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 May 2018 Gabriel
Louise Glück
I became a criminal when I fell in love.
Before that I was a waitress.

I didn't want to go to Chicago with you.
I wanted to marry you, I wanted
Your wife to suffer.

I wanted her life to be like a play
In which all the parts are sad parts.

Does a good person
Think this way? I deserve

Credit for my courage--

I sat in the dark on your front porch.
Everything was clear to me:
If your wife wouldn't let you go
That proved she didn't love you.
If she loved you
Wouldn't she want you to be happy?

I think now
If I felt less I would be
A better person. I was
A good waitress.
I could carry eight drinks.

I used to tell you my dreams.
Last night I saw a woman sitting in a dark bus--
In the dream, she's weeping, the bus she's on
Is moving away. With one hand
She's waving; the other strokes
An egg carton full of babies.

The dream doesn't rescue the maiden.
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
Christina Hale
Whatever poise you get out of college
I hope you come back stoic, joyful, and non-stiff
Well there's a genius in you, I know it
Tell that genius before she leaves she owes me one last freakin' kiss
Don't update your Facebook status to you miss me to let you know I still exist
I hope all the girls you plan on making out with gives you ****** on your lips
It' s about that time for you to leave and depart with your ride
I hope it rains there on your long drive
Just know that I'll be thinking about you every second of the day and every minute on the hour
Oh, what you would do to me if you knew you had this much power

Tell all the femme girls you meet
About the tomboy/girl back in your state
The tomboy/girl you used to date
The tomboy/girl who can't stand you 'til this day

There she goes off to college, she's leaving me
She's gonna forget about me
No vice versa, I think it's the other way around
You're gone, goodbye, go away
I knew you weren't here to stay
Well not with me anyway
But just remember me when you see
Those femme girls you oh so get along well with
Because I knew from the start
That this would all fall apart
Look at me, look at you
Look at them look at you
You would get along so well
Do me this, when you go away to Delaware
Away from here
This non-gay New Jersey state
Tell them all about the tomboy/girl you used to date

Tell all the femme girls you meet
About the tomboy/girl back in your state
The tomboy/girl you use to date
The tomboy/girl who can't stand you 'til this day

I know it wasn't my I don't know, I don't care, I guess, maybe, probably, eventually, ya think, you should know, whatever, shut up, *******, geek, loser, oh you're so smart
That broke us apart
So, when you go away from here
To Delaware
Away from this non-gay New Jersey state
Just tell all those straight femme like girls about the tomboy/girl you used to date

Tell all the femme girls you meet
About the tomboy/girl back in your state
The tomboy/girl you used to date
The tomboy/girl who can't stand you 'til this day
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
coming out
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
unspoken words,
years of silence

it is time
to spread my wings

to embrace;

i am transgender
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
if you see a bright light it's only human nature to chase after it
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
Dara Brown
who will help me
the poor black soul
that the world has abandoned
like lost mail they
did not return for?

& so i wait
& watch the world
day after day
get on with their lives
freely & unscathed
with the only ticket needed
their white skin
leaving mine
stamped invalid
& destined to turn
blood red
from brown
 Mar 2018 Gabriel
i want to get high in foreign cities
travel to places i have yet to lay my eyes on
pack a bag and take off, my only motive to feel free
i want to kiss lovers on pavement my toes have never touched
beneath trees rooted with legends in their leaves
ensuring everlasting love
and i want to feel light, rather than weighed down
anchored to one small town
i want to drop everything and get away
to places where time is altered
and the stars are always present
whether it be in the night sky or people's eyes
i want to fall in love with strangers, cities, and scenes
i crave so deeply to feel free
to start anew

but at the same time
i want you to come too

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