their shine
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